About Stacks Guru

Stacks Guru is born from the need to search the vast number of videos out there on stacks built for Stacks Pro and the Stacks 5 plugin for Rapidweaver.

We have scraped over 500 videos to get the transcripts for each in order to make the spoken word searchable.

Please use this free tool to help you learn and discover the awesome power that Stacks and the stacks made for Stacks have to offer.

Stacks Guru

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Every little bit helps to keep this going. I'll be doing my very best to keep up with the likes of Joe when it comes all the videos he posts!

Cloudflare Dev Tools for Stack Pro - A Quick Look thumbnail

Cloudflare Dev Tools for Stack Pro - A Quick Look

Unleash the power of your website with the all-new Cloudflare Dev Tools stack. Offering seamless integration and control over Cloudflare's Development Mode and Cache Purging, this stack eliminates the need to navigate through the Cloudflare interface. With just a click from your own website, you can now effortlessly toggle Cloudflare's Development Mode on and off. This simple stack provides convenience and enhanced functionality to your fingertips, freeing you from the time-consuming process of logging in and navigating through Cloudflare's site. Take your website performance to the next level by leveraging Cloudflare's robust CDN. This stack also enables you to bypass cached files whenever needed. This is the perfect tool for webmasters seeking optimum control and efficiency. Check out this quick overview of the Cloudflare Dev Tools stack. https://stacksweaver.com/stacks/cloudflare-dev-tools

Categories: Launch


hey everybody it's Joshua from
staxweaver today I want to show you my
new stack cloudflare Dev tools Cloud for
devtools allows you to do three things
first it allows you to see development
mode status right on your website
two allows you to toggle development
mode right from your admin area and
three allows you to purge all cache on
cloudflare from your admin area let me
give you a quick preview of this
I'm just going to jump into the admin
area here
now if you actually see here on the top
right you see here that Dev mode is
disabled this is giving me a live status
of development mode for my website if we
go into the settings here jump down to
the admin area
you see down here I have development
mode is disabled and I have two buttons
I have enable and Purge cache so if I
enable development mode
this will now bypass cloudflare's cache
for my website and serve up all of my
content directly off my web server this
will stay on for three hours and
automatically turn back off
or you can just turn it off yourself
just right here inside of your admin
you see there now it is disabled and
then if I need to purge cash you just
click Purge cash and you're good to go
and that is a quick look at cloudflare
Dev tools if you want to see the full
process check out my other video where I
go through a full setup of the
cloudflare dev tools stack