About Stacks Guru

Stacks Guru is born from the need to search the vast number of videos out there on stacks built for Stacks Pro and the Stacks 5 plugin for Rapidweaver.

We have scraped over 500 videos to get the transcripts for each in order to make the spoken word searchable.

Please use this free tool to help you learn and discover the awesome power that Stacks and the stacks made for Stacks have to offer.

Stacks Guru

Video Reference

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Every little bit helps to keep this going. I'll be doing my very best to keep up with the likes of Joe when it comes all the videos he posts!

Video Pro for Stacks Pro - The Ultimate Video Player with CTAs thumbnail

Video Pro for Stacks Pro - The Ultimate Video Player with CTAs

If you want a serious video player, look no further. Video Pro has a feature set like no other video player on the market. You can serve up different video resolutions to different devices to ensure the best performance. Play an entire playlist of videos, not just one. Add timeline markers to highlight key events within your video. Integrate with analytics to see how many views your videos are getting. Launch multiple CTAs at defined markers within the video to keep your visitors engaged or monetize with ads.

Categories: LiveDemo


hey everybody Joe here and I'm really
excited to show you the new video Pro
stack now you might be wondering Joe why
do we need another video stack I mean I
think Weaver space has like 10 video
Stacks right now some of them have like
fancy animations some have content
overlays some do slideshows right but
video Pro is the video player if you
need a serious video player if you have
visitors coming to your site that are
going to watch
videos this is the stack you need it is
a serious video player for serious video
usage and it has a lot of features that
you will see nowhere else so let's dive
into video Pro and first you'll notice
that there are a ton of really great
features that aren't available in almost
any other video product out there on the
market and if we look at this first demo
here of video Pro you'll notice that
there is first off the look and feel of
the player no matter which browser or
device you view this uh player from it
will look identical this is key for your
site looking consistently across all
visitors and next as this demo shows is
we actually have device specific videos
so if your viewer views a video from
your iPhone versus their desktop you can
actually serve up a different resolution
video so your website can perform as
fast as possible on every
device if we go ahead and play this
you'll notice that there is also great
markers so you can use markers to add to
your timeline to denote key points of
your video next is playlist support so
instead of just having a video player
that plays one video what if we were to
actually click on this button and you'll
notice it we'll have multiple videos
that we can play all you have to do is
Click them and you can play all of these
videos directly from the video Pro
Player now probably the flagship feature
here is going to be our
ctas this is something unique that I
haven't seen in any other add-on in the
entire market now if we play this video
what we'll notice is that as the video
approaches this timeline marker we will
actually have a CTA open up inside the
video player the video pauses I can then
interact with this widget and you can
add whatever Stacks content you want
inside of this
CTA let's goe and close this CTA it
we'll notice that once this video is
over we actually have another option for
ctas and this is use our call to action
stack and what you notice is when this
video is done we have a call to action
opening up a peekabo peekaboo instance
um on our web page directly below the
video now iall to action has tons tons
of different external triggers that you
can actually um launch such as light
boxes here we had peekaboo there's
really infinite possibilities now uh
with triggering ctas with your
videos now the last demo we have here is
a very interesting demo where that we
can actually play a video on Hover now
this is really interesting to give us
some really um Dynamic product pages
let's say you have um a video for every
single product all the user has to do is
hover over it and then the video will
dynamically play just by hovering over
it now before we go let's just quickly
show you the interface within stacks and
when you add video Pro to the page
you'll notice that the settings are
super easy to do at the top we have our
poster image we have a bunch of options
for the video settings some Behavior
what controls you want to actually see
okay we can have options for hiding the
play button or adjusting the size of
that play button
uh we have the ability as you saw to add
as many markers as we want we can
customize the color and the size of
those markers that get displayed within
the video timeline and here we're can to
define a commod delimited list of values
of where we want those markers to show
up in the
timeline as you saw we had playlist
support and extra options for adding
extra buttons when we
do we can add transcripts so this is
where we can add in as many um caption
and subtitles and chapter markers as we
want for our videos you can actually add
uh Clos captions for multiple languages
as well as you see in the videos we can
add as many different video sources as
we want and each Source tracks not only
the URL to that video but also what
actual media query or what breakpoint we
want that particular version of that
video to actually be displayed
at and lastly here's an example of our
ctas when you enable ctas in the video
stack as you see you can actually have
multiple ctas and you just drag and drop
your Stacks that you want inside of the
ctas to actually configure what will be
displayed to the
users so there you go as you see video
pro has a lot of well a lot of pro
features right for a very serious video
player those ctas wow chef's kiss on
that I mean you could do a lot of really
amazing things with those C Tas whether
it's a buy now button or extra V you
know links or videos links to product
pages that you want people to actually
click on all within your site you don't
need to worry about embedding in YouTube
and having YouTube Do It All Right add
your own advertisements add subscription
forms you can do all kinds of stuff with
these ctas I can't wait to see what you
do with them and that's not it we have
transcriptions playlists total CMS and
feed support so you can dynamically
create these videos BAS Based on data
right man super excited I can't wait to
see what you build with this stuff go
ahead and share on the community how you
love it what you're building with it and
I can't wait to see it go forth and make
your websites great bye