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Stacks Guru is born from the need to search the vast number of videos out there on stacks built for Stacks Pro and the Stacks 5 plugin for Rapidweaver.

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Hangout Time! Live Q&A and maybe some live coding thumbnail

Hangout Time! Live Q&A and maybe some live coding

I thought it was time for another Wednesday hangout. Come with your own questions as well, and we will answer them all during the hangout. Maybe we can dive into a little live coding of the Total CMS 3 gallery stuff if we get bored. I hope to see you there!

Categories: Live


okay let's see are we we're we're now live so excellent all right uh let me
let me launch the YouTube chat in case anyone's over there I don't think anyone would be but we'll
see all right excellent so
well were you able to get did you put it on a on a subdomain or something like that and get it working or or you
haven't you haven't tried that part that
yet me yes you yeah you this um I I I did get it working
when putting it in the root um yeah I think I I made a subdomain yeah and that
did work but I didn't test it a lot yet uh since I'm overwhelmed with client
projects here um but it did work I tried text and image that worked now waiting
for the gallery yes I'm I'm working on that I start I started that yesterday so
hopefully okay yeah hopefully we'll we'll have that released next week I'm gonna shoot for
next week I'd love to say this week but I know I'm going to hit some issues I already hit some yesterday that I wasn't
anticipating so okay hopefully uh hopefully by next week okay that would be the next official TCMS 3 beta
update yeah I I I think I might do Galler and then ship an update I was going to wait for gallery and files and
Depot but I I don't want to make you guys wait that long so I I might I might just get Gallery done um I might massage
some stuff in blog um just to make it a little bit more user friendly um and
like turn on and off the fields in the in the blog post um in the blog for um just so it's you have a little bit
more flexibility um and then uh Gary uh ju
had a great idea about um in the demo project having um like
the four blog pages that we would need for like a live build right the the list page the the post page and on the admin
inside the list page and the post page right so um I kind of had that for feeds now and he was able to actually get one
together for blog based on feeds which was cool it's good to see that but yeah I should I should create something just
like here's here's a Blog that works you know so you can just get that up and working um so
yeah exciting times I'm really happy I also had here I'll even um had a great
meeting with Isaiah yesterday I got to see the the latest beta that is going to
be released um and he was going to ship it last night but I convinced him actually had one more thing for me
before we uh we do it so hopefully he's he's going to do that today um and hopefully uh yeah hopefully we'll get a
beta say by the end of this week we should have a new beta that um is much more functional than the ones we have
now especially if he adds the one feature that I requested that means a lot of my stacks will now work in Stacks
Pro because right now a lot of my stacks don't work in Stacks Pro because he he purposely turned off something called
libraries and I use that a lot so that means a lot of my stacks don't work um
so and he he wasn't aware of that he's like oh I didn't think anyone used that like
no so yeah um yep he said it was he thought it was gonna be a pretty trivial fix um to enable that back in in Pro and
we should be good to go there so I'm happy about that
right and alongside total CS3 I'm going to be creating a I think the First theme
I'm going to create for Stacks Pro is going to be based on the reason theme from Rapid Weaver it's just a really
clean simple theme um so yeah I think I think the First theme that will be uh
and what will be cool is I'm actually going to integrate Foundation into it so it'll be a foundation theme but like a
traditional theme so you can use all the foundation stacks and everything inside of it um so that'll be kind of cool
great yeah if the next theme could could be strata strata okay I forget what
strata was let's here let's you have you have a site that uses it uh yes one
second uh uh www. data to the the the the character 2
net uh oh I have to De I had it in my browser history so I assume that's data
toet de yes d let's share why
not of course yeah it's a quite old side for one of my clients but this client is
important for me since they're doing it work and their clients often need new
websites and yeah they always U um yeah
um tell them that they should go to me to make websites so it's it's it's an
important client for me and yeah it's it's a very easy Todo theme I think for
you okay um and yeah I would love to make I would love
to um uh make the the site for them new um based on Foundation 6 and then your
new um Strutter theme okay I still have
you sent me a list of a handful of Nick Kate's themes that you wanted um I I have I still have that saved that
support ticket's still open actually because I want to make sure I refer to that um when I'm doing it um so cool
thank you for the feedback yep if anyone else has a Nick Kates theme that you're like I need I I want this theme in stack
Pro let me know and um I I do own the entire Nick Nick katees catalog
minus the I think it was the latest two themes that he had real ma bought those
out before I had a chance um and real max now killed them so um well they've
killed them for their feuture products I should say because themes are gone I I
think I have all of the niade themes but I never used one because always use
Foundation six so it's no need to have a seam yeah it'll
be interesting to see how I can going going from Foundation 6 and
and the customizability that we have there basically it's you could you have a blank slate going back to see how can
we make a theme better right in terms of you know a layout but then also because
if I bake Foundation 6 into it maybe give us a little bit more customization than what we were used to you know in
the old rapid Weaver days right so it'll be interesting um and sta Pro actually
has some some extra features now um oops sorry one second I have an emergency
person calling
me hey Chris hello I sent you a message on
Weaver space Oh yeah okay I will check it shortly sorry about that um so yeah
uh you know it' be interesting to see oh I was going to say Stacks Pro also has its theme API is very different and much
better than rapid weav um so it'll be interesting to see uh what we can do
with it in terms of allowing you to customize themes more than um than what
we had the ability to in Rapid Weaver um so yeah it'll it'll be interesting to
see how that blossoms over the years because I I do think that you know a lot
of times if you just want a quick site a theme is obviously a gives you a little
bit leg up in terms of design right um I I if if you don't want the full
customizability I'm not going away from that Foundation 6 will always be there right for the blank slate people that
want to create everything from scratch um that's most likely how I'm going to build all of my sites too um but it's
that that cup of tea isn't for everybody right
anyone else working on anything cool got any questions come fired up with any questions today David you're always good for a
question or two I was up at 6 this morning I was uh
setting up the um Vibra cart and my USL database but quite I haven't quite
managed to get into it yet oh okay okay so but uh the charity one's coming along
anyway should have something to show you by Friday excellent can't wait to see it so uh I wanted to get Vibra cart working
but we shall see cool Ryan I released that update for you
bud video Pro GNA be a while but it was tricky uh it was tricky and I said it
would be in the next update and it is I already shipped it okay that was like 10 minutes ago what
well I I I I already I already fixed it and then I said it was tricky um oh okay all right
say all right where are you'all getting the link to get to this Zoom meeting I meeting I had to have Scott send it to
me oh it was on the community my email link to the community post and there's a join Zoom link right there on the
community post was it not or did it I thought it
was there the little red one works yeah the red one below the video bed yeah yep
that's how I got on oh there there are some people on YouTube I see I see I bet you got a
bunch of I looked right over that I looked like two or three times that's I kept clicking The Hangout thing
and it took me to the ah here maybe I'll edit click here to join or something like here let me edit that post really
quick in case anyone else uh doing too many things at one time
there saying it works in Safari now if I go update
interesting wish I could fix stuff as fast as
you you know funny I I was actually using a feature that actually Safari didn't support um which is why it didn't
work in Safari um I was using some JavaScript stuff that I yeah I assumed
worked everywhere and realiz learned that this morning at didn't work in Safari so I had to come up with a
workaround it's always a pain when different browsers have different functionalities you know why can't they
just all be the same they are a lot better nowadays than they were in the past though
um like 10 years ago I know man Arc is the
best be the best are you guys missing Netscape still Netscape nice yes because
I actually taught a class in Styers high school and this was before we had actual
graphic web browsers that were allowed into schools and we were able to visit websites list of things on servers by
typing in links in 1997 or
98 so I mean I don't know we can go back to the AOL
browser what strange is it worked on the I noticed last night it worked on the iOS Safari
oh really no hover that's because you were actually having to touch it probably yeah yeah yeah probably because
you had to tap it yeah because there's no hover events so yeah that makes
sense well oh looks like we lost two people on the YouTube live stream and we gained two people on the zoom so I guess
that might yep people heard us they heard you thanks for saying that [Laughter]
Ryan I heard you because I didn't like YouTube at all oh nice
okay excellent um greetings Bill and Sean thanks for
popping in any El have any questions else I I can kind of dive in you guys want to
watch me work on total CMS or do we uh do we wna anyone want to have any questions I know wolf uh adamite you
just kind of you just downloaded cms3 so um I you probably haven't had a chance to really play with it much or watch
that epic I did a live stream I think two weeks ago um for everyone and it's a pretty decent overview long oh really
okay exent today I got internet so I ah excellent okay what what did you think
of the image stuff I know I mean I I know I built a lot of that based on some of your feedback so what were your thoughts on
that I will try it Joe at the moment it's only on my my Mac I didn't install
it so well no I I understand doing the next day when when you watched the live stream what did you think of the image
functionality that I showed Oh I'm not ready with a live stream I'm in the middle of it oh got it oh okay okay okay
okay um here let me show here I'll show off some stuff uh that so I've been playing with gallery and I know I said
that uh like image watermarking doesn't work yet on the image stuff because it actually requires the gallery um and
here let me kind of [Music] show um what that curtail now a lot of
what I'm showing doesn't exist in the stacks yet I'm going to be be showing you kind of uh with some of my native tools and local browser and my testing
environment um right bear with me for a second and let me make sure that the
changes I did last night didn't completely break it and look at that still works nice Joe I do have a
question when you free up from this part of your rain session oh okay one
second thank you Joe it works yay beautiful am I like the only person that
uses Safari I live under a rock or what no I mean I used Safari for years that I
just recently kind of switched over to Arc um because of one
password I do have to say that that is one thing that works a lot nicer in Arc than than Safari um I do miss some of
the Native OS Integrations in Safari like the two off stuff that's super nice
like super convenient hard to live without that yeah I know dude that that is I miss that I do 100% like having to
open up the messages app then copy the little code and go back to the browser but Jesus it won't pull it from email
either will it nope nope no although Safari didn't really pull it from email for me either like I know that was
supposed to be a feature but that never really worked for me um for me it started working like in the last two
months inter ever before that yeah okay
okay let's see and it did work on iOS I think if I got an email I was on iOS I
think that worked um but anyway okay um
so here's an example of basically how I can Watermark so this
is an image right if I just get this particular image well let's turn off the crop
here right there's an image um and again this all works will all work in the
browser as well I'm just kind of showing you with my testing tools okay um and this is that image where I'm actually
applying a watermark to it dynamically so uh this particular logo is uploaded
to a gallery um and then uh basically I'm specifying which logo I want to
apply as a watermark and uh yeah and then you can specify the position of it and the size
of the watermark and it'll d dynamically added to the image so this isn't overlaid or anything like that it is a
part of the image so that Watermark is now permanently a part of the image um
you can upload as many watermarks as you want so if you want different watermarks for different images or something like that um you can do that uh which is
pretty cool um yeah um so yeah I just want to show you I I got the watermark
working I don't have again it's not working on I don't working on a web page yet um but just to kind of show you how
all that's working with the API now um and So eventually if we go
into let me go into my local demo here uh let's go into this
one so if we go into content admin and we go into here right uh oh wait not
this one sorry uh this one um you'll go into Watermark what what you'll be able
to do here is actually now that I think about what I'm going to do is this Watermark um this will be a drop down
menu that will list out all the watermarks that you have uploaded to your server um then you can select which
Watermark you want to choose at that point then you can customize it with width height the transparency if you
want any padding its position um and stuff like that so yeah um that that's
how all that will work so this will again I'll I'll modify this to be a drop down so it drop downs uh it'll show you
all of the watermarks on your system um yeah other than that yeah pretty cool and then fantastic Joe thank
you um it's a good solution for for most of my problems with pictures yeah so
another problem you've had which I know you haven't time to watch the the the live stream but let me show you this how
I did the whole focal point cropping thing okay really quick okay okay um so
let's I'm G to go ahead and do uh let's create a square cropped version of this image okay and
oh we want to right so um I now have a a now this
particular one it's kind of is centered okay um but let's go ahead and I'm going to crop it based on the focal point
which by default is the middle of the picture so it's what we just see here what I'm going to do now is I'm going to
go I'm going to go edit this image I'm going to go into focal point and you can either again you can change it with
these sliders or you can just grab this focal point you can determine where you want the focal point of the image to be
okay so let's say for example on this one I wanted the focal point to be over here just for just for fun so I'm going to set it there I'm going to
save okay um and then I'm going to go back into here and I'm going to say preview
image and if you notice here it's now cropping it based on the focal point that I saved in the
CMS so what that means is if you have a gallery okay and you you can go through every
image in your gallery and customize the focal point that you want wow for every single image and every image can have
its own focal point and then you can just crop all of those images the entire gallery based on that focal point and
voila everything is done for you wow and then theut expected yeah and if the
future you ever want to change let's say I want to change it over here and I just I for this image I now save that okay
and we go I just re- preview this now now the focal Point's over here because that's where I put it is this going to
be in Pro or all the versions this will be in all versions
wow okay the focal point you set for a specific like Gallery folder
or um well the the focal point is defined um for every single I mean
specifically for each image it defaults to the middle of the image but you can again as you saw you define it for every
single image okay yes but when but when you let's say I want to build out a gallery and all the thumbnails I want to
have to be square right let's say I want the square thumbnails for the for my thumbnails okay um so when I build out a
square okay so in this case I did 600 pixels by 600 pixels and then you do the
crop uh then you do uh the crop is based on the focal point and again here and here it gives you the macro that you
could use okay and basically what you'll do is now for galleries you'll probably adjust all these settings in this in the
stack right um but then for the gallery uh in the stack which I can't show you because I haven't built it yet um you
you'll be able to Define everything that you see here you can Define ins theide the stack as well so basically um for
the gallery stack you'll set what the thumbnail is right and basically this setting will be applied to every single
image for the thumbnails and so you can easily do a square cropped you know thumbnail and even water Market if you
wanted right um yeah all dynamically so it's all the same which is pretty cool
that's perfect can't believe it man I so need
that so yeah um that that was the that took a lot of work wolf but I I had you in mind and I wanted to make it exactly
what you were I hoped dreaming so I from your feedback now I think I nailed it you nailed it Joe excellent I think
the watermark is one step that I not have in in in mind so it's it's perfect
when I can add um waterm marks dynamically and they build in the they
burn in the the picture yes not an overlay exactly that's for me a pro for
me is a problem when I upload an image and uh it has no watermark it's it's
open for everyone yeah yep so I was having to do an Infiniti designer on an
artboard drag my water bark in and put it on top of every picture and then export it outside you just cut that
whole step out then right correct yeah the next six thing is I can um walk I
can protect my my pictures with with a watermark but then I have no option if I
have the the watermark on the right side of of an image and then I crop it
later maybe with your focal point then it's gone yes that's a good point yeah
with this solution it it works so yeah it's interesting for me very interesting
I think for every um everyone who works with uh pictures that should be Pro
protected on the web yep thank you U let me show you some other stuff for images that that I think you'll enjoy
um so um we have a lot of information stored so obviously um you know just
like cms1 does now um it does pull in all the the exf the metadata from the images but you can't
really interact with that data in the current version of total CS unfortunately um now you can okay um so
like if you have tags inside of your images they'll autoload here okay um and
then if we go into exif information it pulls in um title author copyright description this particular image
doesn't have any it so it doesn't show um um and then you have all your exf your camera information here
um also some GPS information if you if you add that and then also what it does
is it analyzes all the colors in the images so as you see analyzed this image and it pulled out what it thought were
the the main colors from the image and then I remember that was in
the the first beta of your um old my old CMS yeah um so yeah I do that now I I've
improved it obviously um and then you can use these colors on the page
perfect yeah um here let me show you a quick example I'll go ahead and let me upload an image that has XF information
this one does here so if I go now and I look at this
information now we can see it pulls in all the you know the exf information
also from your camera and if you want you can edit this information so I I do
give you the ability let's say it's it's not correct or you want to add your lens maybe it wasn't there you can't edit this information as well um so um it is
saved once you load it and if you replace the image or you upload it again it will get replaced with whatever is in
the new image um but yeah you can't edit this information in the
CMS so pretty
cool Scott you had a question or David you had a I forget who said they had a question
Scott so um I know I bought I think I bought stuff from Nick Kates but I have
no memory of what I bought because I have probably um started the 12-step
program stackaholic Anonymous and seems Anonymous um so do you have access to
any of those records that say what people have bought so if you bought any of his Stacks from him um if there any
that I still support just use the order lookup tool on my product page okay and
it'll show you um okay I I am not redistributing his rapid Weaver themes
at this point they're not I'm not reselling them um and to be honest like
when I re-release them under Stacks Pro um I'm going to treat them as a new
product because I while I'm going to try to keep the design uh true to the original
um as much as I can they are completely new products so
um yeah so yeah that I'm going to treat them just as new products um I haven't
decided I may I probably keep the names maybe just for nostalgic sake or so that people know but I don't know um what do
you guys think you think they should have new names or keep the names I would put a hyphen WS on it or you know
whatever your new name is so that they know this is the original theme
andp yeah well I mean you'll you you won't let's say you know strata
you know like you know wolf here said um you're not going to be able to install the original strata theme from rap
Weaver in sta Pro anyway so labeling at WS doesn't really make sense because you're you you can't have and mine won't
work in Rapid Weaver and the rapid Weaver version won't work in stack Pro so um yeah they will be completely
independent just make it just like Scott said yeah and you know something that pops up
and goes only works in statx Pro
yeah so e eBay went down oh this is just a crazy day what was your question Scott
didn't did you have a help question no no okay I thought a technical question
an entire estate sale over the weekend and now I'm trying to get it listed and I go to list it and eBay just says we
can't find that page the homepage is missing man I I think but I went to eBay
not long ago and I was like are these web developers from eBay still in like freaking the 199s like Jesus Christ that
website looks horribl conrete layout me insane Jesus they're in a
concrete in a foreign country next to the weather people who told me that it's not going to rain while my backyard is
flooded I I think it's the I think Craiglist Craigslist bought him out and their their web Devol
Bard I'm trying to get like magic books listed I mean I have spent I don't know
if anyone outside the US knows what Craigslist is yeah okay wasn't it the Craigslist
Killers or something like that it's like a text only based site
like it is old but is very popular if you want to sell something locally or you know list something locally it's pry
well known here in the US that's what is popular for there in Europe it's famous
for something else oh really yeah oh I'm sure there's a lot of other
questionable things going on there but that's what I used it for we believe you
Jo talking about questionable stuff if I ever launched threads you know the the Facebook social thing
dude it is like porn Central like Jesus Christ dude
like every post is like watch this you know it's like whoa dude like my wife's
not around I'm gonna get in trouble here like no I I I'll pass on any of that
stuff I I'm getting very wary of 90% of the Social Media stuff and then
uh yeah there's a lot of weird crap
weird all right I'm going to go back to trying to get eBay working yay Okie doie have fun yeah one question about total
cms3 um if I create a product list with
prices uh with total cms3 and then I have to uh rise the the price or or lower the
price for a product should I have to go to each product
separately or is it possible to say uh change the price on all products up to
$10 wait s again so you want to repeat that
again if I have to to change prices on products and I have a long list maybe I
have 2,000 products yes and then I want to change the price M maybe 10% higher
okay um so I go to H one and change the price you don't have to POS no so um
what we what for that the fastest way to do is what you'll do is you'll export the data as like a probably a CSV file
make all your changes and then you can re then you can re-upload the CSV and it'll update everything for you okay
that's the way it works yes okay um I yeah that that'll probably the the
quickest way to do that um I do have a full-blown API if you want to like if anyone wanted to script it you can do
that um but I think for from a userfriendly standpoint um you know just downloading
the data as a CSV um making your modifications and then re-uploading it will be the definitely the quickest way
to handle that okay um if this csw file has
pictures doesn't work I never so yeah the pictures the pictures won't
work uh pictures aren't going to be a part of the CSV um
so yeah I mean if only the data basically in the CSV what you can do is
you can actually delete all the all the data if you want and only have The Columns that you want to update and then modify that um and it'll just it'll
basically just do an update um so that it won't like remove any existing photos those but okay um this mechanism won't
give you the ability to modify all any of your photos via this CSV file um so
it would have to just be like you know textual data um that that you would uh update in the in the CMS batch updating
images I don't know how to how how we're going to accomplish that if we ever do uh right now
um yeah I don't know that answer yet I have an API so it could potenti be
automated um but yeah csvs and stuff like that don't really support you know
images or that type of data you never know how they handle the
images colors or everything else sometimes sometimes crazy yeah um
you know my thoughts are possibly like if you wanted to automate the addition
of images um you could put in a you you could like put in a URL of an image into
a CSV and maybe I can dynamically download it and load it in there but I don't know um maybe eventually we'll see
but um that's probably going to be you know a little ways more down the line after we get you know things more stable
and all the features implemented okay what were we gonna say David sorry
sorry yeah you saying like that some of this data will be a CSV file so could
you access that data like with CSV crud
or things like that or one of your CSV programs that doesn't make sense with uh
with total CMS because um I mean uh the data isn't stored in a CSV file on the
server it's just a way of importing and exporting it if you ever wanted to you
know use you know if you ever wanted to modify the data you would use the total CMS forms right in instead of um yeah
instead of like something like CSV crud hopefully that makes sense
howdy irn thanks for popping in we had a qu we had a questionable guy
joined called Zoom user and I was like do I let Zoom user in or not I my my my
mouse was hovered over remove just in case every time oh that was you
time okay irn irn said that was him yeah
sorry yeah I've had that i' I've had you know trauma I've been traumatized by Zoom bombs it hasn't happened for a long
time but you know I remember first couple times it happened that was crazy
the Zoom app just uh opened up uh instead of the web browser ah
okay but I'm here and I caught up on uh on YouTube so I've seen everything thing
the the past half hour in the in double speed ex oh in double speed
[Laughter] nice mightly out of syn
though any any questions I can help answer with I'm curious you may not want
to answer this because of intellectual property reasons or whatever but so like when for this displaying jpegs and webp
and retinas and mobile you know basically you put one
high quality image up and you're G to automatically make the eight images from there so those eight images are
physically stored in a folder Forever on there automatically when you upload is it making them on the fly it builds them
on the fly but once it builds it it caches it here I'll show you it cashes it okay that's yeah yeah yeah here I and
I'll show you um and so I'm curious this may be what you don't want to answer is
it like shelling out to squish and doing it and then re-uploading it or what no
um it's it's all Native code on the server and it's all doing it on the Fly um with my with my own code yeah that's
cool okay um so yeah there's no external Services used at all uh let me find uh
let's see here this one yeah that's what I was wondering if it actually physically stored it after it was calleded up the first time or not yep
okay so um here is oh it's a hidden folder one
second uh we can't see it and find her we got to open it up somewhere else uh because the first time that's
obviously going to slow it down as smidge yes and that will be a concern
for you know uh you know servers if you upload a thousand pictures and then you're trying to generate a thousand
thumbnails all at the same time ah you know um
that I don't have a I don't have the perfect solution for how I'm going to address that yet I mean eventually your
server will create all of them and once it does you're good but um yeah uh we'll
see how that goes um oh yeah let me get back to let's see websites but what if you purge Cloud
flare um so this doesn't oh well I mean Cloud flare is an extra level of caching
um but no it shouldn't matter because the the server is I mean everything is
cached on the server okay so they Al yeah okay so let me make this a
little bit bigger all right so here is um it's this
image here okay so if you see I uploaded this image here okay and this is the it stores the original image that I
uploaded okay unlike the current version of total CMS where it stores the A
reduced size that you configure in the admin stack total CS3 stores the original version that you've uploaded
okay um then as you saw um like in here if I go ahead and use this and I can
create different versions you can also use the stack to create all these different versions of an image right
based on the size or you can add effects you can blur it you can pixelate it you can do all kinds of stuff right um based
on all that if you notice there's this cach folder um and inside there is the
image and you'll see that there are a couple files here now if I'm just going to add a JPEG extension to this file
just so we can see it okay there we go as you see that's the JPEG and let's look at this
one right not sure what the difference is between those uh I can see a quality
difference I think maybe it was the the jpeg quality here I'm going to go over here and I'm going to create a um uh
300x300 um cropped version okay we're going to say preview now if I go back
over here you look you see that there was a new file created and guess what that file is let me just add a JPEG
extension there it is right so um basically what what's going on here is
total CS is creating it creates the version of the image that you requested and then it caches it as a file okay
inside this cache folder um and in the future if this exact image is ever requested again it
never it doesn't recreate it it serves up the cast version okay now um um if
you if I ever upload a new image right so I I'll go ahead and upload I'm going to upload a new image
here okay I'm going upload a new image if you notice that cash folder is gone now so whenever you replace an image um
that cash folder is gone doesn't exist anymore because I
don't want to serve up old cached versions of the image because you obviously just uploaded a new
one right so if I go into this now again that's say preview image there's a new
SC cropped version and if I go into here there it is now that's the version that was just created on the fly it would
have to be named a different name correctly correct um no if you if you notice this one so this one is it it
does keep the original name VW van 4 um and if if here I'll go back and if we
upload a new image if you remember before it was called Golden Gate something I'm going to upload
that okay you look the cash is gone the image is now golden gate. jpeg right so
I I do keep the original name um you know intact um so there we go yeah um you can
also here if I go ahead and uh I'm going to create a gen here's a new preview of
this one there we go we see it's created now here's the cached version of that image um now let's say for some reason I
just I I want to clear the all the cache for this particular image there's a little button here I can just click click on that and that too clears the
image clears the cache for that particular image so um I've tried to think of
everything I tried to add the kitchen Sync here so that we have everything that we would need um and yeah uh let's
see a couple other buttons here uh this downloads the original image okay so um again this is just in
the admin area so you can download the original image that was uploaded um you can mark it as featured
um this uh it's just the same thing as drag and dropping it just opens the the file open dialogue um and then uh this
obviously we saw clear cache and then this will delete the image right so if I just want to delete the image obviously
that's a bad thing so I clarify yes are you sure you want to do this you can say okay and that image is going to be gone
and it's now gone okay even though VSS code still displaying it it doesn't exist over
here right but then I can go ahead and upload a new
one voila at that point I can go in here and I can create versions of that
image and if we'll see over here now there's the image I just uploaded here's the the cached image that I
created so there we go and so if you're making those eight
or nine or 10 different images like I'm getting ready to redo all my images so basically what I need to upload is the
desktop retina jpeg correct correct yeah um and
yeah and as you saw you can create webp on on the fly so you're not limited to jpeg or PNG you can you can
automatically convert and create different versions of the image right um there are some issues with some web
servers with the avif format which is pretty bleeding edge um I'm not tooo
worried about that yet I might just remove it as an option until I fine-tune that but webp is working great um and so
I think most people are are just getting used to using webp now maybe so uh we'll support webp jpeg pngs I forget what
else is in that so even though like your for my images anyway the webp image
looks better than even the big jpeg image still use that big jpeg image as
your main one that you upload to build you can test I mean you can you can
upload a webp and it should be able to create a JPEG version for you I don't
see why it wouldn't yeah I don't think I that wise get the best end result on all
your pictures if it's yeah that's something to play with um yeah play play with that and let me know um you know
it'd be interesting to see let you know uh what we come up with
um yeah um that's Megan that's freaking but yeah we we should be able to convert
between any of the formats so if you upload a webp you should be able to get a PNG or a JPEG out of it right yeah now
obviously to JPEG and see it is yeah now obviously like if you were to use
something like squh or something like that I I'll be I bet you squh is going to be better right um in terms of
compression and whatnot um but I mean that has probably hundreds of Google
Engineers working on that right I mean this this is me so uh I I think my
stuff's pretty good um but but I will admit I'm not gonna have as good of
compression as squoosh does right um right so um yeah you gota you gota weigh
the time savings because to set and do 10 pictures and squo you know you just chewed up exactly yeah I mean this you
just upload it once and you let the system do it all for you right and it's you know it'll get you 90 90% there you
know right so this Avi
this is I haven't played with this is this as good as webp and smaller even or what oh
uh I I don't believe it's I I don't know um it is a newer format I'm not sure
exactly what its pros and cons are against webp I don't know to be honest with you it's probably not supported by
all browsers yet though um no it is not it's not supported by every browser yet
it's not worth fing with yet then uh let's see um well it it does have uh as
of 2024 the latest browsers that have been shipped this year now officially support
avif um but last year not all of them did so um you have to be running the
latest version of any browser and they will support
avif hey AV generally has better compression than webp jpeg PNG and GIF
and is designed to supersede them avif completes jpeg XL which had similar
compression quality and is generally seen as a more feature as more feature Rich than
avif right so it's a spin-off of jpeg XL which was something that that never really took
off yeah for product images that jpeg XO could never tell would PE in my opinion
oh really interesting was even close Okay bigger files and worse quality oh
okay I don't know how it is for pictures of people with Forest behind them or something like that yeah um it is it is
interesting to see how different types of images work better in different formats you know um it it really does um
so yeah like I've seen like you know like this um these VW bus pictures that
I'm uploading here um you know I've played around with those and if you want
if you like zoom in and really look the jpegs tend to look a little bit nicer than the wp for this style of image
that's like you know basically a photograph right yeah um you know but something that has less color variance I
think is the best is much better with web PE yeah prod background it's insane how
much better quality and smaller I mean it's like and plus uh you know if you have like a you know like yours has a
lot of like white background in it right and in jpeg if you compress if you compress a JPEG image basically try to
make it as small as possible that white background is no longer a uniform white it actually tends to be a lot of
variations um in that that white color uh which is one of the drawbacks of jpeg
yeah the w p holds it pretty darn good though sweet yeah another huge benefit of webp is for transparent
pngs um because you know a lot of times you know people will use a PNG because
of transparent backgrounds and up until webp it was really the only the only game in town if you wanted a transparent
background on an image but webp is like a tenth of the size and you can still have transparent backgrounds so um
really it's really good yeah the lossi is a lot smaller than PNG but it's still
way bigger than the web non LW I mean it's like a bummer that it's still this
much bigger you know yeah
yeah it's amazing you'd think a transparent background there's nothing there it should be smaller huge
yep you been thinking about how um how to say this but I think you keep showing
us that VW five image right
yeah right every time I see that the bloody car is sitting in the same part of the road every bloody
time it never moves it never gets to its destination this should be your
marketing Pro process you should be pushing that car further down that road
that's funny it's got on moving box is you got go guys I got it 3:30 oh see you
later Scott thanks for popping in just a quick question question
Joe because tomorrow I'm going to be playing with the language side on the
homepage okay now if I want to create another homepage can I just call it
index two or should I create in a folder um is this just for temporary
testing purposes or what well it's going to be it's going to have another language okay and you're using agent
langing for this or what are you using Okay agent yeah okay um so you don't
necessarily I mean with agent what's kind of cool is you just use the same homepage uh and then with agent you can
um you can make it just the head can be one over the other and all that so yeah
yeah um so yeah you would just use the little macros um that it has which are
pretty powerful um in order to just you know instead of the header if the language is set to English use this one
if it's set to Spanish or whatever your language do it that way rather than have a different page for each yes I think
that's better because now you you don't have to manage the design of two pages right you only have to manage one
page um in terms of yeah so how would you do ad again we talked about this I
think on Friday it just it depends right and content yes so I've got quite a lot of content so I was going to go down the
two page thing oh yeah that that can make sense then yeah um you know and then yeah just yeah that way you if you
want to edit the stuff you go over here if you want to manage the the whatever other language then you go to that page
right yeah um I got idea I wanted to do it I just wanted to know whether to do four pages or three before I start just
do one as a test yes yeah I I always start simple right how do you B how do you eat an elephant right one bite at a
time so yeah yep so yeah i' have play with that about six in the
morning you know it's like sometimes when I especially like when I was you starting off with total CS 3 I had all
the things in my head and it's just like you know and then sometimes some days I didn't get nothing done because I just
thought about everything that I had to do and you know finally you just got to go okay I need to sit down I'm gonna work on this one thing to get this one
thing done and then when that's done you go okay what's the next one thing I'm gonna do right and you know you just
trying to split up so I was doing away it's done and I was gonna start a little bit of the language one and balance the
time out so I can get a little bit of a lot done rather than one thing
and then when you finish that bit you move the car up the [Laughter]
road I wash the car
yeah you know another thing I've done this uh this week is actually I joined I
joined 11 different online communities for web designers um outside of you know
our ecosystem um I'm I'm down to six now I got I ditched five I was like these these communities
are crap and some of them were just Spam or Garbage um it's been interesting a
lot of these are people hand coding stuff um and I've tried to help here or
there there are some people in the world that have way more patience than me
um wow um trying to teach someone uh I'm
like man some guys spend a lot of time in effort helping guys write JavaScript like really complex JavaScript I'm like
dude like I don't I don't know if I have the time or the patience to do that you know
like um man but it's it's been interesting um you know eventually I
hope to uh you know these aren't any product specific communities or forums
uh but eventually I hope that you know once I gain a little bit of more clout on the communities I can start you know
maybe linking and bringing more users over to Stacks that's my My ultimate end game here um but it's been it's been fun
um so I I had one person you know on each of the communities I put in like a hi I'm Joe like an introductory post
right and in the in the post I did link to Weaver space um and I linked to the
foundation framework and um on what one Community it was actually site point I
don't know if you guys have ever heard of that they're a big like uh web design book publisher
and um my post was up for like three or 4
days no issues and then um a user commented on my post saying you're not
be a to put l be able to put links in your posts and then reported me to uh the to the admins and the admin said
they sent me a DMM and said sorry you know yeah we that is our policy you can't have links so they removed my link
to Weaver space they kept the one to Foundation but not to my not to Weaver space so I was like like okay fair fair
enough whatever warn in advance not like some other people yeah oh yeah the yeah the
the form admin was really nice about it um so I just thought it was funny that
the the the the user one of the users uh got I was jealous because he's like all
I whenever I link to my blog posts they get they get removed how come yours get stays you know because his blog post
goes to threads and we know what's [Laughter]
there I was like yeah so any idea when the St Pro will be
released um so the betas are out now um although the current beta which is vert
beta 10 um is not too usable um in terms of creating
websites this next beta though should be a lot better um it should actually we
can actually maybe start actually building some stuff with it um so it'll be interesting um hopefully it should
come out this week um but it's it's starting to shape up from what I saw
from Isaiah last night I spent about two hours with him last night um and um yeah
it's starting to shape up really nicely um so hopefully by the end of this week um we'll we'll have that beta and
hopefully it'll include what I what I'm hoping it does so that it uh or this last bit that I requested so that a lot
of my stacks will work in Stacks Pro again um so maybe we have both Total
cms3 and St Pro the same time uh it
could be yeah it could be close uh yeah it's probably G to be you know relatively close you know they both both
probably be officially released at the same time um definitely this year um so
yeah uh I I definitely I don't know exactly when either of them is going to be complete but they're both getting
there okay sounds good yeah um and then I I
already have um all once this beta is shipped I'm GNA
I'm going to start working on uh getting a public version of the foundation theme for Stacks Pro so that um uh as long as
Isaiah ships what I what he promised he would or what he promise he hope he try to do this week for me uh to get
Foundation to work um then I'll I'll ship it a public version of the
foundation 6 theme so that you can start using Foundation 6 in sta Pro as
well okay yeah that's good news
yeah yeah hopefully a better Gallery is built in with total
cms3 which one a gallery stack that
Galler yeah I have to do a gallery stack don't like this uh Gallery Pro here that
you got from um oh you don't like Photo Pro okay right well well if uh yeah if
uh you want some feedback give me some feedback on what you what you'd like to see in a gallery then um yeah we can
probably get something like that done more options more more options okay um
more options if you create a light box it's uh Limited in uh Stacks in in Photo
Pro M there are only two colors that you can choose and um oh I thought in Pro
you could there was a Color Picker though no no no oh
okay you know I I I have it on my list I think I think Photo Pro is good but I do
think like like there are some things that it could just I can still use that but then just make maybe a new version
that lets you change whatever color you want instead of keeping it to two stuff like that that was one of the problem
was with Nick Kates he always had um fixed values for maybe for spaces
between pictures for sizes or for colors he says okay I'm I'm the designer I
makes the design and that's a problem if you if if you got different colors or
you need yeah a black background or a white background or gray
background it don't work yeah I I agree with that you you know me I like to give
you the I I like to just build the tools to let you be the designer
yeah you say You' like to give us enough rope to hang ourselves yes 100% and you
haven't done it yet bill so I'm I'm pretty excited I'm pardon and you haven't done it yet you have you know
you're still around well I'm still short too so I haven't stretched the neck a
lot still wrestling Joe with with what I know is quite should be quite simple I
want to build a blank page and I want to go to a collection and grab a
specific object and show the picture Okay okay so I I've fooled with your
Loop and I I have an image that does what I want it to do and macro is CMS
image path post. ID width and height and then collection is uh stamp and uh
property is image okay and so what I'm trying to do is
remove um post. ID which I believe is an ID that was generated through the loop
process um no that is the ID that is saved for the object in the
CMS okay so the the the when you when
you add to to your collection which is basically like adding a a Blog listing there's an automatic data there and you
can override that you can put your own words in right correct and I have one
that is called carier test okay word and
it seems to me that it should be cms. image path caret test stamp image and
I'm missing something because that's wrong you want to show me sure
so I think you're seeing that yeah yeah so this this works I think I've got it disabled right now but this is the macro
for it okay and I I do have h a collection called stamp and in that I
have something that the the the ID for it if I'm understanding this right is
this particular thing and and I can actually you know show a a screen somewhere that has
that so so um C test is the ID that's my
understanding okay perfect okay I see I I know exactly the problem okay good so uh go back to your
stack which okay you see how uh so you clicked on support variables correct I
did okay um and you see on your collection and your property you would put those in inside
quotes Okay well I tried it the other way too and it it didn't work for me but I could have done something else but
your object ID is not inside quotes Okay and it needed to be yes
because uh because because uh what that's doing now is it's looking for a variable called CTI post or CTI test
sorry CTI test sure now right now since you have all three of those inside
quotes you're not using variables so technically you could just turn the support variables off delete all your
quotes and you're good to go turn those off delete the quotes and
I'm good yes perfect okay that's probably you know I'm I'm currently
programming on Superstition here I just keep changing things to see what happen sure I thought I was getting close yep
you were you were so close but uh yeah the other little thing and it may not be the place to mention
it but I reviewed your um uh that two and a half hour session that
we had last week and in the process you said I'm not sure how I had that what
you had at about uh gee what was it about an hour and 55 no an hour and 23
minutes in you were you use the word perplexed had a title for one maybe the
ID for one um and then you had the image for a second I've done that exact thing I
think you hit save and actually made two two entries
possibly I I don't remember what I was doing at that point um I know I just I I thought I'd solve the problem I wanted
to share it with you thanks very [Laughter]
much excellent well guys anything else uh anything else I can help you guys out with or any questions else uh we can
call it today Ryan so on the video Pro when you're doing a web M and an mp4
when you add it the web M has to be the one on top correct uh yes whatever
whatever uh basically you want the one on the bottom to be like your default
the catch all the catch all exactly okay yeah yeah because if you put the MP4
first then every browser is going to be like I support an mp4 I'm going to use that right okay yeah so yeah go and
order I do have one dumb Tardis question sure
okay so thank you for last Friday and setting up that little site with the little popup I'm like that was the
easiest thing I've ever done and I didn't want to do it that way because I didn't know how so sweet thank you if I already have
like toris on one of my customer sites and that shows the days off and on and
for that you know open and closed is it possible to put just a popup for a day
that says we are closed today would pop up and that would be outside of that
tardis or inside of that same Tardis stack Set uh well I mean so this would
be a popup that you only want to show on a particular day or yeah like every like the first of the month or like how like
when do you want to show only when they're closed you know we are closed today
have so for instance if I want to do July 4th and I just want to say have a happy July 4th and just have let's say a
picture of the post that was done on social media I would want that to show up in the Tardis just for that
day um so yeah you you could add a different Taris stack to the page that then on July 4th um you could do you can
show this popup that says we're closed right another option um if you wanted to
make it well first off here let's just show you right I mean I'm going to go into this more on Friday because like I
know everybody's like oh we got stuff it's Wednesday this this will give you this will give you something to work on
for a couple days it's fine okay like I don't have enough auctions yeah exactly
um hold on gota wait for Stacks to load here 2000 you know I think there should be a
contest for the record number of stacks who's got the I think Mr Maus wolf is the winner here in this he has way more
Stacks than I do I think he's he has double what I do count a lot of other things though don't it yeah um it does
count yeah I don't have three individual Stacks it I won't go down that rabbit hole but yeah um okay so
Tardis oops if I can spell there Tardis right so you can set up a Tardis in here
okay and um you could do this manually so you could set it to be like you know
July 4th okay um and you would add a stop time so you'd have July 4th
midnight and July 5th midnight would be the end time right okay that makes sense
or 12:01 a. to yeah exactly 11:59 p.m. exactly right so you could do that okay
um there's other things that we can do right uh there's the a yearly thing so
like it let's say you knew that every July 4th you wanted to display a
message you know you could do July 4 and end July five which would be midnight
July 5th okay um and then uh oh well
yeah let's turn that off so it's less confusing right so that at that point then whatever is inside here will
display every July 4th perfect okay all right um and then I
just let you know so there's Tardis days this is in this in your particular situation this isn't what you want but
if you wanted to display something every Monday and you can even do you know every Monday from this time to this time
or every Tuesday from this time to this time right you can display something on on a on a weekly basis okay okay can you
have more than one popup let's say let's say I did that popup last Friday and
that's going to run until June 28th but let's say I also want another popup
after they clear that one 5 seconds later for something else on Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays yeah yeah you
would have just multiple Taris Stacks with different light boxes and cult actions in it perfect I'm going to go
play with that okay cool now that this is easier you know a year ago this was like what the hell was a tardis yeah CU
I'm retardis I'm like yeah that was a mess I mean think about
this this was about that time last year where I started taking the training and and like oh my God I'm such an idiot and
I you know I don't know who else I owe amends to but if I do text me
but I mean it's great that I I'm like moving along and I'm good anyway um at
some point I'm going to be setting up U and there's a whole new design for my
heart of hearing site that you guys saw last week nice uh it's not bad but the next
Design's much better good what's up wolf one more one more question about total CMS standard and pro what's the
difference between this sure um so standard is basically going to be like what total CMS is now okay Pro U will
have the ability to have unlimited uh fields and custom collections okay okay
so what that means is you so like right now you can use a Blog for a lot of things but you have to like remember I'm
using the author field for this and I'm using this for this you know in in a custom collection you get to choose the
names of all your Fields okay um okay and yeah there'll
probably be some other small things that will be only in Pro um I haven't ironed out all those details yet um but yeah
the big difference is custom collections um and and unlimited Fields okay being able to name your own
Fields is worth the price of admission right [Laughter]
there they'll be some other like I haven't decided like I I created a um
total CS can generate its own QR codes now um so that might be a pro only
feature I haven't decided um so yeah and there will also be a third edition uh there'll be a light version which will
be similar to easy CMS now um so um that'll that won't have blog it'll be
even you know more trimmed down than the standard version question about the Q code is it
possible to have this QR code as a watermark for a picture
H could be created from the um text inside the
picture uh as of right now if you wanted that you would upload You' have to
upload a a PNG of your QR code as a watermark and then that would work yes
um but not currently the uh The Watermark feature um is nowhere close to
where that code is and the watermark feature creates svgs which is completely different a completely different Beast
um so maybe something I can I can look at in the future uh but for right now um
yeah the only the solution for that would be to upload a PNG of your of your um Watermark uh and then that you can
Watermark that onto an image are you GNA because um if I um
create um um exhibition MH I always placed water um Q code on on the picture
so that you can go to this side directly
okay therefore I ask for it and it would be great if if it's included
but it's not not a important thing it's
yeah cool um yeah interesting idea I mean if it it wouldn't be too difficult
just to create a PNG of a watermark and then just then you at that point you could do it super easily um I'm going
have a play with that tomorrow because I got an idea for that I like that I never even thought of
that one so I wanted to do something with the QR codes on an image so that's solve
that problem cool excellent brilant Joe I was also thinking you know
like a couple of us are using like um pixel 2 and switchy for do like these
mini things what would be like an advantage of hooking that into TCMS 3 let's say if
we wanted to do some kind of post and then have it tracked through something like that would that be something we
could just paste in or do we need some kind of backend connectivity to that or
an API so how would you like so so switchy
is a URL shortener right or you know so creates QR codes it creates it can
create a QR code it could do a whole bunch of stuff all in one thing okay um
so uh you would either have to like if you want to integrate the QR code um
you'd have to either download it and kind of do a manual thing you can then upload the QR code into total CMS or um
I mean total CMS does have a full-blown API um and I do plan on having um you
know Integrations with services like active pieces Andor zapier so that you could you know integrate with external
systems right okay um so I'm not sure if switchy or those other services do that
but that makes it a possibility if you have something like a web H in the total CMS then it should be
possible with all automations yeah I the I'm thinking from
switchy to Total CMS let's say being able to pick up that QR code and bring
in um I don't know if I could bring that up on my screen let's
see I'm not saying I want to share my screen but you know like like for instance if you go to
switchy there's a whole actions line here and that would be copying a link
show stats share on um you can view it you can download the QR code edit the
link get a report link I mean there's just a lot of things oh never mind
here's switchy right so uh let's for example here's what's this download for
this is the oh this is the download for um the foundation open source project
there's I could download on the on the website so 140,000 downloads so far um
and you can like you know download a QR code basically you're saying you like want this but like load that into total
CMS let's say wanted to use that Q I haven't figured this out what the use
would be but having this type of connectivity um for a default something
or let's say you design it you save it um I that's a problem in this when you design it you have to download it but I
don't know if it saves it back in to their back end of the system but imagine I mean uh so um what a QR code is I mean
there's there's no really saving it it's just it basically all the QR code does is it points to this URL that's all that
QR code does right so uh once you download this PNG here it's a QR code to
this particular download link right like it will always link there right um so
yeah I mean you could you know upload this PNG that I just downloaded and it will always point to this particular URL
right in switchy um so I mean I mean yeah and that should never change right this QR
code will never change regard of the style yeah thinking so like for instance let's
say uh when I used if I converted my site to TCMS 3 and I write up a note
about this presentation I did for Summit on security I have that little mini site
and I would want people to just be able to scan that or click it or whatever to go look at that now here I'll I don't
remember I think I showed off the QR code stuff that I did hold on let me see if I
if I still have that example where did I put that oh here it's QR code okay let's
see this right so uh let me go to this this
is oh still works look at that okay um so um here let's make this bigger
essentially the QR code integration is all done with twig okay so um basically
it's it's this right now if I had um let's say this URL was stored in my CMS
like I have it fully typed out here right okay but if you were to if you were to see this QR code and you know
use your phone it would take you to uh this website waverace Stacks now again I
have this hardcoded but you could um you could easily um put in actual code from this or you know
data from your CMS let's say you know I had a Blog that was uh I can do like
post dot I don't know URL okay let's say I had a and in the URL field I was
storing um you know a URL and I and this will will basically generate a QR code
based on the URL that's saved in the CMS right
um so yeah that's how that will kind of work so and in in in terms of switchy
what you would do is you wouldn't even need to generate you wouldn't even get you would need to get the the code from
switchy because all you would do is uh oh did I close that oh there it is um
you would just get this this URL get the one put it in there on hard and then and then you would save the you would save
the link you know in the CMS and then you would use the CMS to generate your QR code you wouldn't even need to get
the QR code from them okay does that make sense it does
cool it does I'm pretty excited my mind is still
blown and I'm you know working away
sweet okay guys anything else I gotta go Munch some food up I'm
sorry cool you did in I guess I guess we'll call it a day thank you for coming
on everybody I appreciate it had a good time hope you learn some stuff I appreciate it and I know a lot of you
will see you on Friday all right take care guys take care bye
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