About Stacks Guru

Stacks Guru is born from the need to search the vast number of videos out there on stacks built for Stacks Pro and the Stacks 5 plugin for Rapidweaver.

We have scraped over 500 videos to get the transcripts for each in order to make the spoken word searchable.

Please use this free tool to help you learn and discover the awesome power that Stacks and the stacks made for Stacks have to offer.

Stacks Guru

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Every little bit helps to keep this going. I'll be doing my very best to keep up with the likes of Joe when it comes all the videos he posts!

PageSafe v1.2 - Locking content with Stack Safe thumbnail

PageSafe v1.2 - Locking content with Stack Safe

Page Safe product page: http://joeworkman.net/rapidweaver/sta...Page Safe product page: http://joeworkman.net/rapidweaver/sta... 

Categories: Demo


0:07 everyone this is Joe workman and I just
0:09 want to really quickly review some
0:11 really cool updates that I just added to
0:13 page safe version 1.2 so here I have a
0:17 page and we see that we have this please
0:20 log in and this content is a part of a
0:22 new stack that ships with page safe
0:24 called stack safe and what I'm going to
0:27 do is I'm going to go ahead and click
0:28 this log in button in my menu and what
0:31 we'll notice is that takes us to a page
0:33 safe login and the first thing we'll
0:35 notice is that we can actually do more
0:36 than four digits now with the release of
0:39 iOS 9 coming it now will have six digit
0:42 pins so I decided to add the feature of
0:44 being able to do four to seven digits
0:46 for your pin so I'm gonna go ahead and
0:48 enter in my pin number and what we'll
0:53 notice is instead of logging me in
0:55 directly it actually redirected me back
0:59 to my original page and if we notice my
1:02 original page now looks a little bit
1:04 different I now have a different content
1:06 that says you are logged in and we have
1:09 a logout button so this is exactly
1:12 what's tax safe does for us it allows us
1:16 to display content when we're logged in
1:19 and different content if we're not
1:21 logged in and it's really simple to do
1:25 we'll see here's my stack safe and in
1:29 the settings all you need to do is enter
1:31 in the page safe ID that is tied to the
1:34 login that we're going to authenticate
1:37 against and then go ahead and add your
1:39 content the top content will be the
1:41 content that is displayed when you're
1:42 logged in and the bottom content will be
1:44 displayed if you're not logged in so
1:48 that's page safe one not to everybody I
1:50 hope that you enjoy you can do a lot of
1:52 really powerful things with this now it
1:54 allows you to really display content
1:56 based on if the users logged in I'm
1:58 excited to see what you build with it I
2:00 hope you enjoy it thanks everybody bye"}]