About Stacks Guru

Stacks Guru is born from the need to search the vast number of videos out there on stacks built for Stacks Pro and the Stacks 5 plugin for Rapidweaver.

We have scraped over 500 videos to get the transcripts for each in order to make the spoken word searchable.

Please use this free tool to help you learn and discover the awesome power that Stacks and the stacks made for Stacks have to offer.

Stacks Guru

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Every little bit helps to keep this going. I'll be doing my very best to keep up with the likes of Joe when it comes all the videos he posts!

MovingBox 3 Stacks Feature Overview thumbnail

MovingBox 3 Stacks Feature Overview

MovingBox is a powerful slider made for Stacks, the best web design software for Mac.  Check out MovingBox at ​​https://www.weavers.space/stacks/movingbox

Categories: Demo


come on
hey everybody Joe Workman here and I'm
really excited to introduce you all to
moving box 3. now moving box has been
around probably for over 10 years and
version 3 takes it to completely new
levels it is modern it has completely
redesigned easy to use interface that is
super powerful and flexible to integrate
into your layouts I have to say this has
to be the stack of the Year let's check
it out okay so let's quickly look at
some of the amazing features that we
have inside moving box three now this
first demo you've probably seen it on
our home page and it kind of is the
kitchen sink demo it's really awesome
it's a slider that shows you the amazing
ability to have slide content animations
see we're mixing images and text we're
creating our own layouts within the
um this is a really great example of how
you can really make moving box amazing
and this implementation is actually
shipped inside the demo file so you can
see exactly how it was done now the rest
of the demos on this page are meant to
focus not necessarily on the slide
content but the actual features so here
we kind of have everyday sliders where
we have horizontal sliders and vertical
sliders with a cool bounce effect now
one thing I want you to be aware of is
as you're looking through all these
demos is the different customizabilities
for arrows and nav dots and different
animations that we have because there's
a lot a bit pretty much an infinite
amount of combinations for all of those
things so the arrow positions the
aeronav dots the slide counters
next we have carousels we can actually
see multiple slides at a time you can
move one at a time multiple at a time
you can have vertical carousels as well
we have the ability to have variable
with content and height content so um
yours no matter what your size of your
content is moving box will actually obey
that and not make all the slides the
same height
same thing for width next in Center mode
is not only can we display multiple
slides at a time but we can have a
particular slide kind of front and
attention we can style it completely
differently so here we have an example
where they're kind of spaced out and
this below example with this pretty
interesting animation
um shows how we can have overlapped
um Center modes next is slide timers we
have two different options for that we
have the bar as well as the ring
animations and then the slide progress
bar shows us the actual progress that we
have throughout the entire timeline of
our slider
next is vertical syncing and it's
probably one of the most requested
features is to actually vertically sync
multiple sliders more than two
um at a time now in this example we are
syncing just two but as you see here we
have two instances of moving box and
they are kept in sync
next up is external controls because we
will don't always want to use the arrows
or nav dots maybe we want to control it
from a button on the page or a link
where we want to link directly to a
slide these controls make it super easy
to do that from any button or text link
and last but not least is throughout
this demo we used a lot of stack-based
slides where we actually had Stacks
content within our slides
but moving box also comes with image and
video slides as well
and as you see here those actually come
with really nice animated captions that
have different supported layouts and
animations for these captions which
really can make it super easy to make a
simple image based slider
what's really cool is on video slides
when this slide becomes active the video
will auto play which is really amazing
okay let's jump into rapid and just get
a glimpse of what it's like to use
moving box inside of your projects
so here we have a moving box instance
now we can actually collapse the slides
to actually reduce the amount of space
used by moving box inside edit mode
which is a nice little feature
now moving box uses a child mini to add
all kinds of functionality to moving box
where we can add a new slide a new image
slide video slide if you want to add
animations to our slides we can do that
with the animate stack
um we have slide styles to control all
our Styles throughout
um Swatch colors where we can integrate
with Foundation six if you're using that
so you can integrate all the colors that
you've already defined inside site
Styles directly inside moving box
then we get our dots our arrows counters
progress bars timers and then last but
not least we have the multiple ability
to actually dynamically generate slides
through feeds and different ways of
using total CMS there's three different
ways of creating and generating slides
from Total CMS dynamically using moving
box so super powerful so I know I really
zoomed through all these features
there's so many amazing features in
moving box I could talk for hours and
we've already done a live stream that
reviewed a lot of this stuff but make
sure that you check out a lot of our
shorter form of tutorials that we're
going to do that Target each individual
feature and integrated with moving box
how to use the timers how to use
progress bars how to use the image and
video slides and captions all those Wild
videos make sure you check those out we
just want to give you a quick overview
of moving box as you see it's super
powerful it's going to be the only
slider you're probably going to need
forever and uh yeah I'm really excited
about it it's definitely I think the
stack of the year and you gotta check it
out now go forth and make your websites
great bye
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