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ScrollMate2 -  Why is it so smooth? thumbnail

ScrollMate2 - Why is it so smooth?

A brief look under the hood of the ScrollMate 2 stack and why it is so kind to your browser. Low impact efficient operation makes for a silky smooth user experience on desktop and touch devices.A brief look under the hood of the ScrollMate 2 stack and why it is so kind to your browser. Low impact efficient operation makes for a silky smooth user experience on desktop and touch devices. 

Categories: Demo


0:06 So here we are in the downloadable\ndemo project here which I've just
0:12 previewed in Safari on the right hand\nside of the screen you can see the code
0:16 for the page - don't worry about the\ncode all we're going to look at is the
0:22 translate3d line here. Now, that's the\nposition of the watch which
0:28 is in the scroll mate so you can see\nthat when we move the page up and down
0:34 that has now gone to minus 100% on the X\nAnd back to 0 again...
0:40 into its normal position the point being\nis that you'll notice that even though
0:44 this comes in nice and smoothly and\nwe've got easing applied to it
0:48 the JavaScript that's controlling its\nposition is very quick it's doing a
0:54 couple of movements if we go very slowly\nover that range of 1% you can just see
0:59 those values moving and that's because\nScrollMate is using CSS for all its
1:05 easing and smooth positioning. The\nJavaScript part is only ever doing a
1:12 tiny amount and that it's the JavaScript\npart that takes up a lot of the
1:16 processor in the browser and starts to\nmake pages go janky. When the browser can
1:21 use its own CSS processing to move\nthings and and ease things it's a lot
1:29 smoother so the bottom of this watch is moving in\nbetween 0% and 1% of the bottom of
1:36 the screen. Let's have another look at\nthe next example now this one comes in
1:41 the same but it's got a nested scroll\nmate arrangement so the second scroll
1:46 mate then at about 8% of the page so\nabout here it then starts sliding it
1:52 left proportionally so it comes in like\nthat that's a very small range with some
2:00 easing so it's a quick trigger and\nthen a proportional slide okay so let's
2:07 look at the div for that one and see\nwhat's happening. So we can see just like
2:13 the\nfirst one it will come in and then this
2:19 is this is the outer ScrollMate that you\ncan see if we look at the inner one you
2:24 will see it'll come in so there's our\n100% - you see just there
2:29 like the last one did goes to 0%\npercent so then it's it appeared;
2:34 0% percent back in the place it belongs on\nthe page and then it's animated all the
2:39 way up the page so you can see as I\nscroll this x position changes with
2:44 scroll but again we're not doing the\neasing with JavaScript we are
2:51 positioning it where we want it so\nthat's moving with the scroll but you
2:54 can see it carries on moving after all\nthe the fancy eased positioning, all the
3:01 smooth slide is done with CSS\nand you'll also see then that when this
3:06 goes off the top of the screen there you\ngo it doesn't do anything it doesn't
3:12 keep writing 100% to it -\ndoesn't position anything that's not on
3:16 the screen and likewise when we when\nit comes back off the bottom it's not
3:20 and then nothing happens so that's the\nreason that scroll makes nice and
3:25 efficient and you can have lots of these\neffects on your screen without causing
3:31 the browser to go janky and even without\ncausing mobile browsers to go janky as well."}]
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