About Stacks Guru

Stacks Guru is born from the need to search the vast number of videos out there on stacks built for Stacks Pro and the Stacks 5 plugin for Rapidweaver.

We have scraped over 500 videos to get the transcripts for each in order to make the spoken word searchable.

Please use this free tool to help you learn and discover the awesome power that Stacks and the stacks made for Stacks have to offer.

Stacks Guru

Video Reference

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Every little bit helps to keep this going. I'll be doing my very best to keep up with the likes of Joe when it comes all the videos he posts!


Partial Power

Partial Power

​🚀 Master Partial Power: Enhance Your Website Efficiency! 🚀 Welcome to "Partial Power" by Stacks Basecamp! 🌟 In this tutorial, we'll uncover the incredible power of partials for efficient website development using the Stacks plugin and Foundation 6 by Weaver's Space. Whether you're managing a large site with multiple components or a small site that needs to stay organized, partials are your secret weapon! 💡
Categories: Tutorial
Multistep Forms in Foundation 6 with Joshua Omilian

Multistep Forms in Foundation 6 with Joshua Omilian

There have been some interesting questions on multistep forms lately on the community. So I thought it would be fun to explore some topics that have not previously been covered on the live stream. You may also want to watch our previous stream on multistep forms. Today we will look at F6 Brancher stack and dive into making some interesting logic with Agent and Pi.
Categories: Live
Foundation Swatches - Back to the Basics

Foundation Swatches - Back to the Basics

I thought it would be good to go back to the basics with swatches. There are a lot of swatches now. I feel that it's important to know your tools. It can be confusing to know when to use which swatch. So today we are going to familiarize ourselves with these tools in our toolbox. We will look at how to find the swatch that you need and maybe some good practices on how to organize them.
Categories: Live
Cumbre Getting Started

Cumbre Getting Started

This video show you how to set up Cumbre from beginning to end!
Categories: Demo
Cumbre Introduction

Cumbre Introduction

Calling all web developers! It's time to discover the magic of the Cumbre project file for Stacks and Foundation 6. Join us as we unveil its secrets in this eye-opening video tutorial that will revolutionize your approach to web design. With step-by-step guidance and insider knowledge, you'll be equipped to create stunning websites with ease. Ready to elevate your skills? Don't wait another second - watch the video now! Buy Cumbre! https://stacksbasecamp.com/store/cumbre
Categories: Launch
Cumbre Launch to support Stacks Pro Development

Cumbre Launch to support Stacks Pro Development

Chris Powers is doing it again! This time with a pretty insane deal. Chris has a new Cumbre project file that is not your typical "site in a box" project file. Cumbre will serve as your basecamp for new projects. It has a ton of pre-built solutions that can serve as a perfect place to start for a page. Now 100% of the proceeds from the Cumbre launch event will be going straight to Isaiah to help the Stacks Pro development train moving along. So hop onto the Stacks Pro train with us. Choo Choo!
Categories: Live
Secret Foundation Swatches

Secret Foundation Swatches

So you have Foundation and the Foundation Swatch Pack. You love the power and efficiency of swatches. But did you know that there are many secret swatches hidden inside other stacks that can give you more super powers with your swatches? Let's dive in and see what you have been missing.
Categories: Live
Foundation 6 Copy to Clipboard and how to use with Total CMS

Foundation 6 Copy to Clipboard and how to use with Total CMS

In this video I teach you how you can use the copy to clipboard functionality built into the Foundation 6 button stack. I then take things to another level and teach you how you can use this along with Total CMS to create powerful custom layouts that can be fully edited online.
Categories: Demo
Hangout - Points 2.4, Foundation 6.14 Preview and more

Hangout - Points 2.4, Foundation 6.14 Preview and more

I know that we did a hangout last Wednesday. But I was working on Foundation 6.14 until 4am today. Not sure I had the energy to a full official live stream. But I know that we all love hangouts. They are always a good time. So today I plan on chatting about Points 2.4 and the upcoming updates to Foundation 6.14. I am sure a bunch more topics will come up. I hope to see you there.
Categories: Live Hangout
Making Stacks with Swatch w/ guest Chris Powers

Making Stacks with Swatch w/ guest Chris Powers

In last week's live stream, we made built a stack from scratch. At the end of the stream I challenged everyone to build the same stack using Foundation 6 swatches.
Chris Powers accepted the challenge and built exactly that. Chris is joining me today to show off how he built the layout card with animation effects. Chris is also going to give you a sneak peak at a new project that he has been working on for quite a while.
Categories: Live