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Stacks Guru is born from the need to search the vast number of videos out there on stacks built for Stacks Pro and the Stacks 5 plugin for Rapidweaver.

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Power Responsive Layouts with Jack stack for RapidWeaver thumbnail

Power Responsive Layouts with Jack stack for RapidWeaver

Jack Product Page: http://joeworkman.net/rapidweaver/sta... Jack is a very powerful tool to have inside your RapidWeaver toolbox. This video reviews all of the way that you can use Jack to help you build powerful responsive layouts. Be sure to check out the other video tutorials on all the other things that we can do with Jack.Jack Product Page: http://joeworkman.net/rapidweaver/sta... Jack is a very powerful tool to have inside your RapidWeaver toolbox.

Categories: Demo


0:05 hey everybody so by now you've probably
0:08 watched the Jacke overview video and
0:10 you're overwhelmed with all the amazing
0:12 things that Jack can do right now in
0:15 that video I didn't really go over the
0:16 nitty gritty so in this particular video
0:19 we're gonna be going over all of the
0:21 Jack layout settings so all the awesome
0:25 layout things that you can do with Jack
0:26 so this is gonna be probably a long one
0:29 so without further ado let's jump on
0:30 into it really quick so here we are in
0:34 the demo file that actually ships with
0:36 Jack and you can always down download
0:38 this from our dock portal as well now
0:41 Before we jump into the advanced height
0:43 controls let's go over just some general
0:46 layout ish settings with Jack first
0:50 we'll notice that there's a note inside
0:51 Jack that instead of using the normal
0:54 default background border and layout for
0:57 the stack you should not be using those
0:59 with a jack you should use Jack's actual
1:01 controls this is because Jack has its
1:04 own way of doing things and a lot more
1:06 advanced controls than what the default
1:08 stack settings are for layout border and
1:12 background so you should just ignore all
1:14 of those now Jack also has the obvious
1:20 layout options like most of the stacks
1:23 have you know alignment center left and
1:26 right fill flexible with static width
1:30 right
1:31 all of those are options within stack so
1:36 now let's go and do what aren't in most
1:39 stacks and that starts off with the
1:41 advanced height controls and let's look
1:44 at these three examples that we have
1:46 here we have this blue box that is going
1:49 to be kept proportionally from I had a
1:52 16 point 9 16 to 9 ratio so inside Jack
1:58 I set my height to proportional and then
2:01 I set my width and height ratio to 16 by
2:03 9 that's going to keep that Jack to be
2:09 exactly 16 by 9 ratio even if you resize
2:12 the browser okay let's look at this
2:16 second example here now in this second
2:19 example I've done a couple things hey I
2:21 wanted to make a big box okay so I
2:23 created a proportional box that has a
2:26 width of one to one and I did that so
2:29 that I have a Jack inside of it that is
2:32 that gonna take a 50% height of the
2:35 parent which is our square Jack that we
2:38 created so let's look at what this looks
2:40 like in preview here we have our two
2:43 boxes we have our blue box that is going
2:47 to stay proportionally at a 16 to 9
2:50 ratio and then we have a Jack box here
2:54 that has the striped background that is
2:56 set proportional one to one so that we
2:59 always have a perfect square then there
3:02 is a Jack stack inside of that that has
3:05 set the flexible height relative to the
3:10 parent of 50% this way if I now have
3:14 item now if I were to resize the browser
3:18 down we'll notice that all of these are
3:22 going to react and stay exactly what we
3:26 need right this blue box is staying
3:28 exactly 16 to 9 our square box remains a
3:32 square and our Jack inside of it is
3:34 always 50% height of the square now I
3:39 notice I didn't really show the flexible
3:41 height options so let's look at that so
3:44 we have a flexible way we set our height
3:46 to flexible
3:47 we now have relative to what parent and
3:50 browser now we'll look at browser in a
3:53 second
3:53 but in this instance we want it to be
3:55 relative to parent and the height is
3:58 going to be 50% height now let's look at
4:02 an option when we're actually doing
4:03 relative to the browser size so on this
4:08 demo page this actually is using Jack at
4:12 a 100% hype relative to the browser this
4:17 is really easy to configure so inside
4:20 Jack you just simply set your height to
4:23 be flexible
4:24 your relative to brow
4:26 and the sizes can be 100% making changes
4:31 to be 50% or whatever percentage height
4:34 of the browser that you'd like and
4:36 what's wonderful is it's fully
4:37 responsive so it doesn't matter how high
4:40 or wide your browser is Jack is always
4:44 gonna take up 100% height and what's
4:47 great is all the content is below it so
4:50 as you just scroll down the content will
4:53 display just as you're scrolling down a
4:55 web page now this example here we have a
4:59 50% browser height so this is where I I
5:02 created a container using Jack where the
5:04 height of that container is static to be
5:07 50% height of the browser window so this
5:11 means that this area is gonna expand and
5:13 contract based on the device so on
5:17 desktops it's obviously going to be
5:18 bigger and on mobile phones it's gonna
5:20 be a lot smaller now the next layout
5:24 options with Jack have to do with
5:25 scrolling your content and with Jack you
5:28 can scroll your content both
5:29 horizontally and vertically so in this
5:34 example here for a vertical scrolling
5:36 container
5:37 well notice that I have a lot of text
5:40 content inside Jack now in this
5:43 particular instance I set Jack to have a
5:45 static height but this would also work
5:47 if you had flexible or proportional
5:49 Heights and if the content grew larger
5:52 then the actual box could hold you could
5:55 set the vertical scrolling to true so
5:58 that the actual content will scroll now
6:03 for horizontal scrolling we actually
6:06 here have the width set to fill because
6:09 it's our content that's going to be
6:10 wider so what I've done is I've set my
6:12 width to fill but you can set it to
6:14 flexible or static if you want and then
6:17 you turn on horizontal scrolling now the
6:20 trick to get your content to actual
6:23 scroll is when you add a stack into Jack
6:28 that you want horizontal scrolling to
6:29 work on you need to make sure that the
6:32 layout settings for that is not set to
6:34 fill you want to set it to either
6:37 flexible size or fixed size
6:40 and this particular instance I have all
6:43 of these images set to be exactly 180
6:46 pixels wide and if we look at the
6:51 preview of this we'll see that no matter
6:55 what my browser size is the images are
6:58 always 180 pixels wide and I'm going to
7:01 be able to scroll horizontally through
7:03 them and obviously for the vertical
7:06 scrolling container we can scroll
7:08 vertically so now let's look at
7:11 responsive margins and padding's now
7:15 what does that actually mean it means
7:18 that as the browser shrinks or grows the
7:23 padding and margins can shrink
7:25 proportionally as well in this
7:28 particular instance I have a padding set
7:32 to 15% on the top and bottom of this
7:35 container and what that means is it's
7:38 the padding is going to be equal to 15%
7:41 of the width of that particular stack so
7:46 what that means is when we preview this
7:48 and we shrink our browser down the
7:52 actual size of the padding shrinks
7:54 proportionally to the width of the
7:57 browser window so when we get down to
8:01 smaller mobile devices we'll notice that
8:05 our the content here uses up a lot less
8:08 space than it does on desktops this is
8:17 exactly how all of the banners are done
8:18 throughout the Jacke demo project here I
8:22 have a percentage padding and when I put
8:26 content inside of it the content is
8:28 perfectly vertically centered as long as
8:31 I have the padding percentage to the
8:33 same on the top and the bottom great
8:36 trick
8:37 now the last settings inside the Jacke
8:39 layout group has to do with rotation and
8:42 this allows you to actually rotate your
8:45 content and you can either do small kind
8:48 of askew rotations like this or you can
8:51 completely do a
8:52 90-degree turn on something to make it
8:54 vertical right now it's important to
8:58 note that you can actually do negative
8:59 and positive degrees depending on which
9:03 way you actually want to rotate your
9:05 content now I should note that when you
9:09 rotate content in most themes the
9:12 content could get potentially cut off
9:15 that has to do with some overflow issues
9:19 that however if you you are using a
9:22 foundation theme they should flow
9:25 perfectly beautiful and you wouldn't
9:27 have any content actually get cut off
9:29 now if you are not using foundation and
9:32 you want to rotate your content you're
9:34 gonna want to make sure that you adjust
9:35 your margins in the stack too and
9:39 padding to make sure that the content is
9:41 not cut off so you're gonna have to add
9:44 a lot of potential white pack you know
9:46 whitespace around your content in order
9:48 to see it all
9:49 however foundation users have the
9:52 benefit of its theme and content will
9:57 not get cut off even when it's rotated
9:59 now the last section here really doesn't
10:02 have to do with explicitly with any
10:03 particular settings it's just a concept
10:06 of making sure that you you play with
10:08 Jack and you can layer Jack's within
10:10 each other to really obtain interesting
10:13 effects if you look if we look at this
10:16 example here we'll see that I'm actually
10:18 using three different jack stacks to
10:21 create this picture frame where I have
10:24 the actual frame and then layers of
10:27 background with borders to give a very
10:29 interesting effect that is all done with
10:31 CSS instead of having one big image on
10:34 the page and what's great is having it
10:37 with Jack is its fully responsive and
10:40 scales around our content perfectly now
10:44 this top layer example actually uses a
10:47 couple settings I haven't reviewed yet
10:49 and that is the min max height and min
10:52 max width settings this particular stack
10:56 is set to be fill so it's going to grow
10:59 100% width however I set it to be a
11:03 maximum so the maximum width
11:06 that this frame is gonna grow to is
11:08 gonna be 700 pixels now if I turn that
11:12 off we'll notice that the frame grows
11:14 even wider but that's not really what I
11:17 wanted so what we can do is we can
11:20 constrain the width and height of a
11:23 particular stack to fit our content
11:26 needs a good height example is if you
11:29 wanted to do a proportional height or
11:32 maybe a flexible height where maybe
11:34 you're doing 50% of the browser window
11:37 but then a maximum height of 300 pixels
11:40 or something of that nature right that
11:43 way maybe it'll take 50% height on
11:45 mobile devices but on desktop devices
11:48 it'll be less or something of that
11:50 nature well that does it for the Jack
11:53 layout settings there's a lot here it
11:56 just really just scratches the surface
11:59 on what you can do by combining a lot of
12:01 these things together to really make
12:04 some amazing layouts now keep it watch
12:07 out for we're gonna be doing a video on
12:08 all the other Jack of settings groups so
12:11 make sure you check all those out I hope
12:14 you learned something today I hope that
12:16 you really take Jack learn it spend time
12:19 with it and the more you use it the more
12:22 you're going to really appreciate all
12:25 that it can do for you so go forth and
12:28 make your websites great thank you very
12:29 much everybody bye"}]