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Stacks Project Version Control and Backup thumbnail

Stacks Project Version Control and Backup

On the hangout on Friday, fellow weaver Sean had some questions about good workflows for managing Stacks project files. I thought that using git version control was a good workflow for managing projects. It also can be a perfect way of backing up your projects as well. So today we will be reviewing the benefits of using GitHub to version control your project files.

Categories: Live


there we go how's everyone doing today excellent oh man chat's already
off the hook look at that we got Josh here Mr Cole David David where you been
on Fridays man you've been leaving us in the cold okay um Chris sweet excellent
Gunter thanks for coming on cool excellent let's um so
today I thought it would be fun to um as you you probably read the email on the post or whatever that on Friday uh
during the hangout uh Shawn don't know if Sean's here or not but Shawn had a
question he's actually working on a project with David um who's here and uh
I believe yeah David's here David Shay and they uh they're kind of collaborating on a project right and
they're they're wondering on workflows for how can they both work on a project
and and keep things uh kind of in sync right
now there is caveats um it I think working on the same project
file with two people is is definitely going to be a
challenge okay um there's things we could do to kind of improve that and part of that is
what I'm going to show today okay um so if you're if you're not aware there's a
there's a common Version Control System out there called git git okay
and probably there there's Services I'm sure you've all heard of a service called GitHub it's now owned by
Microsoft um it's probably the number one repository online for open source projects
and uh it's a it's a great service it's where I host all of my code and um you know all of that okay so uh I am fully
aware of GitHub git I've used other services as well gitlab is another one
um you can actually if you have like something like a Synology or something like that you can actually host it like locally on your local network um but
with that said today we're going to look at GitHub okay and the workflow with
GitHub is nice because um they actually have an their own app which is free um I I use a different app that's
like a totally app for total app for developers and it's really specific for
development um but we're going to today look at the free GitHub app and what you
can do to Version Control your project files and then uh if I don't talk about
it we we're going to talk about how how this will work in in a multi-person potentially multi-user environment um so
and there is again that workflow isn't seamless I don't think it'll ever be seamless um at least for the foreseeable
future having multiple people work on the same exact project file okay but
again um yeah we're going to look at uh we're going to look at that right so without further Ado um
let's go ahead and uh share my screen I was actually hoping to get some
a little bit of stuff prepped for this but I've been dealing with some other side drama um this week uh so so yeah if
you're familiar all all the other drama going on in the communities uh with Elixir and everything so um spend fun
times with that um but let's go ahead and actually let's go ahead I'm going to
open up a browser and we're going to go to
GitHub okay and um what what I'm actually going
to do is so you you'll create an account on GitHub and uh we'll go to uh go to my
Prof file okay and um what we're going to do
right now is we're we are actually going to um let's create a a repo I wonder I
have to admit wonder what is more is easier I'm going to open up the GitHub desktop app okay if you just Google
GitHub desktop um it is a free app um that they have okay and you log into
your GitHub account okay and uh can I do let's see Repository can I do a new
repository Straight From Here file new repository let's do that
okay so this is kind of cool okay so um you actually don't need to cre outside
of this you would have to like create a repository in GitHub and then with my other app or locally I'd configure it
but since this is all GitHub we can actually do it locally which is kind of cool okay um so we're going to create a
um a repository and let's just call this um something interesting let's just call it um STX
version live stream okay um so and it's saying
that hey I don't have one created like that so it's say we're going to uh um create one for us thank you very much
right and uh let's choose the path um we'll we'll just add it to documents
GitHub it's fine we'll just keep that um and just keep all the rest of this the same okay uh and just say create
Repository all right so now I assume actually if I
if I look online uh if I go to where do I see my
repositories where did it create it interesting it says it created it maybe I have to publish oh publish repository
right so I'm going to click publish uh publish it to github.com organization uh I'm just going to no
organiz just going to publish it to my personal account we're not going to go into GitHub organizations right now all right
so now I've published that and if we go to GitHub now there it is right so um
here is my repository online on GitHub and it's currently empty right and that's okay because we're going to put
some stuff in it all right
um so now what we're going to do is I'm going to Let's create a a project file
I'm going to create just one from scratch um it doesn't really matter the contents of the project right we're just going to create a a new project
file here right now I'm actually going to we're going to close I'll move it over here in case I need it again uh but
we don't really need that any longer online I was just to show you how you can create a GitHub account and do
pretty much manage everything from the GitHub app which is
nice all right so um let's just I'm just going to quickly just create something here um just going to go Boop and we're
going to go and Boop and we're going to go and add a header uh actually let's
just add some text right uh and uh here we'll add an add an image why not
right just that we can have have something voila right so there's my my
beautiful lovely website again doesn't really matter all right and let's save that what I'm going to do is I'm going to save this file to this um folder that
we created okay and just so you see um if we I saved it in uh I think it was
documents hold on where where did it save it where's uh documents thought I saved it in
reveal and finder where did it show where did it put
it oh there it is all right so uh oh it's under documents under iCloud so documents GitHub there okay um word of
caution I don't know it defaults to this location um I personally don't like
storing um any of my version control things on iCloud okay um or any
especially not drop off never ever ever ever ever ever
ever I I I can't I can't explain this enough do not ever store a get
repository on Dropbox never never do it warning
you okay I lost a lot of code because of that caused me a lot of Heartache okay
um I'm going to go with this for right now uh but I would I I've never tried storing because the the horrible taste I
have in my mouth from doing that with Dropbox I don't store any of my Version Control repositories on iCloud okay um
but I'm going to go with it today just because that's where it saved it okay um so uh let's go ahead and save this
into this uh directory so we're just going to save it in here and I'm just
going to call this um another thing that I do just let you know I actually save the project has the
domain name okay so like if this was um preview dot preview do um Joe
workman.com okay but um yeah I I put the domain name
as the project um just something that I do okay um and normally actually when
another thing I did I normally do is um and I'll show you this in my repository I named this Stacks live uh versions
live stream you can name the repository whatever you want I always name it um the name of the domain d project okay
just so it's super clean and I'll show you my my setup in a little bit with all my various sites
okay um okay so now I saved it and if we go into the GitHub app it noticed that I
put new files in there okay and it's going to be like hey yo I see all these files what are we going to do okay and
what's kind of cool is um I can now go um I'm this is the first time I've
saved anything into this Version Control history so I'm just going to say um this is the initial project
file and you can add in more description in here you can be as descriptive as you want put as much information as you want
and this is this is all for you okay this is so that when you look at the version history um you know exactly uh
what we got right so if we go into GitHub um and we can look at our history
I can see the history of everything that I've done okay so for example let's go in
here I'm going to add in uh let's make this the homepage okay I'm going to go ahead and
add in oops um we're going to add in another page
that's I wanted a new page and let's call this like
about and we're going to call this bum we're going to call this contact right
okay I'm going to save this project file okay and guess what I'm going to go back into um what was this oh we don't need
that right um I'm going to go back in GitHub app and look so if you notice in here there's two tabs there's changes
this is everything that's changed so far and if I go into history this this the history of my changes okay now as of
right now none of these changes have been saved okay so I can do is um I'm just
going to go ahead and say okay um added a about contact and what else did I add
about and contact pages right about and contact pages and I'm just going to say
commit to main okay so now I I have a new version which is cool right now
um so now at at any point in time I can easily get to any version of this
project file at any point in time super super cool okay so
um for example right I'm going to go ahead and um let's say I I'm going to add in a picture on this page and uh
we're going to add in uh add in this picture here because this is about me right so I'm going to go ahead and save
[Music] that and uh let's go over here and obviously here's everything and
if if you want to look I mean it's kind of interesting peeking under the hood you can actually see everything that
changed when did that right we can see here's the image I added to the project here is all the changes now a lot of
these changes are just going to be binary and there there's no Rhyme or Reason to them you won't be able to read the changes that we made okay it's just
changes we're made okay um so here I'm going to add in um added um about me
photo right and let's commit okay so now I I saved that right so now um I'm going
to go ahead and I'm going to Quick this project file file cuz I'm not sure what I'm about to show you is going to work with the project file open and I don't
want to mess things up so let's say for example remember I added that about me file okay but let's say I wanted to go
revert back to the initial version of this project okay I'm going to right click
here and I can either say uh revert changes in this commit I can check out
this commit I can create a new Branch we're not going to go through cherry picking and creating branches right now
but let's say I just want to check out this commit right now okay I'm going to check that
out checking out a commit will detach head yes we want to do that okay so what
that means is I I've now U I've checked out this Branch or I've checked out my
version control from that point so I I can now access the file that is in it
the current state it was in so let's go ahead and open that file again and remember uh after that after I did this
initial project file commit I added the about page the contact page and my image okay so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to go ahead and open this project file and what you'll notice is just look over here you'll notice that it is it is
back to the Untitled
page always close project before committing to get uh yeah you can uh uh
sometimes I'm I I as you noticed I I I didn't uh do that when I was committing the changes um but if you're going to
revert and do that stuff I would definitely quit the project file okay but as you see here I'm now back to the
state of the project that this was in right so if any point in time you need to you know I I just did some simple
stupid changes but imagine I mean if you're keeping detailed logs about everything that you do right you can go
back to a very specific time to a very specific feature that you added to get something back or to do something okay
or to restore a project to a particular previous state right this is invaluable
right um this is awesome this is something that Apple tried to do with time machine and that whole like Version
Control document thing like you can like browse back um I I never thought they
nailed that okay uh this gives it to us okay um so pretty powerful now if you
look here uh we we can go back to right now I'm on the detached head okay I'm going to go ahead and let's close this
project file let's go back to uh my my main branch okay so now now I'm back to
the main branch and um yeah let's open up that
project file again and if you notice now the about me
page the contact page right so I I'm I'm back to where we were before right so this is pretty awesome
right I I think this is um um yeah super powerful um there's other things that I
mean I I don't want to give a full git tutorial here okay and and and really geek out I can okay um but I think just
what I showed so far is really really good Okay now what's also really great
is um let's say I open up a project file and I do all kinds of stuff right um and
I add a bunch of stuff onto this into here and and um I I even save it and
then somehow I broke something right and I'm like I don't know what the heck I
did like I I I try to do command Z and it crashes you know rapid weaver or something like that okay so what's
really cool is so if you see here um inside of the GitHub app I'm in my changes and it from all those changes I
just made I made eight different there's eight changes inside the project file in all these various pist files okay now
now I can't spot the one change I made and revert it here okay but one thing that's really cool is I can I can
highlight all of this and I can just say discard these changes so I can discard all of
that yes permanently discard my changes now if I go back to my project
file okay I think it was on this page look all those changes that I just made are
gone my project file is still intact right so one of the best practices with
this is commit as often like you finish something and it's working commit finish
something work commit and type in a little what that state is okay let me
give you a a a quick small example um I'm going to show you my uh G
repository uh let me go ahead and uh let me get this app out
here um so the this app I actually use uh here let's go ahead and actually here let's go and let's go to Stacks okay I
um this is my repository for Stacks okay it's for all my
stacks and what what I wanted to show you here again this is a different app than the GitHub app but the concept's
the same okay I have my my version history of every change I've ever made I actually have every change I've ever
made for the last 15 years right here every code change I've made to every
line of code in every stack I've ever made is all right here okay super
powerful and I can revert back to that any state of my repository for the last
15 years I can revert back to it in a second really cool um and yeah so just
to show you I commit code like whenever I'm I'm writing something doing something and I get it working I commit
then I I work more work more oh it's still working commit blah then commit
commit as you I mean if you look here this was yesterday I think I mean there I had I don't know
was that 10 or 15 commits that's actually probably pretty small normally I'll have even more than that you know
so commit as much as possible just commit commit commit so that you have a
detailed history of everything that's ever been done and you can revert back to any exact point in
time so super super
powerful um so yeah I mean that is that's the raw Basics I think that is
I'm I'm not going to dive into branches and all kinds of crazy stuff okay um oh one thing I should mention is um now
that uh I made all those changes and if we if we look online you'll notice that there's
nothing here okay um and that's because in the GitHub app you'll notice right up here it says push or push origin
basically I've made all my changes local and all of my version history is local but I haven't pushed it up to GitHub yet
okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to push this up there we go and
now you'll notice now that project file is
online okay so what does this mean backups not not only do we have Version
Control but I now have an off-site backup of my project file okay now one thing I do recommend you to do and if
and it is actually that way by default with the GitHub app which I like um is you need to make sure your your
repository on GitHub is private because you don't want this just to be a p now maybe you want to have a public
repository where everybody every anybody can get anything they want but um I
think by default having it private is good thing okay um
so yeah um I I think that covers kind of the raw basics of things right uh
locally if we go here uh well that's all all of the repositories and we go here um we can see I have um all the changes
that I've made right now that I have no changes but if you open up a project file um and make any changes those
changes will be here when you're ready go ahead and submit and commit those changes and then push them up to
GitHub okay and again at then at any point in time you can look at your history and revert back to a particular
point in history with super easy with a click of a button okay another thing you
can do is um let's say uh here is I added the about me photo let's say I want to discard that everything that I
did there I just want to discard that so I'm just going to right click and say revert changes in this
commit and now all of a sudden it's gone right if I go ahead and open up that
project now oh I probably shouldn't have done that when it was open let's let's let's see what
happens uh oh it's there so right on the about me there is a picture it's gone
now okay now if you notice um in GitHub there's this little arrow um what that
means is that this particular change is not pushed up to the
server so um if I go if I wanted that change pushed to the server I can go ahead and say push origin and that will
push that change to the server
right so now uh we can go online and you can actually go in here you can say uh
if you click on this you can actually see all your your history online as well everything's
tracked right really really
cool so what does this mean for
um well first off let me let me show you kind of how I manage some things okay um
so now I already did a live stream and actually Josh did a uh a talk at the conference last year about managing
website deployments with Git and GitHub um I'm not going to dive into that at
all today okay I wanted to keep this simple just managing project files okay
um but um just to show you how I how I organize things I have everything in
this app um instead of again I don't use the gith help app um so um um oops don't
want to do that um what you what will'll notice is I have a um I have a a
repository for the published website okay um so this is a repository for
Weaver space I just made changes this morning I had to update the reflection demo I made changes today pushed them up
this morning my website's updated okay pretty cool um I'm not going to go into
the benefits of doing any of get with there's a little bit more complexity when deploying a website with Git okay
so I'm not going to dive into that today um but what I want to show is I I have a repository for the exported website as
well as I have a repository for the project so uh and actually this one I
need to I need to modify so uh here let's go ahead and oops hold on actually
I did some other changes I'm not going to Stage this right now okay um so what I have is I have if you
notice here weaver. space- project okay and here let's just go to websites okay
so inside finder okay what you'll notice is I have um a directory for Weaver
space that's my exported website I have a directory for Weaver space- project
and that has just the project files right actually don't want that let's delete that right um so yeah um I
recommend having um I also have a a a project file for a help subdomain but um
yeah I recommend for project files I like to keep it all separate so for example I also have let's say Foundation
Stacks right here is foundation stacks.com this is the exported website um here is the foundation stacks.com
project and guess what that has the project file okay um and yeah it only
has the project file that's it you could potentially have one git repository that
has all your projects in it um but it's free to create a private repository on GitHub now so like I don't know I I just
think creating a repository for every single project um just makes
sense okay um now what's really cool is on GitHub um by default if you if you
make something private only you get access to it okay but I can go into the settings here or maybe it's in or
collaborators so you can you can uh well it's going to cause me to authenticate blah blah blah blah blah you're hold on
let me do that use GitHub mobile to authenticate hold on one second got to use this on my
phone uh 39 okay right so in here you can actually
add people so like for example um I said earlier Sean and Dave David are working
together um so one of them would host the repository and then give add the other person as access
okay so what that means is um David and Shawn could work on a
project right and uh now one thing you're you're going to want to make sure is uh Sean makes some changes pushes it
up right if I don't recommend two people work on the same project at the same
time okay because um if you both commit CH make changes merging those changes is
not going to be possible okay let me let me repeat that Dave
works on the project file Shawn works on a project file they both make changes
okay they didn't talk to each other properly and um Sean pushed up some changes while Dave uh M was making other
changes Dave uh pushed up changes there's now two different changes and
github's going to go it's actually not going to allow Dave to push because
there's conflicts okay and um so yeah they're at that point you're going to have to pick
a version okay um and then um either use that or take Dave's versions and
manually merge them uh via the app right something like that so there definitely
needs to be uh communication if you're working on the same
project also if if you let's say you solve the problem
of only one person works on a project actively at a time um let's say Shawn
makes some changes pushes it up to GitHub and then Dave forgets to pull
down those changes okay because it's a manual hey I need to open up I need to pull down all
the changes that Shawn made and and then make edits to the project Dave forgot to
do that and he opened the project and start M start starts making changes again at this point you're now
conflicting as well you have conflicts okay because the project stat file is out of sync now um git was made for
developers and normally developers are are coding in plain text and there is
the ability to merge changes however as I showed you earlier okay um
the changes inside of a project file are like binary okay so you can't merge binary data it's just not possible okay
um so yes you need to make sure if if you're have two people always pull down
the most recent version first then make your changes and then push up okay that
way then if Shawn needs to make changes pulls down the recent versions makes his changes push up right okay now a
potential workflow that you could do okay if you wanted to work on the same
project at the same time is is to essentially have two project files okay
let's say um I'm going to take Dave and Shan you guys are the the guinea pigs today okay um so Dave and Shawn um have
two different project files for um my amazing website.com okay and um let's say Dave is
responsible for the homepage the blog and uh the contact page and Sean is
responsible for um you know the uh the blog or the you know not the blog
I said Dave was responsible for the blog Sean's just twiddling his thumbs doing nothing um but he he needs to feel
important so um he's going to create a project file for himself okay and he's going to create the treasures web page
or whatever um create two different project files the project file that Dave's working on has the pages he's
working on the project files that Sean's working on has the pages he's working on and then at some point your guys are
going to have a have the ability just to kind of drag and drop those pages and merge them into a single project so that
you can publish them okay um maybe that workflow doesn't work uh it's just an
idea okay but um yeah if if you want to work on something at the same time make
sure it's not the same project file um make sure that they're different files so that when you push your changes up
there's no conflicts up in the cloud hopefully that makes some sense
okay um I've been completely ignoring the chat room but I've see it's kind of blown up a little bit let's let's have a
gander in that to see um what we're talking about here or see what we can do
to help um okay I've heard stack I've heard
stack Weaver is obsessed with this yes he is okay um okay he flashing anyone else uh oop
string stream stopped oops running again no issues so far here okay um sorry if you have some connection issues I just
went with it okay um always close your project before committing um to save commits like to to save a
current version I I haven't had any issues with leaving the project file open as you saw um but if you were ever
doing any sort of reverting um I don't know I I would close just in case um but
yeah let's see um there are pist that save uh there are
pis uh that save uh when rapid Weaver is closed that is true um there are pists
that are saved when you close rapid Weaver basically it saves what like what page you were on and whatnot okay that
is that is true um sounds like R commit commit commit oh
yes um okay excellent just a lot of banter in the chat room I love that that's that's a lot of good fun um so
yeah hopefully this helped out guys um I I don't want to beat a dead horse I think uh I've kind of gone over the
basics with you um and luckily that GitHub app makes everything super easy
so if you have any more questions go ahead and ask questions on the community happy to help out um maybe post on the
uh the event post for this live stream and hopefully you like that okay um so without further Ado I promised that uh
if we had time today we were going to poke in and see um what I just released yesterday so um can all blame um Josh
let me go Ahad and share because uh yeah I don't he had a qu some sort of question about
reflection he's like hey C can I do this and I was like nah sorry you can't really do that and then um my OCD ass uh
basically was like I went and looked at the stack to see what what it was possible and I looked at the code was like uh like I was like I could do this
and that and I I can make it I man my coding standards now are so much better than when I made this I can make this a
little bit nicer you know and I was like ah it wouldn't take me long and um yeah
famous last words of a developer that that won't take me long right and um so
yeah so I uh yesterday I spent all day long um redoing reflection I completely
rewrote it from scratch as I do and uh I added some features a bunch of features
and made just made it nicer and I was like you know what uh yeah I'm going to
release this as a paid upgrade so um I think it's worth it Stacks completely redone and also another side of effect
is um so this stack it's been around for ever 10 12 years something like that um
and it used to be called Fancy image reflection if you're old school and you've been around I had a fancy image B
IM image bundle stack a long time ago it was a bundle of stacks you could buy them individually or as a bundle called
Fancy image and um the name of this stack for the past 12 years has been
fancy image reflection dot stack and it just drove me nuts because I don't really use the fancy image um label
anymore um there's still a lot of stacks like uh you know uh the my 360° stack um
prints a bunch of them they're like fancy image something right and so this one it's now called reflection. stack
and uh yeah I F I knocked one out of the park got one fancy image stack out of
there um so this is now called reflection um uh do stack so small
little side tangent there with my OCD nness um but okay uh let's look at what
does reflection do uh hopefully you guys are probably seen the demo I actually just shipped an update this morning um
inside preview it would um like double up the Shadows or or the the reflections
sometimes so um yeah fix that um if you're curious I I always previewed in
the browser and this bug didn't show up in the browser or rarely did um had to do with these images being loaded
locally and loading like insanely ly fast and sometimes it would load so quick that um yeah the canvas would get
generated twice right but whatever um what's really cool about this is um the
prior version uh basically did this example here where it just reflected and the reflection went straight down and um
I I was playing around with stuff stuff yesterday I was like how can we make this more interesting right so um I thought adding a blur would be nice okay
so now it's kind of a blurred um reflection um and then I was like other things is let's skew it right so um so
we can kind of have things off to the side make sure that if we round the image um it also rounds the reflection
um that wasn't possible before um but yeah I really like the skewing here this example here it skews and severely um
blurs the the reflection which gives a very interesting effect right it's kind
of like a a colored shadow that obviously matches the photo itself right
because it is a copy of the photo um so I think this is really elegant um when I
did this demo I was like wow like that's actually really cool you know like this I mean 10 years ago this this
was cool but nowadays eh you know I mean
it's still possible obviously but this wow that's that's next level right so I definitely feel I took that stack up to
the next level um super easy to use um you drag and drop an image um you can have a uh one image or if you supply two
it'll do this one will be mobile this one will be medium and large okay so desktop and mobile and tablet obviously
alt tags if you want to add a link you can do that um some alignment options um you can supply um max width
as well um you can thank Josh for that one um Po in preview if you supply Max
width it doesn't it refresh fumbles up a little bit then you can do um rounding
so that's obviously gives you the rounded Corners um you can change the gap which is the space
between um the reflection and the original image okay um and on this one actually I
actually had a negative Gap right so it actually brings the the reflection up a little bit so if you notice here it kind
of goes under the image a little bit which is pretty slick I think I I kind of like that just a slight negative Gap
um to bring it up a little bit really works um the height this is the ability
the height of the reflection and it's based on the height of the image so um this is height 33% so basically it it's
the reflection is 33% height of the image itself right um then we have
obviously the opacity now when you add blur uh blur really obfuscates the image
a lot so you can actually up the opacity quite a bit actually um when you use blur but um yeah uh so opacity the skew
is what skews it to the left or to the right so the skew can be positive or negative um if you want it skewed to the
right the skew will be positive you want to skew it to the left like uh oh I thought this one was um if you want to
skew it to the left the skew would be negative okay um so yeah there we go um
you can apply custom classes as well and obviously uh another thing is we all love swatches right so um here is an
implementation of it as a Swatch okay um I have to ship a foundation 6 update so
it's not in sight Styles or the swatches stack yet um so but it will be uh if you really
want it right now um if you just go ahead and it is in the stacks Library just do show hidden stacks and if you
search for reflection um it's one of these um if
you show the detail it says oh this one is Swatch so it's the second one that will be the Swatch okay um and this one
here this is the old version I shipped an update to this one yesterday as well that made the uh the icon gray and added
version 2.7 in there so that we know that this is the older version um and the newer version is the colored icon um
I came over with this idea earlier this year I kind of like that right when I ship a new version of a product uh I'll
ship the old version with a a a black and white icon and then I'll add the version to the name so that we know that
that's kind of an older version um and that a newer version is available
okay um so yeah um that that's how you can get to the reflection swatch
and uh it behaves just like you would think any Swatch does right so you can you can have your selector up here then you have all the various reflection um
settings okay now there's no image settings here because um you're going apply this to an image right so you just
apply the reflection settings here um like here I have reflection grid IMG um
and there we go so now uh inside this grid I have a class of reflection grid
and it's going to Target every image inside of that okay and voila there we
go um yeah pretty cool um I think it's I think it's really awesome I like
it simple easy to use um and yeah I think it's quite elegant really uplifts
an oldie but goody
what about skewing the reflection on both sides left and right would look great yeah I saw your post about that um
I did do a little bit of research on that I'm not sure um that will be possible um I I did make some notes for
myself to look into that basically he wants it flared out this way um so yeah
I think I I do think it's interesting idea um it I'll look into that I I'll
play around um I I think we'll go with what we have for now but I I did log a
request to look into that um for the future but yeah the ability to pretty much you know um kind of like lay it
flat and have it coming like almost straight out at you I think um could be interesting so yes uh good idea Matias
I've logged it um sweet okay guys that's it uh look man
record time how many years has it been since I finished a live stream early
like I gave you guys 15 minutes back I I've only been talking for 45 minutes that's amazing man Pat myself on the
back on that one okay I I I reframe from going down all the rabbit holes and get
and and blowing your brains um so anyway thank you very much guys I hope you
enjoyed today hope you learned a little bit um I think the Version Control of project files is going to be a a cool
one um I hopefully you guys test it out and it works for you um I should oh I
should note this will work with stack pro project files just the same okay it's the same style of file um that uh
that we have with rapid Weaver um so yeah shouldn't be any issue at all um you could use it for rap Weaver and
stacks Pro projects uh when we're ready for that so cool guys take care have a
wonderful rest of your week hopefully you see some of you on Friday and go out there and make your websites great bye
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