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Bevel Gradients thumbnail

Bevel Gradients

A quick introduction to the new gradient features in the Bevel StackA quick introduction to the new gradient features in the Bevel Stack 

Categories: Demo


0:00 [Music]
0:07 so I just wanted to show you a quick
0:11 demonstration of the new gradient
0:12 feature in the bevel stack we've now got
0:15 a selector button here that we can turn
0:19 on the gradients with it will default to
0:20 the original color that you may have had
0:24 set in a previous instance of the stack
0:26 and you can see we get two extra colors
0:29 to play with so we've got a mid color
0:31 and an end color it's pretty
0:35 self-explanatory I think most people
0:36 know about gradients there are a couple
0:39 of little extra tricks we can do though
0:40 with bevel first thing is we've got
0:43 three color stops here so we can play
0:46 with these if we pick the mid stop so
0:48 that's going to be the point at which
0:50 this mid color transitions to the end
0:55 color we can push that down so we just
0:58 got a little tip we can pull it back up
1:00 again if we move the base stop down
1:05 beyond the mid stop as soon as it goes
1:08 beyond the mid stock you see we start to
1:10 get us distinct line rather than a
1:12 gradient and we can take you down we can
1:15 even bring the mid stop rip down a bit
1:18 further as well and constrain the
1:20 gradient to the bottom of the bevel but
1:24 just for now let's let's push the mid
1:25 stock right the way down and let's click
1:29 this gradient follows angle button so
1:31 that sort of does what you'd expect it
1:33 to such as the gradient then follows the
1:36 angle but I wanted to show you it with
1:38 this stops adjusted because you can make
1:40 quite nice borders on the angle and if
1:41 you push it all the way then you can
1:46 essentially use the gradient like a
1:49 border which is something else that had
1:51 been asked for these are not integers
1:55 they are decimals so you can you can get
1:58 it really nice and tight if you want to
2:00 just an age on your bill let's pull that
2:03 base top back down a few other things to
2:08 note about it if you're using it
2:13 at 50% split light as in the default or
2:18 you're using it at one end or the other
2:21 for a straight bevel you can do what you
2:25 like essentially by unchecking the
2:28 gradient follows angle you will get a
2:30 flat gradient the one place you
2:33 shouldn't uncheck this is if you're
2:35 using hold splits and this is pretty
2:37 rare but if you use an odd split then
2:40 it's going to go wrong because when it's
2:42 not following the angle we're
2:44 subtracting the gradient angle from the
2:49 gradient itself and the two sides aren't
2:54 gonna match so you just turn on gradient
2:56 follows angle if you really want a
2:57 gradient when you've got a split that's
3:00 not either naught fifty or a hundred
3:02 percent let's just push that base stop
3:07 down a bit six and so we get a bit of a
3:10 distinct gradient showing again and then
3:14 we'll just have a look at a few other
3:16 things if we switch it to vertical we
3:20 get a vertical representation let's just
3:22 reduce that padding down a bit and we've
3:26 got the split let's put that back to
3:29 fifty so it's nice and symmetrical so
3:32 exactly the same things apply when it's
3:34 vertical in terms of making making edges
3:37 on the gradients and messing around with
3:41 the color stops we can turn the follow
3:45 angle off as well if we make the angle
3:47 more extreme you'll see this more easily
3:49 so it's like fifteen degrees so now it's
3:53 following the angle now it's flat again
3:56 if we make it a sharp line you can see
4:00 that very clearly and it is following
4:03 the anklet if we go back to our
4:08 horizontal level and just to take some
4:11 of this crop off because I've put a load
4:13 of padding on it you can all
4:18 so think about making different double
4:25 bevels if you like with this um if we
4:27 reduce the top stop back and we get a
4:31 nice sharp line it's a bit like a a big
4:37 fat border but we've we've essentially
4:39 made a double angle if the base color
4:42 was white of course then and we push it
4:49 all the way down past there then we made
4:53 a chevron which you could do with bevel
4:56 in other ways but that's a very quick
4:59 and simple way to do it so let's let's
5:03 pull that that base color back to some
5:06 sort of some sort of blue that looks
5:08 half decent a few other things to be
5:12 aware of if you start using inward
5:15 angles these use a portion of the height
5:20 so you stop so going to need adjusting
5:23 the the gradients will work but for
5:26 inward angles we're going to need to
5:28 push everything and which way it that
5:35 way so just play with them and you'll
5:39 you'll soon you'll soon get there so if
5:42 we push the end stop back out of the way
5:49 and there we go we've got our a gradient
5:52 if we turn the follow angle off it will
5:54 be a horizontal gradient if we now on
6:00 our inward
6:00 and we make them face upwards then these
6:03 three stops are going to have to be up
6:05 this end so let's just try and replicate
6:07 that quickly wrong way around the you
6:15 can see that there we go
6:17 we're following the angle so it's a bit
6:19 more difficult to see it's a bit easier
6:22 to see if we let me go but you saw in
6:27 there there are some quite interesting
6:29 effects that you can make
6:30 just playing with these color stops so
6:33 I'm sort of discovering as I go there
6:35 but the best way is that so
6:37 things like that for instance you could
6:40 do if you really wanted to I've don't
6:42 know why you'd want to but it's just
6:45 easy to play with and and see what you
6:48 can do and we'll put it back to facing
6:51 outwards but upwards and then you see
6:53 we've got a little splurge of color
6:58 emanating from the bottom we pushed all
7:01 the way up and replicate what we just
7:03 saw the other way so it's just a case of
7:04 playing with these color stops and you
7:06 can you can do all sorts of interesting
7:10 things so same rules apply if you start
7:14 going off without splits you're going to
7:19 get you might want something like that
7:21 could be an interesting effect and some
7:23 backgrounds I don't know but noir split
7:26 then we're going to have to adjust their
7:28 color stops to push it out but odd
7:33 splits we're going to get weird effects
7:36 no matter what we do without color stops
7:38 we'll always get that vertical line so
7:40 really unless you want to turn on follow
7:43 follow angle avoid odd split numbers and
7:47 that is gradients in a nutshell thanks
7:52 for watching"}]
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