About Stacks Guru

Stacks Guru is born from the need to search the vast number of videos out there on stacks built for Stacks Pro and the Stacks 5 plugin for Rapidweaver.

We have scraped over 500 videos to get the transcripts for each in order to make the spoken word searchable.

Please use this free tool to help you learn and discover the awesome power that Stacks and the stacks made for Stacks have to offer.

Stacks Guru

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Every little bit helps to keep this going. I'll be doing my very best to keep up with the likes of Joe when it comes all the videos he posts!

Stacks 3 Partials are so amazeballs! thumbnail

Stacks 3 Partials are so amazeballs!

This is a preview excerpt from my upcoming overview on Stacks 3 + Foundation 1.5 Stacks 3: http://yourhead.com/stacks/ Foundation: http://foundation.joeworkman.net/This is a preview excerpt from my upcoming overview on Stacks 3 + Foundation 1.5 Stacks 3: http://yourhead.com/stacks/ 

Categories: Demo


0:00 now i wanted to take a quick break out
0:02 because i want to make sure you
0:03 understand
0:03 how vital these partials are i mean this
0:06 revolutionizes
0:08 how we build sites using foundation
0:11 because now we can compartmentalize
0:13 and basically build our theme using
0:16 foundation
0:18 this is huge you can build your footer
0:21 and then build your sidebar build your
0:24 page headers
0:25 and then include those partials on every
0:28 page
0:29 and you can easily edit those areas your
0:32 footer
0:32 in one location and then you see
0:35 all of the changes right there in
0:37 rapidweaver and when you publish
0:39 it publishes the same thing across your
0:41 entire website
0:43 right i mean i cannot ex just tell you
0:46 how exciting this makes me feel
0:48 because it really gives you the users
0:50 the power
0:52 to really build exactly what you wanted
0:54 and not only build what you wanted
0:56 because we could build it before
0:57 right but we had to build it on every
1:00 page
1:02 now we can build our themes using
1:03 partials
1:05 with foundation and then our content
1:08 could be
1:08 separate on every page i mean this is
1:11 astronomically huge
1:13 i mean i'm excited about this i hope
1:15 you're so
1:16 excited about it too i mean because
1:17 partials are huge i've said that like 10
1:20 times right you're probably
1:21 tired of me saying that but they're huge
1:24 okay so i just want to make sure that
1:25 you understood how
1:26 huge partials are and how cool and how
1:29 you really need to embrace them
1:31 because they are going to revolutionize
1:33 the way that you build websites
1:35 okay back to the rest of the amazing
1:38 features"}]