About Stacks Guru

Stacks Guru is born from the need to search the vast number of videos out there on stacks built for Stacks Pro and the Stacks 5 plugin for Rapidweaver.

We have scraped over 500 videos to get the transcripts for each in order to make the spoken word searchable.

Please use this free tool to help you learn and discover the awesome power that Stacks and the stacks made for Stacks have to offer.

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Every little bit helps to keep this going. I'll be doing my very best to keep up with the likes of Joe when it comes all the videos he posts!

MovingBox 3 Coming Soon thumbnail

MovingBox 3 Coming Soon

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It's been some time since our last live session! The much-anticipated MovingBox 3 is on its way. I figured it's high time we rekindle the excitement and give you a sneak peek of the exciting new features that MovingBox 3 will bring. This has been among our top-performing stacks to date. The community has cherished it as one of their favorite sliders. I'm thrilled to showcase how it has evolved.

Categories: Live


it up a little bit and then when I'm on live I have to turn it down so hopefully we're good to go though
don't have anyone in the chat yet oh uh oops I'm on the wrong chat stream
oh there we are okay
moving box is the best way not to work on total CMS 3. well I I have been working on total CMS 3 actually
um but yeah you're right um but you know I gotta keep gotta keep
the engine moving right so um excellent okay just like let everyone
know let's see I got audio and video is good now um is my audio low or high how is that
let me know in the chat I think my my adjustments got a little off so let me know in the chat if the audio is all
good okay let me go ahead and uh I had to restart everything let me go
ahead and launch up rapidweaver good thanks Roy
so it's been like what I think eight weeks since I've gone live something like that wow time flies when you're
having fun huh and um I I have a couple cool things for you
guys um a little why why don't we talk shop a little bit and before we uh Dive Right
guess what showed up today like literally like five minutes ago
um pretty excited I haven't even opened it yet I've never done an um oh I can't really
see but it's a new Mac Mac Studio brand spanking new M2 Max I got the M2 Max Max
studio and uh here let's open it up a little bit oh look at that oh yeah
[Music] that's more exciting to look at there we
go look at that so yeah new Mac Studio fun times
um I've been working on a 2016 MacBook Pro for uh many years
so uh yeah excited have a desktop again uh just been mobile and uh having a
laptop for a while so pretty excited about that so uh man now I gotta get moving box three
ships so I can play with my new toy right have some other cool things to show you guys now this is
another kind of side project I've been working with my kids actually uh we just started this weekend
but um we have we have some cool little doodads here right here let me back up a
little bit look at these look at these are you recognize some of these These are cool icons now I'm just playing around
with these These are stickers um obviously the cool feeds dudes right pretty slick stuff in the Weaver space
logo um so yeah oh and look look totem we got totem cool little totem dude it's one of my
favorite icons actually oops one of my favorite icons I like this little totem guy he's a really cool Cal Michael just
outdid himself on this one it's one of my favorite icons and then up total CMS version three
do you like this icon I don't know let me know in the chat I wonder I've been wondering if I should do a new one for version three or kind of keep this one I
I do like it um I don't dislike it I I think it's kind of a nice one it's kind of a fire
kind of a modern fire take and then I was in Brazil this isn't a stack icon that's the only stat
non-stack icon I did I uh generated This Heart via mid-journey actually via AI an
AI image generation tool I was trying to generate a bunch of like Brazilian stuff this is the only one that it did that I
actually liked so there we go little Brazil flag heart thing
okay um these won't be available probably
anytime soon um these are actually riddled with some print issues that I have to work out and
uh but I got the cutting out and everything like that it was pretty pretty fun it was interesting a little side project I'm doing with my kids so
uh they can print out stuff for their uh their friends and maybe start a little sticker shop online trying to get them
to uh you know be entrepreneurial and all that jazz so oh yeah
um well you're not here for any of that you're here for moving box three right
and then get a quick Swig here okay um
so let's go ahead and um
show things off let's go ahead let's see share there we go
okay moving box three um maybe before the
do you have a new icon for moving box 3 well yeah maybe I won't show that off yet well if
you're crafty enough you can find it but hey um let's go ahead and preview this page
okay uh we'll just minimize rap Weaver we'll we'll spend some time on this demo page
if you've recognized this page this is kind of based off the current version 2
movie box demo um and I'll try to there's a lot of new
features in moving box three what is what's kind of cool of moving box three I think it's the first time
I've done like a big upgrade most time when I do a big upgrade it's um completely everything's completely
new right but with this one it's like it feels both new and similar all at the
same time like it's it's kind of uncanny um I I'm pretty happy with it I I think the a there was a ton of upgrades to it
um and but it also has a lot of the strength of of the features that it had
it had all it has all of the same features plus some like it is really really strong upgrade okay
without further Ado let's jump in um so obviously we have the basic
sliders right it does the basic slider thing you can change the direction as well so if you wanted the the slider to
go up or down or left or right or down and up like you can do any direction you want okay
um we have the ability to have SVG um arrows prior version you had to rely
on font awesome no longer now you can use your own svgs you can also use images as well if you want or if you
love using font awesome icons or whatever icon font you like using you can use that too so extremely flexible
um I think just using your own svgs svgs are all over the place now I think people are used to them you can use apps
like nucleo as well which is what I use um or the noun project I think it's the
noun project right noun project or there's just a ton of resources out there for great svgs okay and all you do
is get your SVG file paste it into the stack and you're done so that's super easy we'll show you that in a little bit
same thing for the dots um you can use svgs you could use numbers you can use svgs and numbers so
there's a lot of flexibility there with the dots you might notice that there's some new
animations I love this one's probably my favorite this new bounce animation um so you know we release drift last
year in drift Pro and since then we've been I love that green sock animation
Library it's just it creates such silky smooth animations that
um I took their animation library and integrated it into um moving box so that we get to leverage
just the the raw animation performance that it provides us it's really really
cool as well as this I love that bounce effect there's some other ones like these carousels which we'll see some interesting effects okay
um infinite scroll is a lot better so I don't know if you remember in the prior version the
infinite scroll it had infinite Scrolls the feature but it had like a slight pause in between
each one like it would go and stop and then go right um this is very a much more fluid
experience now um if you want infinite scroll plus it actually truly loops around now
um I'm pretty sure the uh old version did not loop around so there we go
um we can show arrows on Hover as you see on this one um and another thing on this one we have
slide numbers so we can have the ability to have like you know slide one of four and as you see as I change slides it
goes so that's one of four to a four three of four so on and so forth and you can actually integrate these These are
classes that you can use within your slides so if you just always want to have you know slide three or you know
it's not you you don't have to just use two of four it could be whatever you want and you can integrate those numbers
inside your designs um just by putting a class on something which is really really cool okay
hey let's keep on going obviously carousels we can show more than one slide at a time could also move
more than one slide at a time um that's kind of similar feature as we had his last the last uh version but the
animations are kind of cool right so that's this one's kind of maybe a little bit jarring I kind of added it just to
be kind of funky um but uh yeah fun stuff as you see
there's more animation more svgs here and as well as vertical okay
your variable height so uh we can now adjust the height of the slider based on
the height of each individual Slide by default it will make all slides the same height
but um yeah sometimes you don't want that okay so we can we can actually do variable height as well as variable
width okay um Center mode same really powerful
Center mode options wait we do have some more styling options which will which I'll dive into okay but we can space
things out here's a really cool one that a lot of users have loved this animation as well
um is you know that it's kind of an interesting one especially for over I actually kind of configure this
animation by accident it was like oh wow that's kind of interesting um so yeah pretty pretty slick one right
there slider time and progress bars
these are just completely new uh these were not a feature in the new in the last version uh so here we have a timer
bar and that is the time in which the next animation gets triggered right same
thing with the ring um so the animation ring goes and once it hits 100 the animation starts and
then the timer starts all over again okay then we also have a progress bar so uh we can go ahead and click next and
you'll see that uh once we've hit the last Slide the progress bar goes all the way to 100.
okay um slider syncing uh we had slider
syncing in the last version um but it's even better now because the
last version of moving box you can only sync two sliders now you can slink slink now you can link and sync as many as you
want right you can link them all together you can slink them how about that that's a new term I just made that
up it has slider slinking
um so yeah in this demo I only have the ability to sync two sliders um but you can easily I almost said
slink again sync multiple as many as you want um it's really really simple I can show
an example of that later on if you guys really want to
um next up is slider controls so there's uh some new external controls um the previous version had external
controls but um this version is just a little bit easier okay it's more on par
to what some other Stacks have been using that I've been building over the past couple years where you can kind of
just easily add a class to whatever uh since classes are super easy to add to
things buttons links whatever right all you have to do is add a class and boom
you turn that uh button or link into a navigation element okay
um you can even do go straight to a particular slide uh you can pause and play auto play and stuff like that okay
so pretty slick so that's all of the new kind of the basic features
um of moving box and there's some more let's go ahead and I'm going to show off
one more example um it's not there hold on a second
and that is probably one of the biggest features at least that you guys will like okay
and that is the ability to do in slide content animations so
if you've always uh if you've I'm sure you've always been to uh you've been to my home page right
so if you go to the Weaver space homepage you've probably seen this slider on here
for years right and you've I've get I get countless requests for how'd you do that
slider Joe that's really cool how do you get those things to animate in and stuff
like that and I was like well you know what that's the new moving box three that I haven't shipped yet sorry I it
just isn't ready for prime time um so I've I've had it kept to myself
for close to five years now and you finally
have the ability to do it okay so I'm really stoked about this it has animation in and animation out
okay um so I here is the demo I remade the demo
um using uh the current version actually the version I shipped is actually slightly different than the one on the home page it's better I need to rebuild
the slider on the home page uh with this new version of moving box three because I I changed some things around technically like this is moving box four
because I can I completely revamped the version that is on my home page
um and made it better so um super stoked as you see here um these
uh if it goes to the next slide those animate out and then we have stuff animating in
um so you we have the control over every element watch this text when it when it goes to the next slide that text will go
up and out right so super powerful very elegant and it really really is easy to
use okay so I'm super stoked about that to let you guys finally have this feature okay
um and I have this is this is the demo file so you actually have this um in the demo file when uh when it's
ready to purchase okay cool all right so let's dive into rapid
either now I'll kind of show you how some of this stuff is done
okay um well while we're talking about animate let's go ahead and look at this um this page so um this is the actual
slider that uh does all that animation right
so here all it is uh you'll notice inside let's go ahead and inside here let's do
Boolean box all right uh uh
okay there are two stacks now uh I know I have a couple stacks in here that that you probably won't have but there's
moving box three and then there's moving box animate okay um I'll probably rename that to moving
box three animate probably or something like that um uh when I ship this but essentially uh moving box is
obviously the moving box stack and then animate is the animate stack and you just you can add as many of those as you
want inside the slide okay so here's an example of that slider that we were just
looking at that's on the home page of Weaver space and this particular cons so you you have the
animate stack inside your slide content and you could Define animation in an
animation outs and then you have a duration and also delays
so this particular one only has an animation in so what it's going to do is it's going to wait 0.2 seconds and then
it's going to fade in from the left okay and then directly below that we
have this other header that delays one second the animation duration is a is a is one
second and then it fades in down and if we go keep going this has a fade in down but then it delays 1.5 and then further
down this one delays two seconds so basically what happens is that main let's look at this page again
okay and I'll have videos detailing all of this stuff as well I don't want to do a full tutorial today but if you notice
that oops let's go ahead and refresh that again
hey you notice that that first line animated in and then these subsequent lines kind
of drop down below it right so that's how we got the animation ends with the delays and stuff like that super cool
very very flexible um and you'll have this so you can kind of see exactly how I built this slider
okay so really exciting there okay so that's the animate stack again
Super Simple Solution um in terms of of how it works and there's there's a bunch of different
animations okay tons of different animations um so and I use quite a few of them in
this demo so go ahead and have a look at that uh when it's ready okay
next up um just moving box so um here let's just go ahead and add a new page really quick
okay and I just want to show you what it looks like when you add a new moving box instance to the page just just so it's
just by itself that's it so when you add moving box 3 to the page
you'll notice that we now have slide Stacks which is different than what we had before before you had to add your
own kind of either with a container or one column or something like that now we have a dedicated slide stack
um which gives us some cool abilities okay um first we can give the slide a custom
name so this is really great if you want to link to a slide um the pry version of moving box like it
tried to do like intelligent naming so like if you had a header in there or if it was an image you could use like the
alt tag of your image so it tried to be smart and sometimes being too clever or too smart
um just makes things complicated so um what this does is it just lets you name it yourself right so if you want to
give a slide a name give it a name else it'll just be one two three four so on
and so forth okay but uh yeah if you want to give it a name custom name so it makes it easier
to link to you can actually link to it from the URL as well um this makes it super easy to do next
is you can make it a fixed width so like that variable width example um this is how we kind of use that so we
have fixed width slides so that each slide has its own custom width and um
there we go that's makes it super easy to do prior to that you had to like mess with one columns and sizines or swatches
and just made a little bit inconvenient so this makes that super easy to implement if you wanted to use that
feature and of course we have the ability to add a class to a slide so if you want to
have a specific class on each slide then you could Target that with swatches or
do whatever you want all you Foundation six wizards and your swatches
you're cool and this lets you be even more cool with moving box okay
um another thing I wanted to show um while we have multiple slides here actually I'll show you in um
in the the fully built page here because it's a good example
you'll notice that a lot of times when you have slide now this was the feature from uh version the last version but I
kind of made it a little bit better a little bit easier to use I think um you can collapse slides so normally
when you have a lot of slides it just eats up a lot of real estate inside edit mode um so now there's just this button at
the very top and what it will do is it will show just the first slide as well
as any arrows and nav dots and stuff like that so you can easily configure all that stuff and then also you'll
notice it also edits the little title so it tells you that you have collapsed your slides so that you don't freak out
and you're like where's all my slides um you get a little notice here is that
you can quickly go into the stack and show that okay so that little that little tool tip or adding to the title
that hey you you've collapsed your slides it's a nice touch thanks Scott for that idea by the way
foreign there's a lot of other uh Stacks that uh
you haven't seen that are child stacks of moving box okay so you can add a slide obviously you can add as have as
many slides as you want I just added a slide to this let me just delete that really quick because uh we don't want to add a slide
all right thanks all right um so oops let's go here
um we also have the ability to add slide styles okay
so um for those of you that don't have um Foundation six
I wanted to give you a little bit of control um a swatch-esque style thing that lets
you easily configure your slides okay so when you add slide Styles
um into moving Box by default it'll style all of the slides inside of that moving box
um with whatever Styles you have here so you can add a background color if you want to make sure all your slides are a
certain background you can add margins paddings borders round corners all kinds
of stuff okay and um if you go ahead and click these you can get some detailed settings as well
um so you can type in the exact margin that you want on every side okay so pretty cool there
so again this is just a simple way of styling all of your slides now um
you can also style a slide class so as I said earlier you can add classes to
particular slides if you go ahead and style slide class you can then actually put in the class name of all the slides
so then you know this these Styles would only Target
um that particular slides with that class okay so there we go
okay so that's slide styles um go ahead and there's also a new there's
a Swatch colors one and what this allows you to do
it allows you to use if you are now this is a foundation six only feature okay
um if you are aware of foundation six you can define a ton of different colors inside of site Styles primary secondary
alert all kinds of stuff right um so I wanted you to have the ability
if you're a foundation 6 user to easily uh take those colors and apply them to the arrows or the nav dots because
inside the nav arrows and the nav dot Stacks you can set colors but we want to be automated we want to
be centralized that's what part of the the goal of foundation six is right so
um if you change the color once it changes it everywhere so if you have Swatch colors
um in here you can actually Define what you want okay so if I go ahead and set the arrows to be alert text or actually
we want the alert color okay what you'll see here is my arrows
for this particular slider has now changed to the alert colors
and if I were to go into site Styles and change what that alert color is centrally these would change with that
so pretty cool stuff there right so this Swatch colors again it's only for foundation six users
um but it is a a nice to have feature if you are using it because it allows you to utilize those centralized colors so
you can style your slider properly okay really cool
all right um next up is uh nav dots so um here's the nav dots pretty simple to use you
can define whether or not you want uh to show them always or on Hover do you want to show just the dots do you want to
show dots and numbers or do you want to show just numbers right so it gives you some flexibility in terms of what you
want to display you can customize the colors and the sizing and as you see here you can customize the svgs now if
you wanted to use Font awesome you could use just plop in the font awesome code there and that should work fine and
dandy um but the svgs are very convenient as well um so that's kind of the way of the
future I think is using your own svgs and the ultimate customizability because
you're not limited to just what font Austin gives you um you can find whatever SVG you want
plop it in there and Scott's your uncle right okay and in terms of dot alignment
uh you can align these dots in all kinds of places um throughout the demo I I
kind of purposely move dots to different locations so you can kind of see they can be outside the slider inside the
slider they could be on the left side on the right side on the top on the bottom they can be all over the place um so we have a lot of ways to position
these um and next up is arrows so the arrows
um similar dots do you want to have just the arrows do you want to have block arrows which gives you a background
color as well okay that we see here in this first demo uh you can customize the colors and the
sizes and all that stuff as well as the svgs or you can use Font awesome icons
like I said and then full-blown location um you know places you can as you see in
the demo here I have them all flush on the right side you have them opposite side you go on the top at the bottom you
can have them inside the slider you can have them outside the slider all kinds of different locations so
um these particular location settings kind of you should be able to put place these arrows any way you want uh with
these settings okay so there we go
um next up let's go ahead and we'll let's slide down to oh um the counter uh is another option okay
um so the counter child stack um by default as I said it just says one of four but um this is just some HTML in
here okay and I give you full ability to go ahead and customize this so if you
you know it is just if you look in here there's a class called MB slide index
and a class called MB slide count you could just use those to be uh in whatever you can put it in a header or
in whatever you want and uh it'll it'll inject that content for you but this
counter stack is just kind of a convenient thing I give you some position options and some color options and whatnot
um so it makes it just a little bit easier to use uh let's scroll down a little bit and
find the timer and progress bar Stacks okay so next up is the there's a timer
bar and a progress bar the settings are actually identical um you can configure the colors of your
bar the size of your bar and the location um obviously the functionality is different the timer bar is the timer the
progress bar displays progress okay but they're both bars so um you know the styles are exactly the
same or the settings I mean uh there's also the timer ring which has similar options um some has a couple different
sizing options as well as colors and positions okay um and then let's see now I talked about
how there were a few different uh classes that we can utilize so what I decided to do is also put in a class
reference so if you want to use swatches and you're a Swatch Master you can go
ahead and uh leverage all of these classes here um to make your life a little bit easier
in terms of styling so um if you wanted to style something that maybe I don't give you access to
directly inside inside the stack you can use swatches to do things right
um so yeah oh one thing I I just noticed there's MB Center here
um inside of do I do it in the center demo let's see Center mode
I do okay um inside the center mode demo you'll notice that I have two slide styles
and that is because in the second one I have checked Target Center mode slide okay so what this allows me to do it
allows me to have um special Styles just for that Center slide right so if we look at this demo
again really quick
um you'll notice that in the center mode this style is styled differently than these outside ones and as the as the
outside ones become the center slide they can then inherit those new Styles
okay but this allows us to style those slides in different ways which is pretty
cool custom color uh someone was asking
custom color um I think that was uh I think I went to Swatch colors
um you can choose custom color Advanced and at that point you can then Define your own custom color or css right there
which is pretty cool okay so yes custom color is there
okay um I think I oh I wanted to show you um I
told you I'd show you the ability to sync multiple more than two um so inside of the moving box now uh I
didn't kind of go over the the settings actually if you're a current moving box user the settings inside moving box
should look extremely familiar to you because a lot of it just they're the same uh the these sliders are exactly
the same how many slides to show what slide to start at these check boxes they're very similar I think I might
have reworded some of them differently um the animation options are a lot more elaborate now
um you will notice um them and probably recognize them from drift um I did
um you know use similar settings from drift uh for here because hey if it ain't broke don't fix it sort of thing
right um and drift is very powerful so uh yeah we have a lot of Animation options here
um that we can tweak and get different animations and I tried to make all the sliders in the demo have a different animation so you can kind of get maybe a
glimpse of what some of the the different or fun animations could be okay
um but what I want to show you now is this slider sync ability um it simply just uses a class now right
um so here I tell this slider to sync with a class of MB stacked V if I go
over here guess what it just has the same thing enable slider sync the sync classes MB stacked V
okay and uh if you wanted to do it I'll just go ahead and copy paste this so now I have four sliders I have one two three
four and all of them will be kept in sync okay
all right there we go so now I have four sliders there's one two three four okay
and if I click on one you notice they all change pretty cool
they're all kept in sync so you can you can keep as many Sliders
in sync as you like Now with uh with the current version really cool stuff
cool um F6 custom color Yes uh so I showed that
um yep custom color in F6 so you so inside uh here uh if we went into Swatch
colors and you choose a custom color
just to show you that again um this is your custom color name okay so then you can use the custom color
swatch give that a color name and you put that color name right in there and you're good to go
okay so yeah custom colors 100 possible
I see a couple people seeing they're already trying to purchase moving box um I'm still working on the demos and uh
actually I you know as I'm working on them I'm finding some small issues here and there so it actually isn't available
yet it should be available probably tomorrow okay
um maybe sometime today okay so um yeah sorry about that
um some of you are clever you found the product page I did hide it from the main stack page for now uh just because I am
still working on the demo um it uh just needs it actually why while I'm while we're here why not uh oh
wait I gotta make sure my screen again I I think I need to Jazz up the demo
here we'll give you a little sneak peek uh it is a similar to that demo file that we were just looking at okay
um man my Internet is slow while I do live
man okay you get a sneak peek at the new fancy
new icon um super I like that it's just really cool um so moving box is a classic got it had
to keep the uh the VW bus um as its icon I'm really excited about
that um I like the new icon it's pretty cool um but anyway um lots of new features uh if we scroll
down here's the demo and what I'm if you guys want to give me some quick feedback here
uh thanks for the the feeds shout I'll jump on that really quick uh in a little
bit um right now I don't know that the demo just it is what you saw but it I think I need
to add some color to it um yeah so I you know as I said I it is a work in progress
um it is very it's very just white all over the place I I like the minimalism
of the of the demo um because it does really just showcase the features
um but and I do need to add the fancy animation slider in here I don't have that yet in the demo that'll probably be
at the very top actually um but you know I had I added some drop Shadows to kind of give some you know
bring things out a little bit but uh yeah I think you need to maybe give a small splash of color somewhere
um it's just very very monochrome which is a style but uh it definitely needs it
needs a little tweaking so um that's the demo uh someone did ask uh
they noticed that um do moving Box 2 users get an update this
is a paid upgrade this isn't a free upgrade um so here is the pricing um I I have set up the pricing you can't
buy it or get the upgrade yet um maybe after this live stream I'll go
ahead and enable it but your downloads aren't going to work yet um because I haven't actually officially
shipped it yet so for those of you that can find the the page um it is just you know stack slash
moving box okay here I'll put it I'll plop it in the chat
um after the live stream I'll go ahead and enable it um so that you can purchase it directly
after this live stream but like I said the download isn't going to work yet
um so you'll get an invoice with the download and the download link will be valid um once it's available
um so yeah if you just want to be go ahead and buy it now um I'll try to make it available as soon
as possible it's very very very close um it's it is very quality I did find some
issues this morning using non-foundation themes fix those bugs already um I just need to compile those maybe do
a couple small little tests before I ship that out um and it should definitely be out by tomorrow hopefully today okay so there
we go um getting back to a question someone asked is they noticed that in here it
has feeds and total Loop and and that is because feeds and total Loop uh based total CMS
integration will work flawlessly with um moving box okay super excited about that
so if you want to generate move uh slides based on a CSV file or a database
or an RSS feed or you want to do a slider based on a blog list right
basically a total CMS blog you can do that super easy with feeds or with
moving box here I'll quickly show you an example of what you would do okay we'll do an example with total CMS
first so basically you're gonna add total Loop into there you're going to add the slide into total Loop
and then you're just going to basically build out you know your your layouts I have various videos on total Loop go
ahead and check that out but you can you can filter your blog out here and you can add in your blog images and and everything that you want inside of your
slide okay um maybe I'll try to build out
um an example using total CMS that's actually a really good idea here all uh
total Loop okay I'll I'll make sure I build out a
working example um for moving box three with totaloupe and then I'll do another one of the
feeds right so here uh just to remind myself let's go ahead and duplicate this page we'll call it feeds
and instead of total loop we're going to add feeds in here and then we're going to add a slide and
then basically that's all you're going to do so you're gonna have your feed then you're going to put in your feed in here whether or not it's from a database
or Json or YouTube or Vimeo um whatever it is I'll probably just do
in this demo I'll probably do a CSV example since that's the simplest
um and basically we could build out these slides based off of feeds okay
um interview quickly want to see it let's just go ahead and do um
let's just do name we'll just do uh Joe
Scott Chris um Gary
and uh wolf okay so there we go I'm just gonna do something super simple
we're gonna go ahead and do uh not one in here
let's do a header okay and I'm just gonna do
name okay and then we need some slide styles
let's just add in some padding a lot of padding and we'll give it a background of uh
uh blue there we go okay and my header is going to be alignment center
all right I think that's good yeah let's do that so if I just preview
this now
Joe it should automatically go to Scott there we go
there I built a slider um powered by a CSV container obviously this this particular sample is not going
to win any Design Awards okay but um I'll make sure I pretty this up so that we get a a good example um for the demo
so everyone can see how it's done but super super easy to use with feeds super easy to use total Loop oh also if you
guys don't have a Scott's new uh reviews stack you can actually build a slider
based on the reviews that people added okay through feeds pretty cool stuff there so check out Scott's reviews stack
that's from Stacks app stacks and uh pretty cool
you mentioned animate is that included yes so yeah um moving box animate is included
um it is a stack so like here let's go ahead and um here we'll make this this example a little bit nicer let's go
ahead and um and we'll Chuck this in a container
um maybe in this container I'll just do a py64 something like that and then in
here uh let's do slide styles
let's just do uh instead of padding let's just do like uh
just so it's a little bit bigger okay there and then we're gonna go ahead and
do uh moving box so there's this movie box animate so we got that
so I'm going to Chuck this name in there and then we're going to animate it we're going to we'll just keep the defaults so
fade in big fade in out big okay um and no delay oh yeah no delay one
second all right it's pretty let's see what that looks like
oops what'd I do there I break something
oh yeah let's do that
oh what did I do wrong I broke something you made me break it does it work here let's make sure
oops did I do something wrong what'd I do wrong
that's me break it oh no what'd I do
I was working two seconds ago Chris you broke it man you made me break it what'd I do
oh I see what I did wrong hold on one second
invalid I I had to I need to have the the movie box inside the container not the container inside the moving box that
was my bad all right let's put moving box animate back in there
you wanna do that
there it goes and then when it slides out boom
pretty cool huh there we go I like it
and not I'm not trying to win any Design Awards I'm just showing you the functionality here so that moving box
animate stack comes with the stack you'll get two of them okay moving box three which is the the general moving
box container as well as moving box animate and then all of these child Stacks okay obviously the feeds in total
Loop will only be there if you own those Stacks right so if you have feeds um that is a separate purchase so if you
don't own feeds um you only you you will only see the feeds in totaloupe if you own feeds in
total CMS okay total CMS obviously is free it's per license domain but
um you will only see these options if you have those two stacks installed Okay so there we go hopefully that that
clears up those questions
okay um I think I answered all the questions
and look we're under an hour look at that man I must have lost my touch I can't Babble longer than that oh my goodness
let's see uh say feed listed moving box two so we talked about the upgrade
the VW Voltron transport has a split windshield good call Mr Cole I have to
admit I actually used AI to generate that image um so I'll I'll be I'll be good
so one hour is good okay cool I think we'll uh I think we'll call
it a day guys um hopefully you you're gonna enjoy I will go ahead right after we get off here I'll go enable the purchases uh
again the those download links aren't going to work quite yet um but I will I'll make sure that they
work as soon as they can hopefully today at the latest by tomorrow so cool take
care everyone glad that I'm back hopefully uh you're gonna enjoy moving box and we'll see you guys on the
community and also on Friday remember Hangouts on Fridays oh also you know I never really asked this much but uh you
know I if you get if you're not subscribed to my YouTube channel go ahead and subscribe I'd appreciate it
um yeah I'll just see if I can get that subscriber count up a little bit I think that'd be great so if you aren't subscribed uh go ahead and subscribe
um I'm gonna be doing some more stuff on YouTube um testing out some new stuff on YouTube and I'd like to see if I can get my
subscriber count up because I put out a lot of content and uh I noticed that most people that watch don't actually
you subscribe so um it would be great if you guys could subscribe I'd appreciate it cool thank you very much everybody
take care have a great rest of your week go out there and make your websites great bye
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