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More F6 + Total CMS Blog Layouts thumbnail

More F6 + Total CMS Blog Layouts

Last week's live stream was very popular showing how we can use Foundation 6 to take our Blog Layouts to the next level. I thought that it would be fun to play around with more layout options using the F6 stacks inside of the Blog List.

Categories: Live


0:00 how's everyone doing today hope you're having a wonderful week 0:05 um let me just uh just a quick note in the chat that everything is good and 0:10 we're live and that everybody can hear me 0:17 sweet okay uh i got a message saying no 0:24 response from youtube but let me go ahead and uh hopefully that's okay sound is good 0:30 okay cool i guess sound is good um i don't know the youtube the youtube streaming api i don't know it seems kind 0:36 of buggy or something because uh yeah it always says disconnected but it still keeps streaming so it's weird 0:42 okay cool um yeah hope everyone's doing it 0:47 i'm a little tongue-tied today man you should hear all of the uh when i like record 0:53 like my tongue gets tired all the time man i i've been that i'm doing that all the time when i record and i have to edit all 0:59 that stuff out it's probably why it takes me like an hour to record a two-minute video 1:06 okay um so last week i uh we did some really cool stuff last 1:12 week so hey i showed off the new ombed stack right and um you know we went over how to use 1:17 that with some off-site and some other cool stuff but really the game changer that i think really 1:22 um blew a lot of people's minds were how we used some foundation six stacks 1:29 inside of the total cms blog list right and uh i've already started seeing 1:36 a lot of people on the community start to really use um other f6 stacks like today um 1:43 marin sorry if i saying your name wrong um he uh used the details stack 1:51 from foundation six in the blog list to create like a dynamic faq that he can build out with a blog pretty crazy um 1:59 really interesting enough i actually built a similar thing on the hangout on friday you join our hangouts on friday right 2:04 because they're like really awesome and last friday's hangout was great and 2:10 we um we built out an faq using the accordion stack 2:15 the foundation six accordion stack so we actually built out faqs and it was an accordion and uh yeah it was really really cool so 2:22 we'll probably read we'll probably i'll implement that again today and um if you have any questions we can definitely go ahead and 2:29 um you know go through and zip through any of those and i just want to say hi everyone that 2:34 joined it again a lot of uh you know the same people um you know gunther oh marin's here 2:40 marin hopefully i'm saying your name right um that's a lot of jays in the wrong places 2:45 for me um so yeah um gaston 2:51 gunter and uh mr bloom is here wolf as always mr workman 2:57 dominic martin thanks for joining everybody carl hey nice job on that new review stack carl looks pretty slick 3:04 um i like it um so cool thank you thank you very much everyone oh tony's here hola 3:12 aloha ola too cinco de mayo yesterday right so hola everybody 3:20 um yeah only for the dutch that's right 3:26 cool um so i guess for without further ado let's go ahead and play around um i will go ahead and let's jump into 3:33 my machine's actually behaving a lot better today i'm getting much better frame rates to the stream and 3:39 um my machine isn't doesn't sound like it's about to take off so uh yeah we're good i'm not sure what 3:45 what i did different last week but uh man it was uh it was chugging let's go ahead and start sharing here 3:56 okay so cool so here we are um i i'm starting from a blank slate 4:04 today i thought um that would be nice and again if you have any questions as we're kind of doing this just pop them in the chat 4:09 room and i'll try to get to them as we can um but we're just having a little bit of fun today actually oh another another 4:14 thing i wanted to chat about maybe i'll do that first really quick is um the new server utility 4:21 um so i i shipped an update to a lot of stacks yesterday 4:26 um total cms was one easy cms was another and then agent and video wall and 4:33 seo helper and ombed um i i think those are those were 4:40 all of them um those are basically my my larger php stacks like the the bigger ones that probably get 4:45 the most use or or that use kind of like a little mini web apps uh within them 4:52 and uh what i shipped was a uh a really cool utility and let's go ahead and show you um i'm 4:58 just gonna oh agent's another one so let's just go ahead and i'm gonna pop an agent stack on the page 5:06 okay i'm not even gonna i'm not even you just have to have agent on the page not even gonna worry about 5:13 putting any content on it and um what what this does 5:19 is uh let's just go ahead and launch safari really quick 5:26 where's safari where is it are you gonna launch safari 5:36 thinking about it well i i guess i should knock on wood in terms of performance in my machine right okay cool 5:42 here we go so uh what i'm gonna do right now is i'm actually gonna go to um dreamhost uh which is uh where i host my 5:52 my test site most of my sites are hosted on a server that i manage on 5:59 on digitalocean but i've used dreamhost for many many years 6:06 and they've never done me wrong so i just keep i keep my account open with them and uh 6:12 yeah i run my tests uh my test domain sandbox.jorgan.net as well as a couple other i don't know 6:18 what else is on there man i cannot type my one password 6:28 there he is all right let's just sign into dreamhost really quick 6:34 and what i'm going to do is um i'm going to change the php version of 6:41 my sandbox domain okay um so let's just go ahead and on 6:46 sandbox i'm just going to go ahead and change um 6:53 i'm going to change it to 7.1 okay because by default this new server check utility 6:59 it checks for um php 7.2 or above by default um 7:06 so right now i'm going to go ahead and set my domain to be php 7.1 that's going to take a couple 7:11 minutes maybe but um it says five to ten minutes but normally 7:18 they're a lot faster so let's just give it a minute though 7:24 uh and while we do that let's just go ahead and preview this locally 7:30 this is obviously just a blank page but eventually let's go ahead and up there it goes boom 7:35 look it was already it's already already happened so um what you'll see now let me move 7:41 this so it i'm not covering it now this this message only displays 7:47 inside rapidweaver in preview or if you preview locally in a browser this will never publish okay so don't 7:53 worry this will never get published to your um to your live website so this message will never ever 7:59 ever ever ever ever be published um to your live website okay 8:05 um so what this alert says is basically that hey um we notice your server isn't running 8:11 php 7.2 or above um you're running version 8:17 um maybe you need to go update okay um and this will if you want you can 8:22 click on this little x and it'll it'll close that so if you really want to ignore it you can but obviously 8:28 um depending on what stack you want um if you want it to function properly you're going to want to update 8:33 right so um i've just been seeing i'm sure a lot of you are on the rat beaver community on the weaver space community 8:39 and you see a lot of people having issues with this and that and a lot of the root cause of their issues is the php version on their 8:46 server right a lot of hosts especially like you know smaller 8:51 budget hosts um are still running php 5.6 which isn't even getting security 8:57 patches like it is dead long gone right just to preview like in this alert i have a link here 9:03 and if we click on that um it actually opens up to the supported versions for php and if 9:09 you see 5.6 ended support 18 months ago almost um 9:15 so yeah um we are currently on 7.2 um 7.1 isn't even supported anymore 9:21 right so 7.2 was the lowest version that you should be running on your on your environments okay pretty soon though um 9:29 total cms2 when that ships i'm going to start requiring 7.4 um so i'm not going to go into all the 9:35 reasons it just has a lot of really cool stuff that allows me to develop less buggy applications 9:42 okay um or not that my applications are buggy now but it just allows me to um you know find 9:48 bugs and squash them before i ship them easier okay there's a lot of really great features in php 7.4 9:54 that uh that give me a lot of power and tools that i need um to ship better stuff for you so um so 10:02 yeah total cms2 is going to require 7.4 so right now i wanted to get this out the door now um to kind of get people 10:08 you know used to upgrading um so if your host supports 7.4 um go ahead and update to that now um 10:15 but at least upgrade to version 7.2 okay um so that's that um now there are 10:21 various other there are some other messages that you could potentially um that could potentially display here 10:28 right now those aren't enabled for anything um and those are essentially like 10:34 um let me see if i still have some some stuff on my clipboard i can kind of plop in here hold on one second let's just go 10:40 ahead and add an html stack to the page 10:45 i'm just going to add an html page you don't have to worry about this this 10:50 is just some um 11:04 all right you don't need to worry about this code this is just a little bit of code that i would ultimately be shipping inside one of my stacks but i just want 11:11 to show you an example of another feature that my server checker has 11:20 installed so let's do like 11:33 let's do a couple of them 11:42 okay i think that should work okay so now i'm going to preview this um 11:48 oh well first i need to fix the p the server version okay so i'm going to go ahead and back and let's go fix my server version 11:53 let's go ahead and change this back to [Music] do 12:02 oops 7.4 12:07 change all right so we don't need dreamhost anymore 12:12 um all right let's just refresh this until this error eventually goes away which 12:18 means my php version is good 12:24 still thinks i have 713. 12:32 boom okay so now we get a different error here so um the server checker notice that my server 12:38 is now running 7.4 so um it it validated that my version is good 12:43 but then it goes on to an additional check and uh that this little snippet of code that i added here 12:48 that's what this this tells the checker to look for a couple extensions so let's say for 12:53 example um these two extensions aren't really used by by anything right now so i knew 12:58 they weren't going to be installed but let's say total cms for example total cms 13:04 uses a lot of extensions like um reading of exif data from images some image manipulation libraries some 13:11 internationalization stuff so you can do like you know uh umlauts and utf-8 characters 13:16 and stuff like that right and we need to make sure that we have specific extensions installed for so that total cms can do its job 13:22 right um so what what this does is allows us to also check if all of those extensions 13:28 are enabled in your server and if they're not you'll get a message that looks like this okay um these two extensions i know 13:35 aren't installed on my server because they're definitely not ones that most hosts would have so i explicitly added these 13:40 just as a as a test right um so yeah and you can click on these links to get more information about that 13:47 extension and eventually i'm actually going to also add at the bottom here like what stacks are requesting these and 13:53 stuff like that so you know okay so anyway um that is the new server 13:58 check utility again um it just comes by default with a lot of the php stacks that i have so 14:05 any any stack that i have that ships with php will will have that new server check utility 14:10 um which is really really cool okay so why you all are here uh wasn't 14:17 for that but um i just want to give you a heads up about that because i thought it was really cool um i spent quite a bit i thought that 14:24 was going to be a task that i spent like two hours on yesterday but instead it took me like i don't know 14:29 18 hours um but i got it all shipped so i'm i'm really happy with that it's gonna save you guys a lot of time it's gonna 14:36 save me a lot of time it's gonna save everybody a lot of heartache um with especially people that aren't 14:41 aware of that they should be that they should care about php versions on their server 14:48 a lot of people like i got a host i just trust my host is going to serve up a website that's not just it 14:53 right um okay so blog list 14:58 okay let's go ahead and build out a page um i deleted everything that we had from last week in my this as 15:04 much as my test project file right so let's just go ahead and add some stuff back in obviously i need 15:10 a cms core on the page i should shrink that bad boy and let me put in my license 15:20 okay so i got my cms core um then we're just gonna do a blog list right so blog list 15:29 now i'm not gonna recreate the one that um oh mike asks if we upgrade to 7.4 we 15:36 shouldn't see any issues no you should not see any issues if you upgrade to 7.4 you won't see any issues 15:43 i use 7.4 on all my servers right now um so yeah as of right now i notice 15:49 somebody last week i think chili dog has already fixed it but um when they enabled php 7.4 15:56 um it didn't have a couple extensions enabled so um it was breaking total cms um but i 16:02 think they fixed it already um so that was on friday someone tested that and find out but i think i'm pretty 16:08 sure greg is already on top of it and fixed that but um just a quick heads up with chili dog yeah um 16:14 and potentially other hosts but again this php um although i haven't added the module stuff into total cms yet i need 16:19 to do that so um right now it only checks for the versions but as a time goes on i'll go to each 16:26 individual stack and kind of list out the modules that um that it needs and you'll get that those module checkers 16:31 okay oh oh chris is the one that was on the hangout i i think i think greg already fixed that but um 16:38 chris you can test that um if if you want for us and put that in the chat if you want to break your site 16:44 again um for a second okay um okay so i'm not going to redo what we 16:50 did last week um let me just go ahead and create this blog list really quick just a default one 16:57 oh uh yesterday another update i shipped was inside oh that was the blog post stack 17:03 on the blog post side there's now a slideshow wolf um this is for you because you found 17:09 this out um so i shipped the slideshow blog post f6 stack 17:15 right because the the blog slideshow stack was not working inside foundation six so 17:21 now there's an f6 version of that and um so yeah there you go um that 17:26 shipped last night okay let me just create a quick blog list here let's just add in a 17:34 title and an image 17:40 and i guess we'll add the summary why not we'll just keep it simple and uh probably the image above the 17:46 title there we go oops 17:54 okay uh let's just preview that make sure that we're golden 18:02 hey we're golden oh someone someone put a lot of bold in in our in our post here that's okay 18:09 and these all right i'm gonna go ahead and uh hold on one second let's let's just go over to 18:17 um 18:24 i'm gonna link to this the paid the blog form page one second yeah let's just do that 18:35 okay log form all right let's just now let's make this 18:41 page simple i just want a simple form i don't want the blog post at all because we're just going to be working 18:47 on the blog list today okay let's just do that 18:54 there let me go ahead and i'm just going to do a custom post url just for now this is my test server you guys 19:01 shouldn't be using the custom post url i've said this on many hangouts or many live streams um yeah 19:08 it's good for quick little demos and tests like i'm doing here where i have multiple potential pages that 19:14 it links to i just want to explicitly link to that page um let's go ahead and publish that really quick 19:29 boom and while this is publishing chris just said he just tested and 7.4 is working great on chili dog 19:36 now so boom win for greg thanks greg 19:43 so interesting tidbit me and greg are are trying to get back to our schedules uh lined up so that we can actually do 19:48 another podcast for um weaver radio um because yeah that'd be good to have that back 19:54 so i know it's been it's been a while so uh let's jump on to 20:04 sandbox.jordan.net okay let's go ahead and click on this if you're during the live stream by the way 20:10 like if if you notice like i'm working on stuff i know everything is this is all open to 20:16 the public sandbox.jewelry.net but let's not uh um be nice and not go ahead and start 20:21 editing stuff while i'm doing the live stream that would be great okay cool thank you very much i'm just 20:28 gonna i'm just gonna copy that and we'll save that 20:34 okay let's go back i'm just going to go here let's go save that as the summary 20:43 i just want all of these to have a summary they're all going to have the same summary but it's okay 21:00 it's just important that they have a summary 21:11 cool okay there we go and we'll refresh this boom now they all 21:18 have summary a lot most of the summaries are the same but that's okay okay so now we have our basic blog list 21:26 just go ahead and we can now preview this locally boom 21:31 um so now let's do some interesting stuff with it right um i'll start off with showing you what i 21:37 did um last week during the hangout um and let's go ahead and do let's go to 21:43 foundation six stacks and let's put in i used an accordion 21:51 okay so let's go ahead and what i do is i'm gonna put an accordion in my blog list 21:57 okay and uh so in accordion we have a couple different things right we have um a title and then our content right so 22:04 obviously in the content well in the in the title of this we want to have our title 22:10 right so let's just go ahead and uh well we don't need the title stack and as we learned last week we could 22:15 just do uh tilde tilde title right let's remember this syntax 22:22 right here right so we have that it's just curly brace title curly brace 22:27 okay um you can have spaces or no spaces it doesn't really matter i just kind of added spaces so it's a 22:32 little easier for you guys to read over the live stream okay so we have title 22:38 okay um let's just click ok um and then inside here let's just go 22:44 ahead and build out now if we wanted you could actually use here let's let's go all out right i was 22:50 going to use a um oops i was going to use a layout stack a blog list layout stack so this one 22:56 right here you could use that but let's just go all out i'm actually going to use a foundation 23:02 6 2 column which i to be honest this actually it didn't do last week um so this would be 23:08 interesting okay so i'm changing it up a little bit so this is a foundation 6.2 column and um i'm going to add the image here 23:18 and then i'm going to add the summary here 23:24 oops i have to work with isaiah sometimes this 23:29 drag and drop when you go too quick on my live stream 23:35 is slow there we go okay um so here inside my blog list 23:42 now one thing actually okay um so let's go ahead and preview that really quick right let's go ahead and 23:48 preview that interesting so if you look here i still 23:54 have my grid layout right which is kind of interesting um oh in my court so all right hold up you look here 24:02 if i click on this it doesn't close i can open it but then i can't close it what's going on there right um so if we 24:08 go into my accordion i have to say allow all closed now what's interesting is 24:14 um we're gonna build this and we're gonna make it look like it's one one big accordion but in fact what it is is an is in a 24:21 single item accordion for every single blog post right so what 24:26 we need to do is in the accordion stack uh we need to say allow all closed um 24:32 because we when there's only one post in the accordion only one section you want to be able to 24:38 open and close it okay okay so let's go ahead and preview that 24:44 again all right so now if i have san francisco boom works 24:51 i have mandalorian it's kind of you know actually i didn't build out this layout oh that's interesting it spans out 24:56 makes the grid go big um obviously this grid layout for for this 25:03 doesn't really work too well um it could work for some things maybe if you only had the image in there or something like that 25:08 i don't know um yeah that doesn't doesn't work too great so let's go ahead and um tweak this 25:16 a little bit so let's go to the blog list basically i just want it like a normal what how do we want it we just want one item across right so 25:23 let's go to our grid setup and i'm gonna set the columns to be one all the way across right so we just 25:31 have one everywhere let's set the gutter to zero as well 25:38 all right so we do that okay there we go look at that dude 25:50 boom now if you notice that there actually is a gap in between um each section um so if we 25:58 wanted to eliminate that let's open up the inspector and see what that is 26:03 really quick let's see here he's using a little target tool 26:12 and if we look it is what is it 26:19 oh it's on the accordion itself so the accordion has a bottom margin right so if you look at computed you'll 26:25 see that it has a 1 bram or 16 pixel margin on the bottom of the actual accordion 26:31 well we're all ninjas here on this live stream so i know if i go to my accordion and i put in mb colon zero 26:39 um that will make the bottom margin zero pretty cool okay let's go ahead and 26:46 print that again preview that voila there we go we have an accordion 26:53 look at this now interesting snippet um when i did 26:59 this on friday i used the blog layout stack to do this two columns 27:04 uh two column layout and um inside the layout stack when it was 27:09 inside the accordion this image didn't display but when i use the two column foundation stack it does so that's 27:16 really slick um that is super powerful like i'm blown 27:21 away like i know i built this stuff but sometimes like you know i just marvel at how um 27:28 flexible a lot of this is now obviously uh you know for styling maybe you'd want these these things to be bigger the titles and whatnot 27:34 i'm not going to go through all that you would just use swatches to target the the accordion styles and all that jazz 27:40 right you can adjust these little um these little um doodads here inside the accordion again i'm not going to go through all of 27:46 that today okay um we're not all about styling it but i just want to get you the basics look at 27:51 this this is really cool okay so um i know that there's been a few 27:56 questions lately i i think mike i think it was you mike henderson weren't you asking like 28:02 you needed to build out an faq right and you wanted to um you know see you know you didn't 28:08 understand how to do it with total cms well here you go man i mean this is if this isn't the perfect faq scenario 28:15 like i don't know what is right i mean this is awesome because as soon as i add new i can keep 28:21 on adding new posts and this will just dynamically just add them to the list like it's really really cool okay 28:28 so accordion really cool that was uh pretty simple let's go oh one thing i i do want to 28:34 note okay um is just like last week okay if you notice in here it does work 28:42 okay um but i actually have some invalid html in here um and 28:50 here let me i'm actually going to show you guys i didn't i didn't actually go into the html and show you guys 28:55 right but let's go ahead and do that okay if we look in here um 29:03 it should here we go okay so if you look here um inside the 29:10 html you'll notice that this is the section title okay and this section title has an id 29:18 okay right here id section one label okay now um as i've said before 29:27 um when you use an id in html you can only have one on a page 29:35 now because we're using we're basically building out a template that id is used in every single blog 29:42 list right now the browsers tend to compensate for that right 29:50 a lot of things will still function but the fact is we now have invalid html and we don't want that okay so how can 29:58 we fix that so what we can do is we could just simply do um change the section id 30:03 and we can do dash we can do the two curly braces and we can just add the permalink to the 30:09 id here because we know that permalink is going to be unique okay so now i have section dash 30:16 permalink and if we preview our page again 30:22 notice that here my id now contains oops uh where is the id that's not the 30:29 id the id moved here it is boom the id is now section dash the mandalorian label boom 30:37 and actually if you look further below it's the id of the content also says section the 30:43 mandalorian right so very very cool that is a very important step 30:48 okay i know it might seem not important because our web page still works but we don't 30:54 want to have invalid html okay because you know google could you know slap us on the wrist for that it 31:00 could affect our seo we don't want that right um so yeah so go ahead and go ahead and you 31:06 change this um section id in the accordion item okay we need to change that to 31:12 have something unique and we can inject the permalink to do that okay 31:19 sweet so let's uh let's play around with some other ideas so uh marin uh go went ahead and 31:28 oh let's see there is a could you reorder these faqs in the future um yes so as marin 31:34 suggested um in well in the blog list a you can um 31:40 you could do there's a sort here so you could do you can sort um reverse alphabetical oldest first or 31:46 newest first okay um so oldest and newest obviously go by the date of the blog post 31:53 okay um so yes you can manipulate the faq order by using the date 31:58 but you can also do it alphabetically and so if you wanted to um you know maybe label your posts 32:06 one two three four five your faqs you know you could potentially do that but then if you want to inject one in 32:12 the middle they need to have that problem yeah that's probably not the great greatest idea actually scrap that 32:17 but um maybe this according maybe it's not an faq but maybe you had some sort of directory of cities or directory of 32:25 something right of items and you wanted to sort those alphabetically you could do that here right so um that 32:32 just uses the blog sort engine and back here i'm going to sort by abc order 32:37 and let's watch this sort there it goes so now it's sorted alphabetically so we have joe workman is cool san francisco 32:44 the mandalorian and weaver space right so now um you know we can sort these 32:50 alphabetically so now if i created a new post that was like a um cool live stream right that would 32:56 be first because it starts with a right so you can utilize these sort options in the blog list obviously 33:02 they're shuffle too um but if you wanted some sort of manual um you know option you would just 33:08 manipulate the date to kind of structure that 33:13 and then use newest first or oldest first okay hopefully that helps out good question um 33:19 thanks andy 33:27 chris says he tends to sort uh all posts by date as opposed to alphabet yeah but again um you know for this you 33:34 might not be using this for a blog a blog right if you might be using it for an faq or like i said 33:39 maybe a directory of you know cities or counties or states and a lot of times those you would want 33:45 to you know organize alphabetically so yeah depending on what if you're using it for a blog 33:51 alphabetical doesn't make sense but i'm not sure this layout really makes sense for a blog either 33:56 um i guess it could maybe in a sidebar if you like you wanted to show like the top three posts or something like 34:02 that i don't know um just an idea now one thing to note um this doesn't behave exactly like 34:10 as if these were one unified accordion okay because in an accordion i can make it so 34:17 if i open one it closes the other that's not possible here okay um and the 34:23 reason is is because each one of these is an accordion unto itself 34:29 it's just a one section accordion right so instead of having one accordion with four sections here we have four 34:36 accordions with one section that's a very important distinction because 34:42 um because they're different accordions we don't get that option of only having one open at a time so that 34:49 is a slight drawback but hey um we couldn't do this before 34:54 at all so um hey i'll take it right really cool okay new layouts um 35:01 marin did something really cool on weaver's face and i actually haven't duplicated this yet but i'm sure it's 35:07 it's gonna be easy uh and i need details okay so we're gonna use we're gonna use the details list here 35:14 so i'm gonna go ahead and add details okay and then as my title um in in in here i'm going to go um 35:22 title okay and let's just go ahead and uh let's i'm 35:29 going to drag and drop that in there and let's delete my accordion okay so now i'm using the details um 35:39 drop down inside the blog list okay and really simple it's pretty much the same 35:44 thing right um the a there there is no ids here uh most because this just uses um the 35:50 detail is a new item that is available in html5 for 35:56 browsers so this is a native browser utility this is using zero javascript um this is pure 100 36:02 html there's no javascript at all in this so there's no linking of ids and any complex logic 36:08 this is crazy simple right raw html that's it which is nice 36:13 really really cool okay so let's go ahead and preview this 36:20 and if you see here we have a completely different sort of layout right um obviously this one like you know 36:26 a there isn't cool animations in terms of dropping it's very simple and the image is a little bit jarring 36:32 let's go ahead and make this a little simpler right so a lot of times if we just want to straight up faq and i didn't want to 36:38 drag the whole thing i just wanted this one like that let's just delete that 36:45 okay and preview that again 36:51 all right so now we do boop you know it's there there we go really cool now if we wanted to i can go 36:57 ahead and um let's just go ahead add like a one column in here 37:06 and we will just give it some margin and padding so it indents it a little bit 37:16 and there we go right so now we have a much simpler faq um again 37:23 it doesn't have a lot of the fancies this is just a built-in html thing which is which to be honest is kind of 37:28 nice because this is going to be crazy performant it's going to load crazy fast it's just going to work great everywhere 37:35 um so if you need something really super simple like this um this is just a great thing 37:40 great way to use it okay um i am going to add marinade some asked some questions about how can we 37:46 title like the um the header here and title the the little carrot and um 37:52 i posted a css selector on this thread in weaver space but i'll probably in the next update 37:57 i'll i'll add a element so we can style the color of this particular carrot 38:03 um right there so that's kind of cool okay that's really slick right i mean really 38:08 really cool um what we can do with foundation six and blog list is nuts 38:13 i i thought it'd be fun so those are the two ideas that i wanted to show you um 38:18 can you style the title using um using h4 in custom classes oh so you 38:24 want to style the title here um let's go ahead and look at that really quick why not 38:33 so if i inspect that i think that's the details element i think 38:39 that's the summary element okay so um 38:44 so hey what you can do is um any classes here uh hold on let's see let's hold on one 38:50 second before i before i say that let me re-look at my code here 39:03 okay so summary i got it okay so um any class that you add 39:09 um here will get added to the just the title here okay so if i 39:15 if i want to do um you know summary okay um or right here let's do um if we 39:21 wanted to be styled like my h3s i could just do h3 in there okay and then now um the summaries will 39:29 get styled like my h3 tags 39:34 there we go right remember these cool utility 39:40 classes where if you wanted to style something like like another element on the page 39:46 at least headers right you can just add the header tag as a class right so um this just quickly styles 39:53 all that summary as h3s but if you wanted to use a custom swatch you could just type whatever class you 39:59 wanted in there and then style that class okay 40:08 sweet 40:22 okay any other questions i think i answered all the questions here could you make it so the website visitor 40:28 can change the order correct oh yeah where do we kind of uh oh can you make it so the website 40:34 visitor can change the order criteria um 40:42 um so if you wanted to do that you wouldn't you know to let the website visitor change the 40:47 order that is a little bit more complex um maybe we can that would requires 40:54 probably something like agent okay um i actually i actually do that 40:59 inside on the weaver space page um maybe if we have time at the end we'll we'll dive into that um 41:05 that's a little bit more complex to let the user customize that 41:11 can the title be made to look like a link um uh well you can stop again for the title 41:18 you can style it however you want just go ahead and put in your classes here um and do that um someone i i know i did 41:26 mark a a thing to you know style the cursor on hover so that when you hovered over it it was actually turned into a link 41:33 or it doesn't turn it doesn't turn into a link but you know the cursor changes right so that when you're hovering over 41:39 the title um it looks clickable i'm i'm totally okay with that um in fact if you wanted to really 41:46 quickly just do it they see us i added a feature for me to for a request for me to do that in an update 41:51 what if we just did um i think it's summary um cursor 42:00 pointer i i think this is the css off the top of 42:06 my head this is going to be the css so you just do summary cursor pointer okay actually if you want probably just 42:12 do uh details summary that way it only does the stuff that's inside of the details 42:19 if we did that there we go so there it only it only does it when 42:26 i'm hovered over the summary right so when i'm when i'm not on the summary it doesn't 42:31 and there we go right there we go i think that's we were talking about earn 42:36 right um so again if you just want to quickly see that simple css i will um i'll go ahead and 42:42 add that in an update i i already filed a feature request for me to do that in in a future update probably the next update 42:50 which might be a little ways away but we'll get it um but the css there is simple enough 42:56 cool thanks for the feedback on that um filter should still work correct 43:04 um so yeah filter will still work um so if you have like filter links you could filter by category and whatnot and that 43:10 will still work um right so if we did um uh i'm gonna go ahead and publish this 43:17 page really quick let's go ahead and publish this 43:24 publish actually i wanted i want to change 43:31 something really quick aren't it no it's only four files okay 43:42 all right let's go back to details i just want to i want to put that h3 back out all right let's do h4 okay so now those are styled as h4s and 43:50 let's publish 44:03 joe can you publish the f6 blog post slideshow it looks broken on my end sure we can look at that um i just did a 44:10 simple test last night it was working for me but we'll look at that 44:16 uh okay so go here nice 44:22 oh i didn't want it i want to go to i want to go to the actual web page 44:36 actually here let's let's even i'll even go all out let's uh hold on one second let me just do uh i'm going to build this out really 44:42 quick so over here we're going to do we're going to do my err drag and drop 44:53 i wonder if it's because the trackpad oh wonderfully better if i use the mouse i don't know i don't think so 44:58 um okay let's do the column split as like uh 45:05 eight and four huh leave it as auto that's fine okay 45:12 uh and then on this side i'm gonna put in blog links 45:26 vlog oh those are admin stacks blog filter there 45:34 we're going to add links and we're going to do categories and the fill 45:41 total cms all right cool let's publish this 45:46 i probably want to line those right but oh well it doesn't matter should still work 46:03 yeah i should file a bug with isaiah about that drag and drop martin um sometimes it just yeah it happens to me 46:09 mostly it happens to me during live streams um it doesn't happen to me too often outside the live stream so i think it's 46:15 just maybe a system resources thing i wanted to add some padding to that publish out again 46:42 okay um so here i have a page right um i have uh all of our 46:49 our things and here i have categories on the side okay now i'm not i don't recall what 46:54 categories each of these had i probably should add a category on there let's let's pick like category four so 47:00 if i if i filter this list of it it works okay so here i filter this list by category four 47:06 and only these blog posts filtered by category four so that yes filtering does still work uh 47:12 with this layout right if you look here in the in the url all it does is add cat uh you know 47:19 question mark category equals four um on there oops 47:25 over there we go okay um so yeah that's nice and if i click on 47:31 one it goes to those are all the those are all the things that have category of one here's a category of 47:37 three category of two and all posts 47:43 oh oops for some reason all posts didn't there we go okay cool that's nice um 47:52 so if you wanted to have different blog lists based on um 48:00 yeah 15 minutes i don't i don't have time to go over that that example with agent um i don't think because i want to kind 48:07 of look at what other what else we can use from foundation 6 um here essentially andy um what you 48:13 would do is if you're familiar with what agent is you would use an agent url actually here 48:20 let's just go ahead and i'll show you an example um using weaver space actually 48:28 okay while this project is opening let's go on to weaver space 48:44 if we go to the stacks page on weaver space i don't know if many people even know this exists right um by 48:51 default you have this grid layout right this really cool fancy grid layout 48:56 um but i have another layout option okay and um if you look at this 49:03 um let's go ahead and i'm going to click on this and if you click on this button it reloads the page 49:11 okay and it has a different layout okay it has a much simpler layout 49:18 and if you look at the url all that did was added a um a layout equals list option 49:28 okay so that's all that did um actually i probably even need this project open 49:34 because it's pretty simple okay so that that um layout equals i probably should just left it open 49:40 whatever um so if i go to the agent url stack 49:45 and we add this to the page and an agent url i can simply say if um layout 49:54 is list right then basically i had a this blog list stack inside there 50:03 right so basically i had two different agent url stacks i had one for is if layout equals grid 50:09 and one if layout equals list right so here i had two 50:14 this one is if layout equals grid now what's important here on the 50:20 one that's grid because that's my default layout you set that as set as default value 50:26 right so if if no layout is defined grid is the default value um but then if list is defined um then 50:34 define this so then inside these two agent url stacks i'd have a different blog list with different sort parameters that's 50:41 how you could um you know easily have a user defined um you know layout engine 50:49 on uh you know your website okay so that's a way of using agent url for that agent url's a really powerful cool stack 50:58 okay um let's let's see what else we can do with foundation six here 51:04 so here we saw i already used the columns right nice um menus anchor 51:12 menus inside a blog list i think that sounds kind of crazy um what a details layout 51:21 let's see what that would do for us oh wait no oh i want a definition list 51:26 so if i did a definition list um we can have a title 51:32 and then we have the detail okay and in here we could do um 51:40 i don't even i'm not sure if this is looks useful or not but let's do it title okay 51:48 and if you notice here i can't drag in a stack into the details stack okay i actually have to put in text okay 51:54 but we can put in um summary 52:01 all right and let's delete that and let's go ahead and preview that 52:13 oh interesting it actually prints out the uh oh uh aha that's actually a really good 52:19 thing okay um so if you notice here um it prints out actually so my paragraphs are done 52:25 with hip wig okay my summaries are done with hip wig and hip wig contains html because it's 52:30 styled text okay but if you notice here um this actually it like printed everything out literally 52:36 like i don't want to see my html tags what the heck um so um this is really good that i 52:42 spotted this okay so um if you want your um your html to actually come out as 52:49 html you put in three curly braces okay so here um you put in three curly 52:56 braces if you're using hip weight content that was a really good mess up by me 53:03 glad we hit that there we go so now that it doesn't 53:09 actually display the html tags and we just have a nice little kind of list okay 53:14 obviously i mean this um what's nice about this is the markup the way um yes you could just 53:21 do you might be thinking joe what's the difference if i actually had just um a title and the summary in there 53:26 um there's not too much difference other than the markup here right so the way google is going to 53:32 interpret this definition list could be a little bit different than how it would interpret something that has 53:37 like an h3 tag with a summary and then an h you know three tag with a summary right so 53:43 just a little bit different the way google would interpret that um so yeah just that is a 53:50 an entirely different story for a completely different time um but yes tags matter the way google 53:56 will interpret things right because this is what's called a definition list right so this is um you know this is um 54:03 basically a keyword and here's the definition of that keyword right so um it kind of tells google that 54:09 this is a definition list okay um so yeah there we go 54:16 also i mean if you wanted like you could have um uh definition list definition list can have multiple titles 54:22 like maybe you can put in the um i'm not sure if my posts have authors or not in this demo data but you can put 54:28 in um title and author as you know two different um versions of something and then the 54:34 definition list uh as as the summary or something like that right let's see what if that actually 54:40 produces any content i'm not sure if my posts have my posts don't have an author set so it 54:45 doesn't display okay um next up how about quotes 54:51 right uh that could be interesting right so let's go ahead and let's say i wanted to have a the ability 54:56 to put in quotes okay so let's delete that 55:02 let's say this is um i know my posts don't have authors so i'm going to use the title here 55:12 and then here we're going to put in the 55:18 summary and preview that 55:31 boom look at that and that's amazing that would actually be really cool is like um 55:38 let's put uh like if you just wanted uh at the bottom of your page like a few 55:44 um quotes right and let's just go ahead and do this let's put this 55:51 back in there um let's do like two three oops 56:00 three let's delete that two column uh preview 56:11 boom like here let's say you only want to just display three right so let's say let's go down and 56:16 limit the number of posts to three only load three 56:29 any time any time 56:35 okay so now if we obviously if we you know resize this we can change it but that could be a nice way of just having kind of like a a little 56:41 style and maybe if we added these maybe made them a little bit more blocky so that they have a background color or 56:46 something like that um and you could style them a little bit nicer but here now we can have block quotes 56:52 right so we can use total cms to manage quotes and then we can like um randomize this so like if we did um 56:58 three but then did shuffle right um it'll shuffle and it'll randomly display 57:03 three random quotes um from the blog right really cool stuff um so that's 57:09 that's a really cool idea well there's some other stuff we could do here let's see so we use the quotes 57:14 labels i i can't see that being um maybe if we want to do like um like here in the 57:23 i wish i didn't delete that that details thing now let me let me add this uh definition list back in here it's just 57:29 really quick and simple um just add 57:36 header and details um actually no hold on i'm going to add the 57:42 i'm going to add the details i actually like the details i think the details is really slick all right so we're going to 57:48 put the title back in there and then inside here we're just going to 57:54 add um what we did we did a one column i'm just gonna build this out really quick again 58:00 oh and i want my list to see uh one one okay 58:08 um 58:14 all right also if you set the flux width to 1000 or something like that it makes it whiter in edit mode 58:20 okay there we go and then in there we want the summary 58:30 all right what now what i wanted to do was i wanted to test this out let's say i have this little label stack 58:36 right um and uh oh shoot my posts don't have 58:42 authors but um if you were to do 58:48 like here let me go ahead and uh i want to see if this works 58:54 this should work i'm going to go ahead and modify one of those posts online real quick 59:04 oh shoot i don't have the links anymore page was that 59:14 there's page nine there we go uh of course i don't have 59:21 the author in here shoot all right hold on i want to test this out so let's just go ahead i'm 59:26 going to add the blog form really quick 59:33 i need to add author to this form author 59:41 let's just put it right below the title and publish 1:00:35 all right there's the author field so i'm going to put in um 1:00:44 joe workman thinks joe workman is cool there we go so i'm going to save the author now um if we preview this actually hold 1:00:51 on i actually published that so let's just look at it right here 1:01:00 oh that didn't i didn't do what i thought it was going to do 1:01:10 ah shoot oh i added it to the joe workman post uh which is 1:01:18 where is it that's weird oh i set my blog list to only display three posts and 1:01:26 uh i shuffled it so let's just do newest first 1:01:33 there it goes there we go so here i i use the f6 label stack to put 1:01:39 in my that uh kind of cool it's interesting um you might be thinking how can i put 1:01:47 in tags uh that is a whole other ball of wax that um because tags has multiple and that's 1:01:55 something that is kind of crazy but let's see if we can do it okay 1:02:02 man this this would be interesting okay why not so [Music] 1:02:09 this is going to require some something special okay um so man this uh it's gonna be let me let 1:02:16 me test this first then i'll do let's see so it's tags 1:02:22 okay and then in the label we would do a dot 1:02:30 and then below this this is this is pretty advanced crazy 1:02:35 stuff here using the templating system that is completely not documented for you guys but this uses 1:02:41 mustache okay so what what this does is it says okay i'm going to start a loop through 1:02:47 all the tags and then it's going to add a label and then the dot actually inserts the tag 1:02:53 and then um this ends the loop so it's kind of like a for loop for programmers if okay here we zoom in 1:03:00 you guys can maybe see that a little bit better right so again we start off with tags 1:03:06 we loop through and then it's going to do the labels wow this is crazy if this works 1:03:17 oh okay that didn't work error okay uh maybe i got the syntax 1:03:28 wrong 1:03:37 i thought i got the synth oh 1:03:51 oh it's uh oh no the hashtag 1:04:13 maybe i need the hashtag in there so maybe i need the i need to do that hashtag tags 1:04:20 test that 1:04:26 oh oh um interesting i'm kind of determined to 1:04:34 get that working now hold on one second ah what was that i didn't want that 1:04:54 i know we're going along sorry everyone i just i never thought about doing this before and uh this is kind of interesting 1:05:01 i just want out here outputs sections 1:05:14 yeah that's what i i did get that is the correct syntax right there 1:05:22 this would be tags and this html is this one so it 1:05:27 shouldn't matter 1:05:34 um 1:05:48 yeah that's exactly how it should work i would actually expect that to work 1:05:53 and it didn't 1:06:01 hi let's uh let's look at the html 1:06:19 oh it's a label all right so it's blank so it inserted three labels but it didn't 1:06:27 hmm interesting hold on a second 1:06:37 i wonder if it's on is it tag i just do tag 1:06:46 i don't remember i might have to launch the code and look at the actual code i don't think it's tag 1:06:56 because they don't three oh i know why 1:07:02 i know i know i know i know 1:07:08 i remember what i did in my code now okay don't need to look at my code okay so we do tags 1:07:15 and then instead of dot here we do um 1:07:21 label oh snap look at that 1:07:30 so mandalorian doesn't have any tags but if you look here we have tags right wow that's really cool 1:07:44 check that out this is definitely advanced syntax here and i think we 1:07:51 could do the same thing with categories um so if we did categories 1:08:03 um so one thing of note you have to use the f6 html stack not the html stack that comes with 1:08:10 rapidweaver or that comes with stacks okay you have to use the foundation six this html stack is different 1:08:17 okay um so you have to use this html stack again not i also think there's an html 1:08:24 stack inside um here uh the blog list you can use that one too 1:08:29 um but yeah you cannot use the one that comes with stacks so you cannot use 1:08:34 this one this one cannot use that one okay um this won't work with that 1:08:42 um and then so here let's let's test categories let's see if that works should be the same syntax yep 1:08:54 cool very cool now the immediate question is can i add 1:09:01 a link to that right and i was just thinking why don't labels have a link setting so you can 1:09:07 make the label a link um i think that was a mistake on my part 1:09:13 uh i think we need to i need to log a feature so the labels can be links because then what if it would be really 1:09:18 cool if like if these could be made links and they link out to the actual category or the tag or something like that right 1:09:24 really really cool i like it could you also use swatches to target 1:09:30 categories or tags and style them that way um yes you you could all right so 1:09:36 um if you were to use the um so let's just go ahead and do tags 1:09:42 we add the tag stack right and we put it inside of there 1:09:51 and actually this this already says you know linked to tags post right um and then you can do display you 1:09:58 can have a separator and yeah so yeah you could do that 1:10:14 scott says link box yep you could you could potentially use a link as well so here we go um if you were to 1:10:20 if you notice here we have tags and then you have and then they're all linked right so you could do that and you you 1:10:26 could use a swatch to style this um tag or this link so that it looked 1:10:31 like a box you could do that as well oh 1:10:36 scott linkbox wouldn't work because the link box wouldn't you'd need one around each individual label 1:10:43 uh oh but then you could you could put the oh yeah okay scott let's try it all right so if 1:10:49 i go i do a link 1:10:56 where's my link stack 1:11:02 there's a lot of link stacks here this is the one i'm talking about okay this one so we add that 1:11:08 all right and then we have that and we do that and then we do here 1:11:17 um this would link to um these are categories right yeah so 1:11:24 category equals now this is um 1:11:32 this is where i don't recall what it is uh i remember labeled but let me have to figure out what the other thing 1:11:38 was 1:11:54 oh link okay yeah you do link all right so here it goes 1:12:03 so my link would be um percent or a question mark category equals link so 1:12:08 this is going to link to the same page we're on with a category of link right 1:12:14 so let's go set link of that that's going to loop through the categories it's going to add a link 1:12:19 it's going to download now if you're wondering what's the difference between this link and label 1:12:24 so um the link is like a url friendly version of your category or tag okay let's go ahead and delete that 1:12:34 this is pretty wicked 1:12:41 oh it it it makes it makes them um interesting it makes them it works 1:12:48 right so it actually does work um but it it makes them not inline which isn't 1:12:53 cool okay we'd have to fix that 1:13:00 not sure why that's making it a display block but that's something that can be fixable 1:13:08 cool good idea i like this this is fun um let's see if we can hear let's let's 1:13:15 just continue on let's see what else is in foundation six we're just gonna keep going down the down thing with ideas here 1:13:22 um obviously headers right so um you know you could use a header stack 1:13:27 right inside here so like if you wanted a header um you know and you just want to use the title 1:13:34 obviously you can do that right so now i have a header and you can 1:13:40 customize whatever specific header you want and you can use all the other stuff you can use 1:13:45 underscores so if you want the underscore left um you know you can have that in there as well 1:13:50 really cool okay so here's just a simple let's get out of there 1:13:57 here i don't want to get rid of this because that's really cool 1:14:03 let's say we just jesus 1:14:11 what the heck dude cut 1:14:16 paste there we go delete that 1:14:23 uh see if we had that um 1:14:36 right so our header with a little separator our summary and then oh our messed up 1:14:41 blog links because we put in that link stack 1:14:49 um cool let's keep going down a little bit um picture you can't really use the picture 1:14:56 stack in the blog list and get those the images from the blog list that's 1:15:08 one second let's see what we can do because the image had there could be 1:15:14 multiple images yeah that might possibly work but uh 1:15:26 while we're going all out here let's just uh i'm looking at the code here 1:15:50 okay so let's let's give it a shot 1:15:56 if we wanted to use images 1:16:14 that's going to be tricky let's see if there's anything else if there's nothing else i'll come back to that 1:16:20 um that will definitely be tricky we could probably do the similar thing basically we'd loop through gallery just like we looped through 1:16:26 um categories you'd loop through gallery and then gallery inside there there would be there's a lot of different variables 1:16:32 because you have the alt tag you have the um the three different size thumbnails 1:16:37 um so there's kind of crazy stuff um so picture could potentially work but 1:16:43 you'd have to use warehouse obviously um 1:16:49 okay let's see what else there is um svg uh 1:16:58 let's see here call outs obviously a call out could be used that's just like a little box caption accordions what's something 1:17:05 that's interesting oh cards you could use a card layout right so if you wanted to you know build out some sort of card layout you 1:17:12 could definitely do that by using all these tildes are you know all these macros inside of the various sections 1:17:19 right so um out of a card section and then a card divider oops 1:17:30 right so you'd have like your header up top inside the card and stuff like that so definitely possible uh you can 1:17:36 definitely use cards uh drop down live box we did last week 1:17:42 off canvas sliders uh wouldn't try sliders oh tabs i wanted to try this 1:17:49 hmm all right i this is gonna okay i forgot 1:17:54 a good thing i looked i wanted i wanted to test this um because this is going to be kind of crazy if it works 1:18:02 and so let's say i want to create a dynamic tabbed layout okay 1:18:09 kind of like what we had with accordion but i want it to be tabs 1:18:16 so here i have tabs oh interesting hmm you'd have to 1:18:28 won't work sorry i thought i had i thought it would work but once i 1:18:33 once i saw that interface um yeah that's not going to work because this would create multiple tabs 1:18:40 multiple tab containers that's not what we want okay 1:18:45 um yeah maybe something for the future that would be really slick and now we're going onto forms okay 1:18:53 so anyway that does it um so thank you very much everyone let 1:19:00 me look if there's any more questions um can this be adjusted so that the single item is open 1:19:06 uh when opening a new entry um so the problem with um with those is because they're 1:19:12 individual um they're either all open or all um closed um because again they're they're 1:19:19 maintained as separate individual entities if you wanted you could probably come up with some sort of javascript 1:19:25 that opens the first one or something like that but as of right now there is no way to 1:19:32 adjust those so that um just the uh 1:19:40 there's no way to adjust those oops it looks like i'm frozen so anyway hopefully you guys can still 1:19:45 hear me but my video's frozen it looks like um so and we'll go back to 1:19:51 go back to my desktop then um 1:20:00 so yeah there isn't a way to like open just the first one right now um you see they're all open or all closed 1:20:06 okay um sorry about that so what what he means guys is like if you had um you know let me just i'll put the 1:20:12 details back in there really simple one 1:20:18 all right and then i had um title 1:20:24 and then let's just add the summary in there 1:20:30 i'm not going to worry about adding padding and all that jazz let's just do that and in details you can say open on page 1:20:36 load okay and what you'll notice is when i do that 1:20:45 they're all open on page load right um so it's an all or nothing thing and the reason is because 1:20:51 basically we're creating a template inside the blog list for what a blog post should look like right 1:20:58 um but hmm so 1:21:10 but we have if we did flex grid plus full width 1:21:21 and we set okay here's an interesting idea so okay i wonder if we did this 1:21:29 the full width one has open the non-full width one has closed 1:21:43 there we go 1:21:50 there you go that works so here um i'm i'm exploiting the 1:21:57 ability for um i'm using flex grid plus full width which allows us to have 1:22:03 two different layouts for our blog posts and um 1:22:10 so basically and if we sent this the nth full width and we set it to zero um it's basically only going to apply it 1:22:16 to the very first element so this full width will only get applied to the very first one 1:22:22 okay and uh and then there we go really cool 1:22:34 and you you could do the same thing with the accordions and stuff like that as well so good question matthias um yeah that's 1:22:40 an interesting work around for that what is your best latest tutorial for setting up 1:22:47 total cms blog with foundation six um so uh right now there isn't a combined 1:22:53 tutorial for those um i mean last week and this week was the first time i've kind of really gone into how you can use 1:23:00 foundation six inside blog um so yeah watch last week's live stream which i think you were on and this week 1:23:07 um just kind of see how you know how we do those um and then for setting a blog just use 1:23:12 the um the blog in 30 minute video that i have i have a video that's like you know how to blog in 30 minutes or 1:23:18 something like that or how to set up a blog in 30 minutes so watch that that's a really important video to have all the 1:23:25 various steps to getting a blog set up but yeah in terms of using foundation 6 1:23:31 with um with total cms another thing is um if you want to style 1:23:38 elements inside of all the various swatches let's just choose the i know background 1:23:44 for right now um if you go to the elements and you go to page element you notice 1:23:49 all the way down at the bottom okay um if you can see this down here oops that's not what i wanted 1:24:00 scroll all the way down to the bottom um you'll notice that oops that was scrolled too much uh we 1:24:05 have all the blog um fields here so you can quickly style you know all the various blog fields 1:24:13 using a swatch and these page elements so if you wanted to quickly style um the blog title you could do that but 1:24:20 remember i mean you you could use the um if you wanted to use the header stack or the detail stack or 1:24:26 whatever um you can just drag in the f6 header stack and then put in the little the little macro in here the mustache 1:24:32 macro and um and then you could just use foundation six stacks um right so sorry andy there isn't a 1:24:42 um there isn't a video that kind of goes over both at the same time i do plan on doing a getting started 1:24:49 with foundation six kind of like um little beginner series and then probably what i'll do what i do 1:24:54 with foundation one and total cms one is i i did a the first three videos were how to set up a site from scratch using foundation 1:25:01 and then the second three videos where i added the cms to it so i'll probably do the same thing with 1:25:06 um i should to be honest it'll probably be uh with foundation six and then total cms2 so 1:25:12 it'll probably be after total cms2 ships will not do that series um but until then you know last week's 1:25:17 live stream in this week's live stream um yeah i should really help you out um and then just learning how to use 1:25:23 foundation 6 in general um so yeah hopefully hopefully it helps you out mike said that he followed the 1:25:29 30 minute video so thanks mike hopefully that helped you out and hopefully um you know these uh live streams last week 1:25:36 and this week helped you out too so cool everyone thank you very much i hope you had a wonderful time hope you 1:25:41 learned a lot today um i had a lot of fun just kind of playing around with this stuff as you can see the power of foundation six 1:25:48 with total cms is um pretty insane you could do a lot of stuff with that 1:25:53 you get a lot of bang for your buck there so hopefully um can you start with the position stack 1:25:59 okay um well carl uh you're a pretty smart guy so um learn on um absolute positioning 1:26:07 in css and fixed positioning in css because that's exactly what the position stack does 1:26:12 so um i'm going to give you that tidbit of knowledge so cool thank you ever very much 1:26:18 everybody we'll see hopefully on friday we have hangouts and we will see you there we'll probably 1:26:24 um talk a little bit more maybe show off some more stuff that you guys have done um from now until then and we'll see you 1:26:30 then take care everyone bye oh really quick before you lose before i lose you 1:26:36 dude this week's deal of the week is target target is an amazing stack um it is like my favorite positioning 1:26:43 stack actually out there we do have a position swatch in foundation six but target 1:26:48 is just a really powerful stack so check out target um it's on sale this week so really great 1:26:54 deal um hopefully you uh hopefully you go out and buy that if you don't already have it and uh we'll see you this friday at the 1:27:00 hangout take take care everyone talk to you later bye
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