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Total CMS 3 Beta 7 Overview thumbnail

Total CMS 3 Beta 7 Overview

his video reviews the new features that were shipped in Total CMS 3 Beta 7.

Categories: Demo


hey guys so in this video I just wanted
to quickly uh ship an video about all
the various updates that are coming into
total CMS beta 7 okay um I'm not going
to dive into some of all the the code
there are some new macros check those
out in the release notes uh but here
we're just going to look at some of the
new stuff available in the dashboard
so first you notice that the homepage is
kind of redone it has a little bit more
content now we have the video for beta 6
this particular video will actually be
also on this page um when I ship this
okay um and you'll notice that a lot of
the pages now have a little bit more
content um just to give us a little bit
more um you know stuff some of the icons
have been updated as
well um and now in the utilities
actually some of these utilities these
actually work um so first off we have
the project setup and what this is
useful for is let's say if you're
launching a new project and um if you do
have a new project um this collections
view will actually be empty by default
and so what this project setup will do
is when you click on default setup you
can click on that and what it will do is
it will actually create all of the
default collections for you
automatically um it doesn't create any
objects in there but at least creates
all of the collections for you um so
that's a nice little automation uh next
is we have the cash cleaner this is if
um in production if you on after you
publish and everything is online um some
of the content some of the twig uh the
content that's generated by total CMS
does get cashed for performance so if
you ever see that you're not seeing the
data that you would think um there
probably going to be in some rare cases
um especially because if you publish uh
do a republish all the Clash will the
cach will always be cleared when you do
a republish all but this button allows
you to uh just click on that and it will
quickly clear all of the server cache uh
for total
CMS next is if we skip all the way down
to server Checker um this is a nice
little um info about your server has
some things about uh the operating
system and the your some of your
configuration about your web server it
does some checks to make sure that you
know permissions and the required
software install
some optional software and then some
configuration values within total CS so
this a great little information and um
if any of these are have errors uh you
might have some issues with parts of the
CMS um and it will actually display the
error here as
well next up is the log analyzer and
this is a really cool utility for
analyzing your CMS logs okay so here
we'll notice that uh you'll have a list
of all your your logs uh you can click
on that and it will show you all of the
errors so this particular error in this
log has happened six times um and then
this is the actual raw log file um and
yeah you might have more depending on it
creates a log per day um it does store
up to 30 log files um before it starts
deleting those so yeah uh and every time
you just click on the log it
automatically shows up here and all this
data will get refreshed so you can see
exactly what's going on in the CMS uh
next thing is if we go into the
collections view you can actually add a
new collection now there was broken in
beta 6 um beta 6 had the ability to
create custom Collections and custom
schemas but I broke the new collection
form so um yeah that kind of killed the
the glory on that feature update but now
it's available so uh we can now add new
collections as well as um new schemas
right so you can go ahead and add your
own custom schemas as well as your
collections excellent um if you go into
a uh collection now you'll notice that
there is a new utility called rebuild
index and what this does is if you click
on it what it does is it will actually
completely delete the in the existing
index for a Blog and create a completely
fresh one why would you want to do this
well um if you are adding new fields to
a collection or a schema or you are
Maybe be um editing it so that uh a new
field is a part of the index or you
remove fields from the index um this
feature just gives us the ability to
manually regenerate that um without
having to actually go in and modify any
objects or anything like that so it's
just a quick little utility um to
rebuild this
index lastly inside of the um
schemas uh this is kind of a nicity if
we go into a custom schema
here and if you know uh for each field
we can define something called a factory
and before we had to actually kind of
know what to type in here right um it is
documented um but now I have this nice
little um you know tool tip that gives
us a little bit of help so I want to do
like um you know image I can see all the
various options for images right and
then I can go here and then I can modify
the parameters in here right so really
cool little um little utility here um
that's been added to the factory and
again this is for um when you're
creating or editing your schemas um it
just makes it a lot nicer to um kind of
have an idea of what you can do here
versus having to always look at the
documentation now um while we're in this
interface I want to talk about a
breaking change that occurred um if we
look at the uh the new out of thebox uh
schema for blog um it has been modified
you'll notice that there are several
fields that have been removed extra
content extra content 2 um archive and
labels another uh thing that has
happened is the gallery has been removed
from the index okay now the reason for
this is that um those fields came from
Total cms1 and I just felt like they
were too much they I added them because
we wanted to abuse blog in total cms1 um
but now that we have the ability to have
custom collections um we need to pair
the blog schema down a little bit now I
don't want to break backwards
compatibility so um we do have the
ability to actually um change this okay
now you can to change it there is a a
new schema called blog Le Legacy that
you cannot see here but it does exist
and if let's see if we go to my blog
collection here okay um one thing you'll
notice is the gallery field does not
exist here um also so I think archived
doesn't exist right and those are a part
of the index in in the old version and
if I go ahead and edit my this blog
collection you'll see that it is set to
this schema of blog now if you have an
blog and um those and you utilizing
those fields here's the fix okay so
you're going to edit the collection like
I've done here and what you're going to
do is you're going to delete this
collection don't be scared
um this isn't going to delete all of
your data it's just going to delete the
collection metadata okay so what we're
going to do is we're going to say okay
we're going to delete this so my blog
collection is gone right but don't worry
uh what we can do now is we're going to
click um new
collection and then what I'm going to do
is I'm going to um give it a name so I'm
going to give it blog make sure that the
ID is the same exact ID that it was
before um then in the select schema what
we're going to do is we're going to
select blog
Legacy uh and then type in your
description hopefully you also make sure
you save the URL um that you had in
there before and uh in this particular
project I didn't actually have a URL set
but if you have one make sure you copy
so you can paste that in here and then
let's click
save excellent we have our blog uh
collection again and it is set to the
Legacy scha now let's go back into that
blog what you notice is now we now have
access to the gallery and all the older
fields that were removed
previously okay so here we are in stacks
and this beta 7 has two huge updates um
for the stacks uh
ecosystem and the first one is um by
popular demand a feature that um I know
a lot of you have been waiting for is
actually filtering and sorting inside of
a loop okay so for example here um I
have an example in
here uh you'll notice that I've modified
the demo project to
contain um some more Fields so we have a
start if something is featured we also I
also added tags into here okay um and if
you notice these actually are sorted by
featured and date okay um and there's
also some filtering going on as well now
when you open up your
existing um Stacks projects you will
notice an issue with the loop
Stacks um by default the filter and the
sort will be turned off and you will not
see your content here okay um so what
you need to do is you will need to turn
on the filter stack and um instead of
this Loop filter being here you'll
actually see your old content what
you're going to do is you're going to
take that old content and drag it into
the Drop Zone that's down here now I
should have recorded this uh before this
happened okay but um yeah essentially
you're going to see your block grid
content or whatever you have up in here
you're just going to take that and drag
it into the Drop Zone area that's down
here okay and at that point if you want
to add new filters you just go ahead and
click on the plus button and you can add
as many filters as you want okay now
let's uh review these new uh filter and
sorting settings so inside blog or or
The Loop blog um let's turn on both
filter and sorting and as you saw you
can add as many of these as you like
okay and um let's have a look now this
is very similar to the feeds sorting and
filtering um it takes it to another
level a little bit though so for each
filter you can have as again as many
filters as you want and let's say here I
have uh property tags um and then we
have contains we have all kinds of stuff
in here okay um that we can then do um
Logic on right so for example let's say
I wanted to do um featured okay and I'm
going to do
featured is
true okay and let's turn off that so if
I do featured is true and let's preview
this page what it will do is it's only
going to show us the featured posts it's
all the posts With The Star by the way I
added a star in here so that's a a nice
little thing where uh we can do a static
okay now um before I added this one um
let's look at what I had in there
before and what this does is this gives
us another option if you notice we have
filter by URL in turn turned on and you
also give it a filter by URL
key um so what this allows us to do it
allows us to um filter B based on a URL
now if I were to have have something in
the value that would be a default filter
without anything passed to the URL L if
you leave the value blank this means
that only filtering via the URL is
supported for this filter so by default
it's not going to have any filters it'll
display everything um but then it allows
me to add a tag um key to the URL so
that I can then filter let's have a look
that so here we are let's look at um we
can do something uh called here let's do
this one so I'm going to copy that tag
and basically what I'm going to do here
is I'm just going to do question mark
tag equals and I use Tag because that's
the uh what I set inside the URL key you
can put it whatever you like in
there um and I'm just going to paste
that in now if I hit enter what this
does is it it's now filtered there's
only one stack that has that right but
um actually let's change it up a little
bit um let's go ahead and do anything
that has
ET okay now um if you look um you'll
notice that this tag has ET this has ET
but this one also has ET but it's at the
end right so uh if we were to look at
the stacks
again what you'll see is that the
condition here is
contains so uh because this tag contains
ET then um it is displayed so if we
wanted it to be an exact match we could
then say condition is equal
to now let's preview
this let's refresh this
now and now um if we look I still have
the tag equals ET but this time because
I change my logic to be equal to instead
of just contains it only shows me the
posts that exactly have the ET
tag now other things here um we have an
invert filter logic so that um whatever
logic you build here you can actually
invert that logic um just by checking
box so essentially this particular logic
would now say uh any tag that is not
equal to whatever I pass view the URL
right so it's an inversion of this
logic um and we have used variables
similar to what we have um in a lot of
the other Stacks uh within total CMS um
if you use variables here essentially um
the tag or the property or the value
field um whatever you type in here will
be actually referencing a variable
instead of the static text okay kind of
an advanced feature but definitely very
powerful um if it's something you need
um where this could be powerful is let's
say that um we're on a blog post page we
wanted to create a uh a filter that
showed or a loop that showed related
blog posts right and so what you could
that is we can say
um let's say we have uh I want to filter
by author right and I want to show um
anything that is if I go value then I
can do let's pretend I'm on a post page
this is not but I could just do
post. author here right and then what
this is going to do it's going to filter
everything here because post. author is
referencing the blog post that's on the
page I set the value to reference a
variable so we are going to filter
everything in this list for authors that
are equal to the author of the blog post
we're on pretty cool very powerful stuff
here okay let's look at the sort and
sort is pretty simple right we have the
ability you can Define what field you
want to sort by um you can then set it
to be reverse sort natural sort natural
sort is useful if you have numbers
traditional 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 um if
you don't use natural sort um you're
you'll notice that the sort order is
going to be 1 10 11 12 and then 2 3 4 5
right so um numbers aren't sorted as you
would imagine them to um by default um
so we have a natural sort now if you
don't need that particular feature don't
turn on natural sort it is I mean
minutely more resource intensive um it's
probably nothing noticeable but it is
okay so um it's not quite as fast as
default sort so if you really don't need
that feature don't turn that on and then
obviously we have Shuffle now you'll
notice if you turn on shuffle it removes
all the settings because we don't need
to sort by anything it just shuffles the
properties okay and uh similarly to the
other ones you can actually use a
variable here as well um so you can just
turn on this and then whatever you put
in here in the property field will be a
variable as you see in this example um I
have multiple sorts so first we're
sorting by date then we are sorting by
featured now in in this um example here
you'll notice that I'm featured and then
I have it set to reverse because by
default featured actually when you sort
by featured it puts it at the bottom so
we want to reverse that so the feature
goes towards the top and that's just the
way that how the Sorting function works
with the data um stored as
featured also check out the rest of this
um this Loop post here you'll notice
that I added some things like this
conditional so that if if it's featured
add a little SVG Star and then down here
I add another little Loop where I Loop
through all the tags and I add in a
little label right so kind of an
interesting implementation
here oh another thing that we added to
Loops is uh when nothing is found okay
so um let's go ahead
and let's look at this and let's filter
by um tag equals Joe
and what we'll notice is since no blog
posts have tag equal Joe um we then get
displayed the no blog posts were found
message now uh that message you can add
in whatever Stacks you want in there um
I just have a simple header uh to keep
it simple but yeah you can add whatever
you want and then that content will only
be displayed when um the filtering or
sorting of the loop actually returns
results um lastly uh we have the ability
to limit okay so um if I want to limit
by a certain number um we can do that
right so I want to limit it by three and
you can also do pages okay and what that
says is um because let's say I have um
100 blog posts and I want to limit it by
10 okay the initial page is going to be
show 1 through 10 and if I do page two
that's going to show numbers 11 through
20 so on and so forth what's cool is you
can actually pass that data via the URL
as well let's show you an
example so we're going to set this back
to the default of limit by three and uh
page one let's preview that in the
browser okay so here we have that inside
the browser and you'll notice as as we
set it configured we only display three
posts right and um if I go ahead and add
remember we added the the page URL key
to be a p so I'm going to do p equals
and I'm going to put the number two here
so this is going to give me page
two and we'll notice is that actually
loads three more posts and this is
technically post numbers four five and
six right um so if we were to divvy up
all of our posts into Pages where
there's three per page again this is
page number two so this gives us the
beginnings of a pagination um obviously
we're going to build upon this in the
future um but here's a start where um we
can actually kind of manually create
some pagination in our
Pages now if you don't want the
pagination feature at all you just
simply need to turn that off and then
all this will do is limit right so this
is going to limit um you know to display
only a certain number of
posts okay the last feature that I want
to show off inside Stacks is um a game
changer um now in beta 6 if you attended
that uh that hangout and or watched the
three-hour long video
um I I recommend doing that totally
worth it you're going to learn a lot
okay um but if we go ahead and let's go
preview if you remember um
before um a you can now add um the
dashboard to a menu super easy it's just
a macro check out the release notes for
that um and we're going to go to the uh
the embedded dashboard here okay oops uh
we're going to go to actually the
dashboard link okay and if you remember
um what I said before is the dashboard
doesn't work well in preview well that's
no longer the case now um so you can
actually go ahead and you have full
functionality with the dashboard all
inside of stacks super cool um
everything works so all the docs work um
all the collections you can add a new
collection so you can really manage your
data here okay so um this is important
inside of preview it's like its own
Standalone instance of total CMS it
doesn't reflect what's on the server um
so you can go ahead and let's click on
blog well notice that I do have blog
posts right um these particular ones
were created with the factory right so
if I go ahead and click on that and go
into well what happened to edit mode
here oh oops I shouldn't have done
that let's go back to the link uh go
into collections go into my blog
interesting preview kind of was a little
funky there um it does work let's go in
the browser so if you probably open it
in the browser uh go on the link works a
little bit better in the browser I I
admit I didn't really play with it much
in preview directly but if you preview
in the browser you can see that is
definitely running inside preview um and
now we can actually go ahead and play
around with things so we can go to a
Blog I can go I can go into the factory
I can generate object or maybe go into
the feed I have no objects in the feed
right so let's go into the
factory and um let's generate um a few
objects three is not much let's go ahead
and create another three okay and if we
go back to our
feed we'll see that boom I now have
created six objects which is cool and um
if I go back into preview and go to my
feed my feeds page and preview this
right we'll notice that in my feeds page
I actually have data now um prior it was
empty and that's because I was able to
go into the dashboard and preview and
generate these objects with dummy data
that I can then muck with my layouts and
play around with things so that um yeah
we can actually you know build and
design things with actual data which is
nice um and having all the data local
inside of stacks makes preview super
fast so that's why this is such a
GameChanger well everybody that is um
everything we have for beta 7 I hope you
enjoy it I can't wait to see your
feedback and what you're building with
total CMS 3 bye
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