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F62SQLite for Stacks Pro - Walkthrough thumbnail

F62SQLite for Stacks Pro - Walkthrough

In this video we go over the F62SQLite stacks from StacksAppStacks.com

Categories: Demo


very simple form that I have set up that
just collects name a message and an
uploaded image so in this case I'm just
going to quickly go in here and put in
name and I'm just going to upload an
image and submit the
form now after I submit the form I have
a redirection that will take me me to a
feeds page that pulls from this
database so right now we can see here
that we have this entry Joshua
hello we can view this entry as well as
edit this entry the edit function is
part of the F6 to sq update stack this
allows us to actually update the fields
that are in the record for the SQ
table we'll just change the message from
hello so Hello nice to meet you
today so see here now that we have
updated this entry you can also go back
to the database list and that record has
updated so this data is stored in an sqa
database and is being updated via the F6
to sq update stack and feeds here
viewing the database let's just just put
in another
entry you can see in here we have now
added another entry into the database we
also have the ability to view this one
as well as edit the entry and update any
of the
details so that is the basics of the F6
to sq Stacks now let's have a look into
this so after you have created your form
that need to collect the data that
you're looking to do you're going to
drag the F6 to escalate stack onto your
page in here some very basic settings
that you need to set up you need to set
where your database is going to be the
database name and the table name this
will create the database even if it does
not exist already you can choose where
you want to store your files and whether
or not you want to store the files in
the table I'm not going to go over the
store files in the table option in this
video but that is an option that you can
do in this case I've selected to have
the URL of the file to be stored into
the database what this allows us to do
is actually have the files right here
stored in the same location as the
database so I've chosen to put the
images into this data folder and then
the URL to that file stored into the
database what this looks like on your
actual server would be this so in here
is the escate database and these are the
two images that we uploaded with the
form and that's all the setting you need
there now part of setting up F6 sq8 is
getting this Ajax request set
up so if we actually preview the
here and you see the step one is to add
a aex request to your form so we've
added an Ajax request to our form and in
there you need to set the URL to F6
tosql light. PHP by default your Ajax
request will be a post so all you need
to do is add in the F6 sq. pH HP in that
URL now in my form I also wanted it to
redirect after it successfully added
data to the database so I added a
redirect to the actual database page
where we've set up the feeds that view
the data and that's it that's all you
need to do to start collecting data into
an sqa database now for the database
page what I have here is just a feeds
hooked up to the SQ database I'm not
really going to go over the feed setup
this is something that you can do on one
of the feeds videos from Weaver
space one of the important things to set
up with feeds is the option to view the
entry and that we've done this here
where we have a link that would go to
the entry into the
ID what this allows us to do is go to
this entry page which we've set up here
and this entry page allows you to view
the ID as well as edit so how do we set
up the editing portion well first of all
you'll see here that this is the entry
I've set this up as
entry and on the actual site when we go
view you can see in the URL up here that
we're on the entry ID equals 1 if we go
back and View the second one this is ID
equals 2 to set up the editing with F6
to sq8 update first we're going to
create another page called
edit so on this here you see the
navigation is edit index.php and then we
Dr the F6 to escalate update stack onto
the page in this stack we are going to
also point to the exact same
database now on redirect on submit we
want it to go back to the entry and we
want it to pass the record ID what this
allows you to do is after you've gone
into this record to edit the record when
you hit submit it's going to pass you
back to the entry and the ID that this
is so you see this is
id2 how do we get this edit button but
to work so after we've created this page
and we know that it's edit all we need
to do is pass off the ID the entry ID
that we're in to the edit page so if we
were to go look at this
link we'll see here that we're going up
a page and then going to the edit and
we're passing the ID equals an ID
macro and that's it so now when you
click the edit entry see that when we
hover this button now that it has the
proper link to the record of id2 that we
programmed into the link and we click
that link now we're editing that now
this page is really cool is this page is
being dynamically created from the
database entry there is some other
settings inside of the um F6 to escalate
update where you could remove specific
fields from being edited this is
beneficial if you don't want specific
Fields being changed by the
user for instance say we didn't want the
F name to be edited we can actually just
go in here and type in file
name and publish this out so now when we
go to edit this
entry file name is no longer there which
is very useful if you have fields that
you don't need to be
edited that is a quick video on how to
use F6 to sqlite Stacks from stack app